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With over 5,000 stores in the U.S. and over US$500 billion in revenue, Walmart is officially the biggest retailer in America.
アメリカ国内に 5,000 を超える店舗を構え、5,000 億ドル以上の収益を上げているウォルマートは、アメリカ最大の小売店です。
If you're going into Walmart, you're on a treasure hunt to find the best bargains out there.
And while you're busy finding good deals, you may not realize that Walmart uses sneaky tactics to make you spend more money than you were initially intending.
Once you enter Walmart, you're greeted with big shopping carts, mentally preparing you to fill it all up with things.
And then, you're bombarded with huge signs with price tags.
This might be obvious, but these big signs can be spotted very easily and people are more likely to gravitate towards them.
But something that may not be so obvious is this.
The actual price tags follow the good old psychology marketing strategy of odd-even pricing.
Prices like US$4.93 and US$6.84 are just below whole numbers like US$5 and US$7, making the prices seem like a bargain.
4.93 ドルとか 6.84 ドルのような価格は、切りの良い 5 ドル、7 ドルをほんの少し下回るだけなのに、まるで特売品のような価格に思わせているのです。
Since we're trained to read left to right, when we see US$4.93, most would think it's US$4 as opposed to $5.
While you're roaming through the aisles of Walmart, you'll also spot their Rollback prices.
This is how Walmart advertises a lower price on an item.
But a Rollback item is not quite a clearance or a sale item.
It's an item that has been lowered in price for other reasons, like overstock, for example.
Rollback prices only last for 90 days, so when customers see that tag, they may be more likely to purchase the item because it's a little cheaper than it was before and you don't know how long until it'll Rollback to the original price.
(ウォルマートでは) 値引き価格は 90 日間しか継続されませんから、顧客はその表示を目にするとその商品を買ってしまう傾向にあります。なぜなら、値下げ前より少し安いし、いつ元の価格に戻るか分からないからです。
You'll also see the words "Everyday Low Price" plastered everywhere, constantly reminding your subconscious that you're getting low prices at Walmart.
他にも、「毎日が低価格」 というような文言を目にするでしょう。皆さんの潜在意識に、ウォルマートでは低価格で買い物ができると訴えかけ続けるのです。
We spent almost two hours at this Walmart and saw probably over 100 of these signs.
ウォルマートで 2 時間過ごしましたが、おそらく 100 個以上の値引き表示を目にしているでしょう。
You might see something you weren't intending on buying, like chocolate, for example, and buy it anyways because, as the signs constantly remind you, it probably costs less here than at your local store.
And that's another thing.
It feels like Walmart has everything.
Fishing rods, bicycles, cleaning supplies, sporting goods, clothing, food and beverages.
You name it, Walmart has a wide range for you to chose from so you're bound to find something you'll buy.
Not only does Walmart tend to have a wide selection of a particular product, their giant layouts also make it possible to have everything you need related to a particular product.
Let's say you're going to Walmart to get a tent for camping.
You'll likely stumble across something else in that section that you might have forgotten about or think you might need, like a lantern or impulse buys like an extra sleeping bag.
We also can't forget about the seasonal items Walmart offers.
It's January, so you know Walmart is gonna be stocked up with Valentine's Day goods for you to buy, reminding you the holiday is coming up and that you might as well take care of it while you're there.
1 月なら、ウォルマートにバレンタイン商品が並べられることはご存知でしょう。バレンタインデーはもうすぐだぞ、ウォルマートにいる間に準備しておいた方が良いかもしれないと訴えかけてきます。
Just look at all these items.
Heart-shaped trays, cute paper cups, wine glasses with cheesy phrases.
There are just so many items for Valentine's Day that you didn't even know existed.
And because Walmart is more of a one-stop shop, people have this mentality to stock up on bargains in one trip, spending hours roaming through the aisles.
そしてウォルマートは 1 度にすべてが揃うお店。だから、みんな 1 度の来店でお買い得商品を買いだめしようという考えます。店内を何時間もウロウロするのです。
The music they play is partially to blame.
店内の BGM にも責任があります。
Ever notice the type of music that's playing?
どんな BGM が流れているか気づいたことはありますか?
It's usually calm, soothing, and slow or sometimes, top hits from the radio.
Either way, the music they play are designed to make you spend more time in the store and hopefully spend more money, too.
いずれにしても、ウォルマートで流れている BGM は、店内に長くとどまるよう、願わくばもっとお金を使ってくれるように意図されています。
But even if you are aware of all these sneaky tactics, you may still end up buying more than you intended to because you just can't beat those everyday low prices.
88 cents?
88 セント?
Are you kidding me?
Oh, we gotta get that.
And there's like six champagne glasses, too!
シャンパングラス 6 個も入ってる!