字幕表 動画を再生する
I'm Dr Annie Gray, I'm a food historian but I also worked here at Audley End for many
わたしはアニー・グレイ 料理の歴史家です 何年も オードリィ・エンド邸で
years alongside the various Avis Crocombes. I absolutely loved my time as a kitchen maid
様々な料理を作る エィヴィス・クロークンと働き 台所メイドとしての役は 楽しかったです
but why did you as English Heritage decide to put costumed characters into the Service
なぜ英国遺産は 使用人職場の 登場人物に衣装を着せたのですか?
Wing? I think we were really keen to really bring the kitchens and the service range to
台所を再現し 知ることを試みること
life so we really wanted to try and do something a little bit different and we wanted to make
現代とは違う何かを知り 作りたかったのです
the most of those days when we did have the costumed interpreters in there and the interaction
衣装は 登場人物を解釈する 重要な役割があり
between the characters was really important, getting them to be real people and not just
二番煎じではない料理 本物を再現します
generic cooks. And if it hadn't been for us portraying the genuine people then we wouldn't
当時の本物の人々を 再現できないでしょう
have discovered the cookbook because it was actually through portraying Avis Crocombe
料理本を発見していなかったら エイヴィス・クロークンの古写真があったので
that Mr Stride got in touch with us and said he's got the cookbook so if that process hadn't
ストライド氏と連絡を取り合えました 彼は 料理本を持っていて
happened we may never have discovered it. And it was an absolutely stupendous discovery.
その料理本なしには 事は起きませんでした
Not all of the recipes that we've shown in these videos come from the cookery book because
途方もない大発見でした 目にする全てのレシピは 写真ではなく 料理本からの再現です
it is a snapshot. She's sort of filling in certain things from other books and actually
あるレシピは 他の本から採用したものもあり
that means that what you've got in the cookery book is in some ways more of a representation
料理本が意味することは ブレイブルーク卿一家が 望んでいるレシピということがわかります
of the kind of recipes the Braybrookes wanted but couldn't get from their high-end cookery
けれど 高級なレシピではないのです
cooks. I agree entirely, there are little marginal references where it actually says
'got this from Lady Braybrooke' or 'got this from the Field magazine' so we can see there's
'ブレイブルーク卿の奥様がお望み' 'フィールド新聞から'
this interaction going on between Lady Braybrooke and her cook so they're obviously close confidants
ブレイブルーク卿夫人と料理人の 密なやり取りがあることがわかります
and they're speaking to each other on a regular basis and that's really great to know that
定期的に話し合い 料理人は顔のない 使用人ではないことを知りました
she's not just this faceless servants who's sitting in the service range; she's actually
someone who's regularly interacting with the lady of the house. And she's doubly not faceless
実際に 邸宅の奥方とやり取りする日常がありました
is she, because one of the documents that was with the cookbook is possibly a photograph
顔があるのは明らかです 料理本の中に エイヴィスの古写真が挟まれてました
of Avis. Just possibly, yes. Just possibly. Talk me through this, tell me what we've got
おそらく、そう、おそらく 古写真は語りかけます
here. What we have here is a photograph which has a date on it of 1886 and it seems to show
わたしたちは ここにいたのよ 古写真に1886年と 日付があります
a man and a woman and we know it's from the TRobinson Art Photographer Studios in Shoreditch.
男と女が被写体です ロンドン中心部の東側Shoreditch TRobinson Art Photographer写真スタジオ
And the ages of the people in the photograph are about right, they would have been in their
写真の人物は 当時、40代後半
late forties at the time and these people maybe look a slight bit older than that. But
on the other hand in a lot of Victorian photographs people do look somewhat older than perhaps
they would look today at the same age. They do, they would have had a relatively hard
現代より老けていたのでしょう 当時の人びとの生活は 今時代より厳しかったこと
life and what we know about Benjamin is that he'd been a butler because we've got the marriage
執事のベンジャミンに関して 結婚証明書があります
certificate. He'd been a butler working in Maddox Street which is probably not that far
彼は Maddox通りで執事をしていて
away from where Avis was in Upper Brook Street. And that was the London home of the Braybrookes
Upper Brook通りの エイヴィスがいた場所から そんなに遠くはないです
wasn't it? It was. There's quite a lot of circumstantial evidence to suggest it just
つまり ブレイブルーク卿のロンドン邸ですね?
might be Avis.
いろいろな状況から この人物が エイヴィスではないか と推測できます