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Do you know all the secrets behind the Happiest Place on Earth?
December 5th, 1901, Walt Elias Disney is born in Chicago, Illinois.
1901 年 12 月 5 日、ウォルト・エライアス・ディズニーは、イリノイ州シカゴで生まれました。
As a child, Walt always had an interest in animation and storytelling, which really worked out for him, I would say.
By the 1920s, Walt moves to California with his brother Roy to start an animation company.
1920 年代までに、ウォルトは兄のロイと共にカリフォルニアへ引っ越し、アニメ会社を設立しました。
In 1928, the brothers release a short film called Steamboat Willie.
1928 年には、兄弟で、『蒸気船ウィリー』というショートフィルムを発表しました。
Now we can't show it or we'll be sued immediately, but it introduced the world to a character called Mickey Mouse.
And as you almost definitely know, it became a world phenomenon.
Throughout the '30s and '40s, Walt's studio releases a series of massively successful iconic films like Snow White and Seven Dwarfs ....
1930 ~ 40 年代、ウォルトのスタジオからは代表的映画がいくつも発表され、大成功を収めました。『白雪姫と7人のこびと』、
Cinderella, Pinocchio, and Fantasia. By the 1950s, Walt wanted to expand the Disney empire.
『シンデレラ』、『ピノキオ』、『ファンタジア』などです。1950 年代までに、ウォルトはディズニー帝国を拡大させたいと考えていました。
He was getting letters from young fans all over the world asking if they could visit Walt Disney Studios.
He would also watch his own daughters enjoy the kiddie rides at LA's Griffith Park and thought: What if we created a park that could cater to both kids and adults?
He developed a plan for a simple eight-acre park called Mickey Mouse Land.
But then, in classic Walt Disney fashion, decided it needed to be bigger, better, and way more expensive.
Walt traveled around the world, visiting legendary amusement parks, like Denmark's Tivoli Gardens, for inspiration and realized he had to load his park with a crap-ton of spectacle and a poop-load of whimsy.
So he buys 160 acres of orange and walnut groves in Orange County, California, and on July 17th, 1955, Disneyland officially opens with much fanfare.
そこで彼は、カリフォルニア州オレンジ郡の、オレンジとクルミの果樹園 160 エーカーを買い取りました。そして 1955 年 7 月 17 日、盛大なファンファーレと共に、ディズニーランドは公式開園しました。
By 1959, Walt was already looking to expand his first park.
1959 年までには、ウォルトはすでに、この最初の遊園地を拡大しようとしていました。
He noted that only 5 percent of Disneyland's visitors were coming from east of the mighty Mississippi, but also that's where most Americans lived.
強大なるミシシッピ州より東側からの来園者は、全体のたった 5 % だったことに気づきました。でも、アメリカ人の大半が住んでいたのは、そのエリアです。
He also desired to have greater control over the area around his park.
He hated the random businesses that surrounded his land.
Walt started secretly purchasing large plots of land in Orlando, Florida, to make an east coast Disneyland that was bigger, better, and more polished than the original.
1965, Walt announces his grand plan for Walt Disney World, designed not to be a theme park, but a destination surrounded by golf courses, hotels, and wholesome shopping experiences.
1965 年、彼はウォルト・ディズニーワールドの大計画を発表しました。そこはテーマパークではなく、ゴルフコースやホテル、健全なショッピングを楽しめる場所としてデザインされていました。
It's like a little bubble of happiness tucked away in the Florida swamps.
1966, Walt Disney passes away before he can see his dream fulfilled, is possibly cryogenically frozen, and his brother Roy takes over.
1966 年、ウォルト・ディズニーは夢が叶うのを目の当たりにすることなく、亡くなりました。おそらく、超低温凍結されています。そして、兄のロイが業務を引き継ぎました。
1971, Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom opens, and it is enormous.
1971 年、ウォルト・ディズニーワールドのマジックキングダムが開園しました。すごく巨大です。
Less than three months later Roy also passes away, but Disney World becomes an immediate hit, soon becoming the must-visit destination for crying children and sweaty parents alike.
それから 3 ヶ月も経たないうちに、ロイも亡くなりましたが、ディズニーワールドは即座に大成功し、泣く子も汗まみれの大人も、行かなきゃ損と言われる場所になりました。
The original park featured many rides that still exist today, including the rage-inducing It's a Small World, whose titular song plays on an eternal loop and some people claim it might be the most played song of all time, like ever; the Haunted Mansion, morbid fact, according to the LA times, Disney employees have to constantly stop guests from spreading their loved ones' ashes throughout the ride, and if they catch you, you get a lifetime ban; the Country Bear Jamboree, which I actually don't want to make fun of the Country Bear Jamboree.
It's just plain fun.
Throughout the 1970s, more classic rides were added to the Magic Kingdom gauntlet, including the then Johnny Depp-less Pirates of the Caribbean and the always Johnny Depp-less Space Mountain.
1970 年代中、マジックキングダムには伝統的な乗り物が追加されていきました。当時はジョニー・デップ抜きだった『パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン』、それから、常にジョニー・デップのいない『スペースマウンテン』です。
1982, as the park exploded in popularity, a second themed area opens, Epcot.
1982 年、ディズニーワールドの人気は爆発的なものとなり、エプコットという、2つ目のテーマパークができました。
This stands for experimental prototype community of tomorrow.
And originally Walt Disney envisioned this as an actual utopian community that people could actually live inside.
It was Walt's vision of what the future of America could look like.
For reference, this is what it actually looks like.
Instead, it became the go-to destination for people who want to drink overpriced beer all day while pretending they're in Venice.
Since then, the park kept expanding and the cult of Disney fanatics ballooned.
A ton of urban legends and conspiracy theories came out about the park, and many of them are surprisingly true.
There is an underground system of tunnels underneath the park that employees use to quickly navigate the park space, which as of right now is bigger than the world's five smallest nations combined.
従業員がパーク内を素早く移動できるよう、地下トンネルがあります。その大きさは、現時点で、世界で最も面積の小さい国 5 つを合わせたよりも大きなサイズです。
All of the American flags in the park are fake.
Real flags are required to fly at half-mast in times of national mourning, but Disney flags are missing stars or stripes so they are technically pennants, and them rules don't apply to pennants.
There is, in fact, a secret speakeasy in every park named Club 33, but to get in you have to be an official member.
クラブ 33 と呼ばれる、秘密のスピークイージーが各パークにありますが、公式メンバーしか入店できません。
People have reported waiting periods of up to 14 years and initial fees could be upwards of US$40,000 with an additional annual fee in the tens of thousands.
ある情報によると、待機期間は 14 年間にもおよび、初期費用に4万ドル以上、そしてさらに、数万ドルの年会費がかかるのだそうです。
I think I'd rather chug a beer at Epcot and fake Venice, personally.
By 2019, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge opens and hundreds of thousands of nerds emerged from their parents' basements, pale and red-eyed to make the pilgrimage to the new geek Mecca.
2019 年には、スターウォーズのギャラクシーズ・エッジが完成しました。何十万人ものオタクたちが親の地下部屋から出てきて、青白い肌と赤い目をして、新たなオタクの聖地への巡礼を行いました。
Started as an IRL extension of Walt Disney's dream, grew to a worldwide tourist destination with over 58 million visitors per year, thank you Disney World for confirming Walt's original suspicion that if you make a park that's fun for kids, fun for adults, and has plenty of turkey legs you can eat with your bare hands, people will show up and just hand over their hard-earned money.
始まりは、ウォルト・ディズニーの夢を現実世界で延長させたものでした。そこから、年間 5800 万人以上の来場者を誇る、世界的な観光地へ。子どもにも大人にも楽しい遊園地を作り、素手で食べられる七面鳥の骨付き肉を山盛り用意すれば、人々は集まり、一生懸命稼いだお金を落としていってくれる―この、ウォルトの当初の考えを、確かなものとしてくれたディズニーワールドに感謝します。
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