字幕表 動画を再生する
In this video I'm going to share with you some recent Japanese slang
So we're going in a little bit of a different direction on this one compared to most of the videos on my channel
今回はいつもこのチャンネルでしてる動画とは 違うことをすっぞ
But I thought it might be fun to share some of the language and slang
若者が最近よく使ってる流行語について 話したいと思う
The kids are using today for you guys that are maybe interested in coming to Japan some of you that are studying Japanese
日本語を勉強してる人は 日本に来たときに使えるかもしれねーぞ
Or maybe that you're just online with Japanese friends
This video may help you learn some new words, or maybe just get a better understanding to the words that you already know
but before we start like always if you want to help support the channel check out the Japan merch
すでに知ってる言葉について さらに深く理解ができるかも
If you want to see what I'm doing on the daily check out my Instagram account and if you have any questions about Japan
始める前に、チャンネルサポートは グッズ購入からお願いな
Check out the discord community and since I'm not a native Japanese speaker who better to help me than Maiko
So Maiko, can you come over here? She always comes in from this side, but then wants to sit on this side
日本について質問があったら オラのDISCORDコミュニティをチェックしてくれ
This is my good size
Hi guys. There you go. Maiko
So basically in this video I picked a few words that have been kind of popular
Recently or some of them are probably I guess within the last year it's been around
いつもこっちから来るのに 反対側に座るよな
So i'm sure you probably know before I knew that these words
um, so let's go through the first one and one of the first words that I wanted to discuss is
So this one you see mainly online and it's pian
Basically, it's when you're sad, you're easy, then you're a little bit sad
今回の動画でピックアップしたのは 最近使われてる流行りの言葉
So it means to like it's a sound you make when you cry like Japanese really like
Yeah, it could be like just an anime sound or manga has a lot of like cute sounds right? Yeah, okay so it's like
So, I don't really use this honestly it's really really numerous I think it's actually high school kids started to use it
Yeah, like last year or like two years ago. But anyways, it started with
pian, right and this uh
It's like the
Characters that you used to make before emoji became popular so they would yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah parentheses and equal marks and just like all these to make faces and so there's one there's like pian and with that word
It's this it came from this and then it became shorter pian and now people use it like pm the pound this phrase
Means it's beyond pian so pong when you call it, it means pons. That means like it's more so
There's like more than sex
You made a stamp line stamp with yukon
Oh, really yeah, we should make it. Yeah we should would you guys like to see line stamps of wolfie
Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, it's so popular in Japan to create live stuff with your kids
それか漫画とか 可愛い音をよく使ってるでしょ
But then like there are people who get really annoyed by it, you know
Like it's just I would love to respond to all my friends with my baby's face
But they're gonna be annoyed I'm like I don't wanna see your baby
Let us know if you guys want us to make lime stamps and we'll like we'll do it again. Well, i'll make it
Yeah, just for us. Oh my god, i'll make it for us. Okay use and if you guys want to use it, go ahead. Yeah
I know a lot of you guys don't you know don't care
So this next word is kind of useful, I think I think it's super useful. Yeah, it's it's the word
Originally from like something that's kind of sentimental something that is kind of nostalgic
something that you know, like it's very like complex and that like kind of
その中に「ピエーン」っていう言葉が 入ったやつがあるの
Sad, but beautiful, yes, but it slowly evolved into now
Just being cool. Like if you were to say, oh, that's cool
You can use it for anything like you see a new camera or something. You're like
It's like a new
訳すと「It's beyond pien, so paon」
It means cool. But now it's like
But yeah, it also actually has like a little bit of like anime otaku kind of feeling to me
あいちゃんがラインスタンプを作ったの 、リュー君の
But that's why it's kind of cool at the same time, you know
Like emoji I didn't start using until I met it right here. Oh, yeah, really?
Cause like you think maybe you're having a conversation. Maybe you're making that video the day in the life video. Yeah. Um, he said,
Uh, so he said it
Oh, that's when you first heard it I know people use it, but I never seen the person in a real life using it
今、日本では子供のラインスタンプを作るのが すっごく流行ってるんだけど
Then I started it I'm like okay, he's cool when the moon hits your eye it's like a pizza pie
So this next one, uh, it's really hard to explain it's just kind of like an action word, it's baby tuppy, baby
オラは、友達全員に対して 自分の子供のスタンプで返信してぇぞ
People on like Instagram and Tik Tok and they would actually put the straw and the tapioca
Yeah drinks and the bubba drinks. It was just like baby tapi
Or is my timing off
There you go
I actually this is so young. I think all the teenagers do it I i'm way older than this
I think they do it on Tik Tok so I don't even use Tik Tok baby
So the next slide that I wanted to mention is yokya and inkya miyokia meaning that someone has like a
みんなも使いたかったら どうぞって感じだけど
Positive and like upbeat energy right happy personality and then inkjia someone that's on the opposite which is kind of like a negative
And dark character, right? Yeah or more like
Quiet a lot of these um words that are going to come up I'm kind of like on the older end of the spectrum
So I don't really use a lot of these phrases not this one though like at school
like there's like hierarchies right like the cool kids and like not cool kids nerds would call themselves like oh,
I don't think like yoga people would call themselves yoga. It's more like inca people would call them like yoga like ah
So basically when you use it you call yourself
Yeah, and then when you when you actually like put someone up you call them yogya. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Let's say like Jennifer asked me out for this party
それが少しずつ進化して、 今はCOOLと同じ意味合いで使われるんだ
But like all the yuki people is coming so I don't know. I'm inca so I don't want to go
I don't fit in also probably worth noting that um kia the part of it means like character
Oh, yeah at the end of it and yo and in is basically yin. Yang. Yeah in English. I think I'm yogya, you're
Absolutely, okay
You're annoying
でも、個人的にアニメとかオタクっぽい 感じがあるんだよね
So the next word is jiwadu and it's like a joke
That's not like whoa, that made me like laugh, but then like little by little it basically means funny
実はさ、私「エモい」ってREIJIさんに会うまで 使ってなかったんだよね
It doesn't make you laugh right away, but it makes you laugh little by little but it means funny
But let's say like there's a picture with like a funny mole or something
It's not super super funny but like you stare at it for like I don't know like 30 minutes
You started to become funny kind of thing
Yeah, so you just said you wouldn't according but I would never make fun of someone small
言葉は知ってたけど、実際に使ってるところ 聞いたことなかったの
So jiwadu came from award 2 at jiwajiwa. It basically means gradually like slowly. Yeah
彼はクールだから私も使おうって 使い始めたの
It's like a sound of bubbling. No
It's not
What's the word then when it bubbles
Learn something new every day
Really really trendy it's something that is something that you hear like pretty much everywhere these days and it's mitsu
So basically you hear this kind of everywhere it's either on, you know, the news or hear from your fans just because you know
There's a lot of pandemic talk and all this stuff that's going on the idea
That in order to prevent the transfer of coronavirus or infecting others. They have kind of this venn diagram
Let me just go over here a little bit
Basically you have right here three different kind of circles and you have like to stay away from a crowded room
Stay away from closed room or like a room. That's not ventilated
And the third one is when people are talking too close. You should stay away from that
And so the government is telling people to avoid these three meetings
When you see those like one of them or two of them or three of them you say to this they were actually like
Tokyo Mayor. Yeah
Had a press conference with like all the reporters around her. It had so many people this is like me to dismiss this mrs
Missus, right? Yeah, so it's so funny
You can't see that like now kids are using it like not thinking of corona or like yeah
They get of like risk of corona just use it in everyday life
Yeah, so like basically if you don't want someone talking too close to you. You just say mitsu desu. Yeah, let's say
オラはだいぶ年入ってるから あんまり使わねーやつが多いんだ
You're like a stinky old boss who talks to
Me really close and like you're like this and I mean to mitsu desu
Younger boss is it okay if I have if I was like a younger good looking boss talking closely to you?
Sure. No
で、大人しい子が 「陰キャだから」って言ったりするの
You would have do you think you could like use it every day?
私が思うにだけど、陽キャの子は 自分のこと要キャって言わないと思う
Like if you're in the um supermarket and someone's like standing too close to you in line. You're just like me today
陰気キャの子が陽キャの子に対して 陽キャって呼ぶことが多いと思う
That's gonna mean
If you use it outside of your house to a stranger, it's just very kind of like get away from me
I don't want to get corona from you
So this line is men hera manhattan
例えば、ジェニファーが陽キャが集まる パーティーに誘ってくれたんだけど
It's short for
Mental health someone that is like just mentally sick right something not right in the head
But you can also use it in like attention horror kind of ah, yeah everyday life.
I hear it in like a love life situation
Something's wrong with his head his head. Yeah, but like he's not technically mentally sick something's wrong with it
Yeah, something's wrong with it. Like you can call a girl man head up and she's like keep on calling you every 10 minutes
Yeah, you're pretty much just saying that the person is crazy, right? Yeah. Have you ever like worked with someone? That was manhattan?
Oh hell yes
Someone's always mad person who's always yelled at me
usually I do
I could see why a person would yell at me. How do you forget your passwords?
that's one of the things is like I actually have to manage all her passwords for her because she
じわじわ面白くなるような時に使うんだけど 面白いって意味ね
forgets them all the time when we first met she had like all of her passwords were the same for
Everything so that you can remember he made me change it so I can't remember anymore. What am I gonna do?
But at least you know, someone can't hack your PC
でも30分くらいずっと眺めてたら 面白くなってくる、、
I can't even hack my PC
And the last one is KP I don't even know if a lot of people use it
But we were reading online and some people apparently use it and it's just a shortened way to say. Kanpai
so maybe
a lot of you probably already know what combine means means like cheer, especially when you you know,
Raise your glasses you shorten it by just saying KP but I mean, maybe we should start using it
Maybe like I think it's cool though. Yeah. Yeah, maybe
If it's if it's not so popular, maybe we can make it popular. So when you guys say kampai instead of saying kampai you say
So before I go I wanted to give a quick shout out to our sponsor Rosetta Stone
They've been the leading language learning company for over 25 years
They have a unique language program to teach you a new language the way you learned your first through immersion
In fact, I remember when I first came to Japan. I only knew a few words and phrases and I was completely
毎日耳にする よな
Overwhelmed when I got here all I wanted to do was be able to speak to people
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コロナウイルス感染を防ぐための 対策図表ってのがあるんだ
I mean if you're anything like me you hate carrying books around so having everything on your mobile device
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So definitely check out Rosetta Stone that all said if you guys like this video, let me know in the comments
Let me know if you want me to do more of these type of videos
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