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  • Okay, So you my name's Emma.

    こんにちは!私の名前はエマです。 オーストラリア出身の21歳です。

  • I'm 21 Australia, And, uh, I just hit 50,000 subscribers on YouTube.

    なんとチャンネル登録者が ちょうど5万人を超えました。

  • Just was a little moniker now and also it's when your celebrations in Japan, which is like two awesome, huge things that I didn't vote would see each other meet Middle.

    ちょうどって言っても ちょっと前のことだけど。

  • But this has been such an amazing year.

    しかも、日本に来て もう1年がたつの!

  • I've been able to spend it in my favorite place.

    素敵なことが同じタイミングで起こるなんて 思ってもいなかったわ。

  • I just It's just a really good time.


  • And I just want to say, I just was huge, Thank you to all the people that I've met this year.


  • And also people don't have a comment because I'm following me on all social media's and contracting again.


  • Just being wonderful, wonderful people that you guys have really made this amazing.

    この1年で会った人々に 本当に感謝の思いを伝えたいわ。

  • Give me and I thank you so much.

    あとコメントをたくさん してくれる視聴者の方も。

  • Let me put together a little thing poss clips and memories, stuff like that Pasta into this video.

    SNSでフォローしてくれて 頻繁に話しかけてくれる素晴らしい人たち。

  • I want that you guys and this stuff stuff that you might have seen before some stuff that you've never seen before.

    みんなのおかげで本当に 素晴らしい1年を過ごすことができました。

  • But it's pretty much my journey through Japan.

    今回は私が日本に来てからの 映像をまとめて見せたいと思うわ。

  • Just chuck.

    もうすでに見たことある映像と まだ未公開のものもあるの。 私の日本での冒険のまとめって感じ。

  • Alright, guys, let's take a trip down memory lane all the way back to.

    では、まず日本に 来たばかりのところから始めましょう。

  • Hi, guys.

    こんにちは。私はエマです。 日本にいけるビザを獲得したの!

  • My name is Emma, and I just got my visa and I'm going to Japan To this channel is gonna be like, I think I'm gonna be blogging over there and I'll try Upload, like, twice a week or something like that.

    このチャンネルでは日本で撮ったビデオを アップしていくわ。出来たら1週間に2本くらい

  • Thanks for watching and see you soon from take you by.

    見てくれてありがとう! では東京でお会いしましょう!

  • I probably don't know when I'll see you again.

    みんなまたね! 次いつ会えるかわからないけどww

  • I know.

    泣いちゃうから、お母さんが 私に早く行ってって言ったわww

  • Oh, no.


  • But ah, I got lost for two hours.


  • E did not even see him meeting the shells.


  • What is going on?


  • Really?


  • What stuff?


  • It's just It's pretty.


  • God.

    みんなこんにちは! 私のおうちにようこそ!

  • No.


  • No.


  • Okay, um, a bed into the world you could graceful.

    ここにトイレットペーパーをつけれるの。 すっごくハイテクなトイレでしょ。

  • Welcome to my house.


  • It's mine.

    長さを測って、 家具屋さんに行ってきたわ

  • It's my actual apartment to myself.


  • What?


  • SciFi has been awarded that from the shower, but yeah, you just put your toilet paper down here and there's a little scifi.

    なんでか分かんないけど あの小さな椅子面白いでしょ。

  • Tell it the way of the future, my friends, the way of the future.

    チャンネル登録者1000人を突破したので お祝いにフードチャレンジをしたいと思います。

  • So I did some measuring and I went to a fragile store and I got this shopping mall, and now I have bench site.


  • I don't know why I'm putting out there, but it makes me lost.

    なんか、腐った豆に 誰かがくしゃみしたみたいww

  • I want to get this anyway to celebrate hitting 1000 subscribers.

    今日はミュージアムに来てるよ。 サムとケリーと一緒だよ。

  • I thought that I would do a little food challenge thing because I love food with passion.

    Do not do to do! (笑)

  • It's like someone sneezed into a kind of baked beans.

    Alive alive survive!

  • 321 Cool.

    ピンクのお花畑にやってきたよ。 ここに来るまで4時間もかかった。

  • Oh, look, today we're in a museum.

    このビデオアップするかわからない。 (結局アップせず)

  • I am with Sam and took you and I'm with you very much.


  • He a k Kelly Do not do todo alive alive way made it pink flowers everywhere.

    こっちに行けばいいのよね! え???

  • We have travelled for four and a quarter hours to get here and I mean, I don't I don't Nofal even posted.


  • Says a video giving up on video She oh, bigger than your face way should be fine to just go here, right?


  • Oh, my God.


  • A good shot.


  • Give me your gun shop.

    最高の絵が撮れたときは 最高に気持ちいい。

  • Give me your best shot.


  • I love it.

    かわいいお尻の キャサリンちゃん。

  • It's a good shot.


  • Another women A good shot.


  • Thanks my life.


  • Really, Catherine Beauty with the booty Catherine playing Pokemon Go Amazing.


  • Thanks to paying to see my screen.


  • Gonna be right little you know.

    みんなこんにちは! ん〜、なんか嘘っぽいな。

  • How should I introduce myself?


  • Just Hi, guys.


  • Uh, it sounds a fight, doesn't it?


  • How could I?

    聞こえないかもしれないけど ウクレレ完全に音外れてるww

  • But I want you my coal house.


  • It's really small.

    この撮影すごく恥ずかしかったけど でもやってよかったわ。

  • Elise Goldfish is so beautiful.


  • Wait.

    鳥、水に脚が浸かってるけど 神経とか感覚とかあるのかな。

  • Stop laughing My Yeah.

    寒くないかい? うちに来たらご飯あげるよ。

  • Oh, she brought Thank you Expose personally, if I was them, I get out of the water because I got a feeling that water did Buds have nerves in their feet.

    うちの家で鳥パーティーするから あなたたちも来ない?

  • Do you keep a warm?


  • Come on.


  • My place of you.

    こんな綺麗な映像あったのに 一回も使ってなかったww

  • Some rice guys come over.

    ほんと日本に住むのって 最高だわ。

  • There's a good party in my place.


  • Bring the ketchup by.


  • She didn't like a film is alive.

    みんな見てくれて本当にありがとう。 この動画楽しんでくれたら是非高評価してね。

  • You look pretty.

    コメントも書いてね。 私のビデオがもっと見たかったら、 チャンネル登録もよろしくね。

  • Uh, I remember coming out with a new look.

    みんな本当に見てくれてありがとう! では、また次の動画で!

  • And you like like like blue steel.


  • We're gonna call it.

  • What?

  • It's just so nice living here.

  • Even though things can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming.

  • I think it's a weapon.

  • Definitely.

  • Alright, guys.

  • Thank you.

  • So so much for watching.

  • If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumb's up.

  • Leave a comment below hit.

  • Subscribe.

  • If you want to see more videos like this will not like this.

  • I refuse videos Planet.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • See, Asian chick.

  • We'll see.

  • Ok, anyway, thanks so much.

  • What?

Okay, So you my name's Emma.

こんにちは!私の名前はエマです。 オーストラリア出身の21歳です。


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