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Everyone is talking about CBD and THC, which are two important chemicals found in marijuana with marijuana legalization becoming mainstream.
What is the actual difference between CBD and THC inside you?
Right now, there's a biological pathway at work called the Endo Cannabinoid System that helps regulate your mood, appetite, memory and pain sensation THC and CBD, though hijack this system.
This is the chemical structure of THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, if you're feeling fancy and this is the chemical structure of CBD, also known as cannabidiol.
What you may notice is that their chemical structures seem almost identical.
They have the same molecular formula, which is C 21 H 30 02 and both of their masses clock in at 314 g per mole.
彼らは、同じ分子式を持っている C 21 H 30 02 と彼らの質量の両方のクロックで 314 g で 1 モルあたり。
But there is one extremely important structural difference where THC contains a cyclic ring.
CBD contains a hydroxyl group, and this difference in biochemistry actually controls whether or not you feel high.
In order to fully understand why you need to first know about the CB one receptor in your unstow toned sober body, your CB one receptor is affected by a neurotransmitter called Ananda Mind, which controls generation of pleasure, motivation and feeding behavior in your unstow toned body and and a mine is released after exercising.
And it's what causes a runner's high THC structure is so similar to Ananda mind that it fits in perfectly to the CB one receptor, therefore causing you to feel high.
そして、それはランナーの高いTHCの構造は、それが完全にCB 1の受容体にフィットするようにアナンダの心に非常に似ているので、あなたが高いと感じることを引き起こす原因となっているものです。
C B D, on the other hand, because of the hydroxyl group, is different in shape and does not fit into the CB one receptor.
一方、C B Dは、水酸基があるため、形状が異なり、CB one受容体には収まりません。
Therefore, it doesn't make you feel high, but CBD does bind toe other receptors in your cannabinoid system, affecting you in other ways.
A lot of excitement came around a 2011 study where a few dozen people with social anxiety disorder were asked to speak in front of a large audience.
Some were given CBD.
Some were given a placebo.
Those who were given CBD reported significantly less anxiety.
There are also many animal studies showing CBD s anti anxiety and anti inflammatory properties, which can explain why some people say it helps with their anxiety and with chronic pain.
Research is also discovering that THC can actually aggravate psychotic symptoms, while C B D, on the other hand, may help with psychosis.
また、THCは実際に精神病の症状を悪化させる可能性があることが研究で分かってきており、一方でC B Dは精神病に効く可能性があるとされています。
So what happens when you consume them At the same time, one study found that due to see BDs biochemical shape, it can actually bind to the CB one receptor and turn it off in a binding pattern known to biologists as a lost eric inhibition.
だから、あなたはそれらを消費するときに何が起こるか同時に、ある研究では、BDSの生化学的な形状を参照してくださいに起因することがわかりました、それは実際にCB 1つの受容体に結合し、それをオフにすることができます失われたエリック阻害として生物学者に知られている結合パターンでそれをオフにします。
This means that CBD actually makes the THC unable to bind as well and therefore decreases how high you feel.
If you vaporize marijuana with 25% THC and 0.1% CBD, you will feel high as the THC is going to bind to the CB one receptor with little interference from CBD.
If you consume marijuana with 25% THC and 12% CBD, this more CBD will inhibit the THC from binding to the CB one receptor.
あなたが25%のTHCと12%のCBDでマリファナを消費する場合、このより多くのCBDは、THCがCB 1受容体に結合することを阻害する。
Decreasing THC is effect and leading you to being less high where marijuana is legally sold.
Likely they will indicate what percentage of THC and CBD is in the product you are choosing, which will help you to understand the effects it will have on your body.
In the end, THC is a chemical found in marijuana with a chemical structure that makes you feel high.
CBD is a chemical found in marijuana with a different chemical structure that doesn't make you feel high, but it can affect your body in other less obvious ways.
There is still conflicting research and a lot more to understand about both chemicals, with more states and countries legalizing marijuana.
Hopefully, increased research can uncover more details about how these two chemicals affect us because we'd is now legal in Canada, we created a new Siri's called Stone Science, where we make comedians get high and try to explain complex science concepts.
うまくいけば、研究の増加は、これらの 2 つの化学物質が私たちにどのように影響を与えるかについての詳細を明らかにすることができます我々 は今カナダでは合法的なので、我々 は新しい Siri の石の科学と呼ばれる作成します。
Our first episode is about the respiratory system, so click here to watch it and let us know what you think as we continue to evolve this new idea.