字幕表 動画を再生する
You know, one of the benefits of being a YouTuber person is
whenever you're having a bad day or you need a bit of a confidence booster,
悪いことがあったり、 自分に自信がないときに
all you need to do is look through some comments from your viewers.
and it will really put a smile back on your face.
I feel a real strong bond with so many of my viewers
through the wonderful and appreciative comments that I regularly receive
It's a bond that feels almost spiritual in so many ways.
So every morning, just after I've had my coffee,
I love to pop open the comment section and just have a read through
and feel that personal bond, feel that sort of spiritual connection.
Haha, you fat!
Haha, funny guy.
No, I'm not.
A few years in Japan made you so fat.
Ooohh...did it?
Abroad in Japan christ you gain weight you fat bastard.
Chris you are gaining weight again. Control yourself.
「クリスまた太ってきてんじゃん。 自分をコントロールしなきゃ。」
I can't control it.
Is it just me or has Chrish gained a lot of weights? lol
「クリスがめちゃくちゃ太ったと思ってんの 僕だけかな?」
I have the Chris Broad body. Not smiley face.
What happened to gym bro? You stopped going?
「また太ってきたね。 ジムに行くのはやめたの?」
Oh my god I genuinely hate everyone and everything that's existed ever
Stupid people! No actually it's quite expensive...
馬鹿野郎! これは高いからやめとこう...
Yeah, take that! Take that, pen!!
Right, now I'm not denying I might have put on a little bit of weight recently
否定はしないよ。 確かにちょっと太った。
but you and I both know that I can lose weight, I could lose weight just as easily as I'd turn the light switch on and off
でも僕はいつでも痩せれる。 まるで電気のスイッチを入れるくらい簡単に。
Why won't the fucking light come on
Anyway it's not my fault that I've put on weight, it's Japan's fault.
でも言いたいのは太ったのは僕のせいじゃない。 日本のせいだ!
Until last month I was living in a tiny typical Japanese apartment
先月まで僕は典型的な日本の小さな アパートに住んでいた。
with a kitchen so small the fucking Smurfs would have had a hard time cooking in it.
台所は本当に小さかった。 小人でも調理するのに苦労するだろう。
So I had to eat out everyday, I had no choice!
And every time I tried to do exercise, fate stands in the way
運動しようとすると 毎回問題に直面するんだ。
I could climb up that staircase
Or I could take the patronizing small escalator!
それともあり得ないくらい 短いエスカレーターを使うか...
It's so difficult to burn calories in Japan!
Even day to day tasks like lifting the toilet seat are taken care of
トイレの蓋頑張ったら開けれるけど ちょっと大変だな...
I could lift the toilet seat up but it is quite difficult!
I know!
I'll press this button!
なんで日本人はあんなに細いんだ? トイレが自動で開いたり、 短いエスカレーターがある社会で生活してるのに。
How? How do Japanese people stay so slim? When they live in a world of automated toilet seats and patronizingly small escalators
確かに最近太ってきてる。 2年前ぐらいから太り始めて
Still, I do take putting on weight quite seriously these days especially after my last frustrated experience of putting on weight in Japan two years ago
会った人のほとんどが 僕のお腹を指でつっつくようになった。
When my waist line quickly came to define every interaction I had with the people around me
Everyday for about a year
A frustrating experience I wish to talk about
in this video.
今、痩せないといけないという 社会的なプレッシャーをすごく感じてるんだ。
But now, more than ever, I feel the pressure from society to not be fat
Especially as a YouTuber where the only thing that seems to matter is the number of people who click the subscribe button
as opposed to having videos that are actually good.
Simply Redより登録者が多くなったのは嬉しいけど
You know I thought I'd be happy by now, having more subscribers than "Simply Red"
But it's still not enough
でもデブのままでどうやって 登録者を増やすことができるんだ?
And how am I gonna get more subscribers if I'm overweight and have a poor quality face?
まず一つ目のアイデアは、 ビデオの中に猫を登場させること。
One idea I had was putting a cat in the videos
You love cats I love cats everybody loves cats, right?
猫がいれば僕が痩せていなくても みんな僕の動画を楽しんでくれる。
If I'd got a cat I wouldn't even need to get slim people would just enjoy watching these videos
seeing the cat kinda run around in the background
A cat would probably double the subscriber rate almost overnight
でも残念なことに日本のほとんどのアパートでは 猫を飼ってはいけないんだ。
But unfortunately like most apartments in Japan I'm not really allowed a cat
そんな僕を哀れんで 友達がこれをくれたんだ。
So a friend recently bought me this out of pity
Say hello to Mister Snuggles
本物の猫みたいに動けないけど 昨日100均で買ったこの帽子をかぶせれば
He may not move as much as a real live cat but once you put this stylish hat on him
本物の猫みたいに動けないけど 昨日100均で買ったこの帽子をかぶせれば
that I found at the 100 yen shop yesterday
Look at that!
He practically oozes charisma
And if that doesn't boost the subscriber rate
Nothing will!
Another thing I could do is just lie
すごく健康に気を使ってる ブロガーのふりをするんだ。
and pretend that I'm some kind of healthy aspirational lifestyle vlogger
今どの人気のYouTuberも 自分たちの完璧な生活をビデオで披露している。
Everywhere I look on YouTube now most popular vloggers seem to be the ones who are
今どの人気のYouTuberも 自分たちの完璧な生活をビデオで披露している。
showcasing some kind of perfect lifestyle
自分が食べてるオーガニックな食べ物について 自慢しまくって
Bragging about all the brilliant organic things they consume
and all the bananas and yoghurt they free fully enjoy
それを見てる視聴者は 脂っこいものをバクバク食べてる。
Whilst the rest of us just sit there watching along, stuffing our faces with fried diabetes
ココナッツマンゴーミルクシェイクで 1日をスタートさせたいと思うよ!これは栄養満点で
So guys, I like to start my day with a coconut mango milk life shake! It's so full of vitamines and minerals
ビタミン、ミネラル、亜鉛、シアン なんでもとにかく入ってるんだ。
Zinc, Copper, Cyanide...everything is in this!
これって...おえ... めちゃくちゃ美味しい!
Aaah it's so....oh fuck me...so delicious!!!
ネットで読むと これを飲むとお肌が3倍燃えやすくなるんだって! 僕のオンラインストアで絶対買ってね。
I read online it makes your skin 3 times less flammable so you should definitely get some from my online store
in the description box below
Yeaaah, something tells me I'm not gonna be able to pull that off!
Now in the UK or most western cultures these days
if you've put on weight it's regarded as being worryingly normal
イギリスの人口の60%が肥満だと言われているのは 特にびっくりしないだろう。
which is hardly surprising given that 60% of the British population is now classed as either overweight or obese
Compared to Japan where that number is just 4%
イギリスや他の国では 人が太ったときに
And if you noticeably put on weight in the UK or most countries
太ったと本人に言うことは 少し失礼なことだ。
to point it out to the weight gain would be considered to be a little bit rude or impolite
Unless you're maybe a close friend or relative
太ったのには精神的な原因が もしかしたらあるかもしれない。
Because perhaps there's an underlying problem maybe you're stressed, depressed, or have anxiety issues that need to be addressed
sometimes on a professional level.
And then there's JAPAN!!
Where everyone around you including acquaintances whose names you don't even remember
will prod you day and night in the stomach.
そして、自分が太っているということを 更に実感させてくる。
And make remarks about how fat you are.
毎日その時は太っているということを 再認識させられる。
Everyday for the duration of time that you are overweight.
2年前英語教師として働き出したとき 僕は徐々に太ってきたんだ。
Back when I was woking as an English teacher about two years ago I started putting on some weight
食生活も乱れていたし、 いろいろ大変だったから。
due to a poor diet and I was going through a bit of a tough time
すると突然僕の周りの人たち、 生徒、同僚、友達、
And all of the sudden my interactions with the people around me...my students, my colleagues, my friends
even people I didn't really know
All these interactions started to change quite quickly
それは3段階に分けられる。 1段階目が、「視線」だ。
I found these interactions went through 3 stages: the first stage was the look, what I call "the look"
うっとりして見つめる視線じゃなくて、 がっかりした視線だ。
Its not like "the look of love" its more like "the glance of despair"
人に会うと、僕の顔を見ずに 僕のお腹を見るようになった。
You'll notice that when you meet people they won't look at you in the face, they'll be looking at your stomach
まるで「わあ、やばいな...」とでも 言っているかのように。
As if to say "oh my god what the hell is that?"
無意識なのかわざとなのかは分からないけど、 よく起こることだ。
I can't tell if it's a subconscious thing or it's a deliberate thing but I found it tends to happen
別に体重の話とか何もしてないときに、 さりげなく見る感じだ。
without the person even mentioning your weight or anything so it's very subtle
2段階目はコメントだ。 直接的でないコメントだ。
The second stage is the comment! The indirect comments
日本は直接的に言わない文化だから 「太ってる!」とは言わない。 微妙な表現を使うんだ。
Because Japan is a polite indirect culture, people don't really say "you're fat!" they'll kind of make amusing subtle observations about it
今まで僕が言われて面白かった コメントを3つ紹介しよう。
Three of my favorite comments were:
"It seems you like food recently!"
And "don't you enjoy doing some exercise?"
And then of course my personal favorite:
"You became a big face!"
And then finally there's the third stage
これが一番ムカつくんだけど つついてくることだ。
which is arguably the most frustrating of all which is the prodding!
It'll usually happen after you've talked about your weight with that person at least once.
また再会したときに、 お腹をつんつんさしてくる。
The next time you'll see them, they'll start prodding you in the stomach
Like you're a big walking fucking marshmallow
僕が一番太ってきたときはとにかくみんな 僕のお腹を触ってくるんだ。 生徒、同僚、友達、道端で会った人
And at the height of my fatness it happened from everyone: students, colleagues, friends, people I met on the street once or twice
the guy at the fish market
the woman putting the things through the counter at the supermarket
お腹を触られるのが嫌いな人には まさに地獄だね。
If you don't enjoy being prodded in the stomach, you're absolutely screwed!
でも別に僕はこれを不快に感じたり 失礼だと感じたことはない。
And yet despite all of this, I've never gotten offended or I never found it rude because I know in Japan
health issues are taken very seriously
周りの僕に対する行動で 僕は太ってて不健康なんだなと気づくことができる
And this kind of collective action was to try and get me to realize I was being unhealthy
and Japan actually has a fat tax called the metabo law
40〜74歳の年齢の人は、 毎年ウエストの計測をしないといけないんだ。
where people aged between 40 and 74 have to have their waist line measured every year
規定以上の数値になってしまうと、 会社、自治体は罰金を払わないといけない。
and if they're considered to be over the limit the company or the local government can get fined
So it is taken very seriously
でも太るってのも悪くないよ。 太ったらぽっちゃりアイドルグループ チャビネスに入れるから!
Then again it's not all bad, if you do put on weight you'll be eligible to join "Chubbiness"
ぽっちゃり体型の女性を 集めたアイドルグループなんだ。
which is an actual pop group consisting of slightly overweight women
2年前に太ってから 痩せた時期もあった。
Now I did eventually lose the weight that I've put on 2 years ago
人にお腹を触られまくったり、2000人もの人が 僕のことをデブって示唆したからじゃないけど
but not because I was being prodded or had 2000 people hinting that I was fat
I lost weight for the right reasons
10週間で10kg痩せると 友達と1万円賭けたんだ。
Like a 10.000 yen bet I made with a friend to lose 10kg in 10 weeks
それにもかかわらず 僕は8kgしか痩せられなかった。
A bet which I lost but nonetheless lost 8kg in the process
and learned how to live a healthy lifestyle which I haven't forgot
でもおかしなことに人がお腹を触ってきたり、 いろんなコメントを言ってくると 僕は逆にデブのままでいたくなるんだ。
But strangely all the prodding and comments actually made me want to stay overweight out of principle
人の意見は特に気にしないよって 示したくなるんだ。
to show that I really didn't care what other people thought
社会的なプレッシャーから 痩せることはしない方がいいと思う。 自発的にやらないといけない。
After all, losing weight shouldn't come from social pressure it should come from within
Or in the form of a 10.000 yen bet
でも僕は痩せるぞ! 人がお腹を触ってくるのが理由でもないし、
So I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna get fit, not because of people prodding me in the street
視聴者が僕のことをデブとコメントで 言うのも理由ではない。
nor because of viewers on YouTube whingeing that I'm fat
I'm gonna do it
for me!
Because from what I can gather when you're in your twenties or your early 30s
That's supposed to be the fun bit
you know before you have children and mortgages and death
僕は思いっきり楽しみたい。 山に登り、海に潜り、
I wanna have fun, I wanna climb mountains, I wanna dive beneath the sea
I wanna cycle around the world
そしてSimply Redの2倍の登録者が欲しい。
I want twice the amount of subscribers as Simply Red
Then, then it will be enough!
「クリス、また太ってきてんじゃん。 自分をコントロールしなきゃ!」
"Chris you're gaining weight again! Control yourself!"