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The New Context Conference this year had a Reg Tech theme.
It discussed competition versus regulation.
レギュテックというのを テーマにされて
Let's return to a focal point of regulation.
今 競争なのか規制なのかという お話もあって
What motivated you to think Japan has to be pinpoint for regulational context?
I think there are two points.
We have the topic of the EU GDPR for platforms.
これを日本にも文脈として 打ち込まなければいけないと思われたのは
A lot of people have in fact been hurt by blockchains.
We must consider protecting novices and investors.
Each country is looking for balance.
Reg Tech is the other interesting one.
ヨーロッパのGDPRとかが 出てきてるという話と
Not much could be done on the Internet in its infancy.
Wired was like that too.
かなり今 被害者が出ているので
The business model was the Internet.
インベスターのことを 分かっていない人たちは
Marketing agencies were selling the Internet.
Magazines were sold next.
Bitcoin and blockchains are today's commodities.
もう1つ このレギュテックが面白いのは
The big concern is regulation.
Countries want to gain the technical understanding.
あんまりインターネット上で 何にもできなかったんで
I think we will see rapid development in technologies for such regulation.
GAFA may become a layer above these technologies as platforms.
インターネットについて語ることしか ビジネスモデルがなかった
Some countries may offer cross-national services to handle this as platforms.
What role do you think nations will take?
インターネットのものを 売ってる広告代理店と
Nations have the police or military.
Both have authority for physical force.
で 今は
Nations also have land and taxes.
ビットコインとか ブロックチェーンとか出ているけれども
So, anything in the real world is done through the nation as the landlord.
結構気にしているのは 国の規制機関なんですよ
The nation may have a monopoly on physical force.
彼らは技術的にどうやって これを理解していくのかというので
The Internet has the potential for a different type of power.
Quite large companies in modern times are able to sway national interests.
結構早く開発されていくのでは ないかという気もするんですね
They can lobby and create laws.
Nations are already in a struggle with various other entities over power.
段々とプラットフォームとして 上のレイヤーになってきた時に
Will a major entity with force able to regulate form outside of a nation?
あるいはある程度国家を 横断してしまうサービスなり
There are philosophical entities active out there like the United Nations.
プラットフォームというのが これから出てきた時に
However, the member nations have power not the United Nations.
国家の役割をどのように ご覧になっていますか?
Members debate their interests with only few advocating for all.
Terrorists are the closest entity, but not nearly as organized as a nation.
ISIS will not see that power.
A movement could generate power beyond a nation.
The US #MeToo for instance.
A more organized version is Time's Up.
だからリアルワールドで 何かしなくてはいけない時には
These movements can spread worldwide and organize.
やっぱり国家という 大家さんみたいなものがいて
These structures could innovate and overturn the male society globally.
そして物理的な暴力は 国家が独占してたとしても
Millennials give you hope.
Yes. Their generation is strong.
また他のところが持つ可能性も 出てくると思うんで
The communication is excellent and we see many types of movements recently.