字幕表 動画を再生する
everybody Jennifer from Tarle Speech with the last of the embarrassing
mistakes to round out our month here of 14 videos celebrating 14 years in
business for Tarle speech our word today is breath and breath is air in and
タールスピーチのためのビジネス 私たちの言葉は、今日は息であり、息は空気であり、空気の中で
out of the lungs versus the word breast which can mean a chest or mammary
glands of a woman so let's take a look at both of these words and we're going
to break these words into three parts to attack this whole situation here
all right so number one we have the B R combination br br br to do this what you're
going to do is you are going to have your lips closed for the B while your
lips are closed for the b think in your brain I'm going to say an R sound
and get your tongue in position for the R sound as you know if you've been
watching my videos the tip of your tongue can either be down with a back
pulled up or the tip of the tongue can be flipped back with the back of the
tongue scrunched back so if you have your tongue ready for the R br br all you do
舌が後ろに引っ込んでいるので、舌の準備ができていればRのbr br brやりたい放題
is open your lips from the B into that square tense lip shape for the R and you
は、R のための正方形の緊張した唇の形に B からあなたの唇を開いています。
should have the br be sure to do this smoothly you don't want to say bah ruh
there's no extra vowel in there br br next we're going to move to that
そこには余分な母音はありません br br 次はそちらに移動します
short e sound to do that you're going to have your mouth slightly open and your
lips are going to be more relaxed and the tip of your tongue will be between
your top and your bottom teeth you can see it just peeking out eh eh eh
上の歯と下の歯が 覗いているのが見えます
if you're having trouble with this you can actually try to touch the inside of
your teeth with the back of your tongue this helps some people and that will
help you get your tongue and the right spot for that sound so we have breath
and then for the first word breath we're going to end this word by sticking your
tongue out of your mouth allowing the air to
over the top of your tongue and I tell my students do not touch your teeth so
that you do not say the T sound because when you say the T sound that's going to
Tの音を言わないでください なぜならTの音を言うと
lead our mistake in this next word so let's put this all together breath
breath breath now for the word breast they start exactly the same way but then
what you're going to do is you are going to end with the s T I think this happens
あなたがしようとしていることは s T で終わることです これはよくあることだと思います
because for the th one of the mistakes I hear is that people keep their tongue in
their mouth and when you keep your tongue in your mouth it sounds like a sss
sound and then they touch the teeth behind the tip of the tongue to the back
of the top front teeth and that makes the T sound so then you have breast
上の前歯の歯並びを見て Tの音を出すと 乳房が出てきます
breast breast so let's contrast those two words we have breath breath breath
乳房の乳房なので、これらの2つの単語を対比させてみましょう 私たちは息の息の息の息を持っています
and breast breast breast and let's try it in a sentence
when you take a deep breath your breast will rise and fall give it a try I know
people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
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questions check out many many answers that we have for you on Tarle Speech
dot com thanks so much