字幕表 動画を再生する
♪ Who's there for you when You are sad and down ♪
♪ Who's there for you when You are sad and down ♪
♪ Idiot friends ♪
♪ Who picks you up and smacks You all around ♪
♪ Who picks you up and smacks You all around ♪
♪ Idiot friends ♪
♪ Who puts thorns in you so You can save the town ♪
♪ Idiot friends, idiot friends, Idiot friends ♪
♪ Duh duh duh duh do dah do do doe doe ♪
♪ Duh duh duh duh duh do dah do do doe ♪
♪ Idiot friends ♪
♪ Dah dee duh duh do dah dah dah ♪
♪ Dah dee duh duh duh do dah dah dah dah ♪
♪ Idiot friends ♪
♪ Dee dah dah dadoodle dah doe ♪
♪ Dee dah dah dadoodle dah doe ♪
You know SpongeBuck all we've been a doing is singing about what I've done for you.
Well, what have you done for me?
♪ Who helps you pick your pants Up off the ground ♪
♪ Who helps you pick your pants Up up off the ground ♪
- Thanks buddy - Curses!
- ありがとう相棒 - 呪い!
Only an idiot friend would do that!
Let's bring it home, idiot friend!
♪ Who let's you ride on his coffin ♪
♪ Who let's you ride on his coffin ♪
♪ Who slaps you hard and often ♪
♪ Who slaps you hard and often ♪
♪ What do you and me have in common ♪
♪ We're idiot ♪
♪ Friends ♪
Thank you. Thank you very much.
♪ 'Tis we're here to sing a Song of maritime camaraderie ♪
♪ Together! ♪
♪ Together! Together! ♪
♪ Together! ♪
♪ Together! Together! ♪
♪ Together! To-ge-ther! ♪
♪ Like a boat upon the sea! ♪
♪ Together! ♪
♪ In happy camaraderie! ♪
♪ Together! ♪
♪ That's the way it ought to be ♪
♪ Together! ♪
♪ Just you, and you, and you, And you, and me! ♪
♪ Together! ♪
♪ Together! Together! ♪
I know I said this 90 times already, but...
♪ I love Krabby Patties I think that they are swell ♪
"クラビー・パティが大好き" "それは素晴らしい
♪ They are the best There's no contest ♪
♪ They are the best There's no contest ♪
♪ And now I'm going to yell... ♪
♪ And now I'm going to yell... ♪
♪ Woo! ♪
♪ Woo!♪
♪ I love Krabby Patties! I think they're swell ♪
♪ They're so neat, And quite a treat ♪
♪ And how I love the way they smell! ♪
♪ La la la la la la la la La la la la La la la la la la la la la la la la! ♪
I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today.
♪ La la la la la la! ♪
♪ La la la la la la la!
♪ Oh baby, they may call me a fool ♪
♪ Oh baby, they may call me a fool ♪
♪ But I can't help Our gravitational pull ♪
♪ But I can't help Our gravitational pull ♪
♪ When I stuff you with cotton candy It reminds me you're so sweet ♪
♪ When I stuff you with cotton candy It reminds me you're so sweet ♪
♪ When we go riding, it's dandy The way you hang on to that seat, baby ♪
♪ When I'm with you our love is Stronger than glue ♪
♪ Whoa, oh baby, there isn't anything ♪
♪ Whoa, oh baby, there isn't anything ♪
♪ There's nothing in the world I wouldn't do for you ♪
♪ There's nothing in the world I wouldn't do for you ♪
♪ Hey! Let go of her you patty eaters! ♪
♪ No! Get away! ♪
♪ No!あっち行って!♪
♪ Hiya! Hiya! ♪
♪ Hiya!ハイヤ♪
♪ Wa-cha! ♪
♪ ワ・チャ!
♪ Hiya! Hiya! Ya! ♪
♪ Hiya!ハイヤヤー!♪
♪ Oh wah cha ya ya wah cha wah ♪
♪ Oh wah cha ya ya wah cha wah ♪
♪ Wah ta wah po ya ya ♪
♪ This hesitation po ya ya ya ♪
♪ Ah ya ya ya ya ya! ♪
♪ Ah ya ya ya ya ya ya!♪
♪ Patty? You okay, sweetums? ♪
♪ Patty?大丈夫?
♪ I'm so sorry ♪
♪ I'm so sorry ♪
♪ I'll never let you out of my Sight again ♪
♪ I'll never let you out of my Sight again ♪
♪ And I'll always keep you out Of harm's way-yay ♪
♪ And I'll keep you from the harm's way -yay ♪
♪ Oh baby, I love you so strong That's why I'm singing this song♪
♪ Oh baby, I love you so strong That's why I'm singing this song♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ Your looks are sweeter than honey ♪
♪ Your looks are sweeter than honey ♪
♪ From your pickles to your buns, It ain't even funny ♪
"ピクルスから肉まんまで" "面白くもなんともない
♪ I'm coming for you, oh no, look at you ♪
♪ I'm coming for you, oh no, look at you ♪
Don't worry Patty, I'll take care of this.
心配するな パティ 俺に任せろ
There you go.
♪ All better, oh baby ♪
♪ All better, oh baby ♪
- What's that music? - I think Mr. Krabs is going to sing.
- 何の音楽だ?- クラブスさんが歌うんじゃないかな?
Oh, great.
♪ If I can talk to money How great my life would be ♪
♪ If I can talk to money how great my life would be ♪
♪ We'd tell each other secrets All their friends would visit me ♪
♪ We'd tell ♪ We'd tell ♪ We'd tell ♪ ♪ We'd tell ♪ ♪ We'd tell ♪ ♪ They friends would visit me ♪
♪ I'd trade in filthy riches Which is clean enough for me ♪
"私は汚い金持ちと交換するわ" "それだけで十分綺麗なのよ
♪ Oh, if you could tell me what you want How happy we would be! ♪
♪ Oh, if you could tell me what you want how happy we would be!♪
♪ We'd surely be the best of friends We'd never disagree ♪
♪ We'd surely be the best of friends We'd never disagree ♪
♪ There couldn't be a downside Not one that I could see! ♪
♪ There couldn't be a downside Not one that I could see!♪
♪ If I could talk to money Come along, sing with me ♪
♪ If I could talk to money Come along, sing with me ♪
- Uh, no thanks. I gotta go. - I really have to pee.
- いえ、結構です。行かなきゃ- おしっこしたい
♪ If I could talk to money And it could talk to me... ♪
♪ If I could talk to money And it could talk to me... ♪
♪ We'd always be the best of friends For all eternity ♪
♪ We'd always be the best of friends For all eternity ♪
♪ Twinkle, twinkle, Patrick Star I made myself a sandwich ♪
パトリック・スター サンドイッチを作ったわ
♪ My mommy named it Fred It tastes like beans and bacon ♪
♪ ママはフレッドと名付けた ♪ 豆とベーコンのような味がする ♪
♪ And smells like it's been dead ♪
♪ And smells like it's been dead ♪
♪ Writing stuff is hard so I use a pointy pencil ♪
"書くのは難しいから 先の尖った鉛筆を使う
♪ Pointy pointy pointy, pointy Pointy point ♪
This song always makes me think of you.
♪ Pee-ew, what's that horrible smell? ♪
♪ Pee -ew, what's the horrible smell?
♪ I have a head, that ends in a point ♪
♪ I have a head, that ends in a point ♪
My ears!
♪ Pointy pointy pointy, pointy Pointy point ♪
♪ This song is over, except for This line ♪
I like it!
♪ Broccoli ♪
♪ ブロッコリー ♪
Well, it looks like Bikini Bottom is throwing a party!
- And you know what a party needs? - Uh bean dip?
- パーティーに必要なものは?- 豆のディップ?
Yes, that is important, but I was thinking about music! Turn it up, Patrick!
そう、それは重要なことだけど、音楽のことを考えてたんだ!音量を上げてくれ パトリック!
♪ It tastes like beans and bacon ♪
♪ It tastes like beans and bacon ♪
Where is that awful song coming from?
♪ And smells like it's been dead ♪
♪ And smells like it's been dead ♪
To the radio station!
♪ Oh, Bikini Gulch was a purty place With sweet water and blue sky ♪
♪ Oh, Bikini Gulch was a purty place with sweet water and blue sky ♪
♪ 'Til one day a beast come a Ridin' from the east ♪
♪ 'Til one day a beast come a Ridin' from the east ♪
♪ By the name of ol' Dead Eye ♪
♪ That dirty, no-good Dead Eye ♪
♪ Oh, he's robbed this town, He's pulled my pants down ♪
"彼はこの町を襲い ズボンを引きずり降ろされた
♪ He made all the pretty girls cry ♪
♪ That no-good goon wants my saloon And the I-O-U's due tomorrow noon ♪
♪ That no-good goon wants my saloon and the I -O -U's due tomorrow no-up's due tomorrow no-good goon ♪
♪ If we don't get some help Here real soon ♪
"助けが来なければ" "すぐに
♪ We'll lose everything we Own to Dead Eye ♪
♪ We'll lose everything we Own to Dead Eye ♪
♪ We'd stop him if we weren't Too scared to try ♪
♪ We'd stop him if we weren't Too scared to try ♪
And if you think that's funny, let me tell ya sonny,
you won't be laughing when you see…
♪ Dead Eye ♪
♪ Dead Eye ♪
♪ Dead Eye ♪
♪ Dead Eye ♪
That's me!
Dead Eye Plankton!
- Who? - We just sang a whole song about him.
- 誰のこと?- 彼のことを歌ったのよ
♪ The sun must set ♪
♪ At the end of every day ♪
♪ At the end of every day ♪
♪ And the curtain must fall ♪
♪ At the end of every play ♪
♪ And every little bubble ever blown ♪
♪ Must someday pop ♪
♪ Must someday pop ♪
♪ Like presents on Christmas day ♪
♪ It doesn't seem to stay ♪
♪ Or a cheese souffle ♪
♪ It doesn't last all day ♪
♪ I will try ♪
♪ Again Try again ♪
♪ Again Try again ♪
♪ To blow a bubble To blow a bubble ♪
"泡を吹いて" "泡を吹いて
♪ That will last all day ♪
♪ To blow a bubble that will Last all day ♪
♪ Sing? Sing a song? A song of wanting to Move along ♪
♪ Sing?歌を歌う?♪ A song of want to move along ♪
♪ To a land where all our dreeee... ♪
♪ To a land where all our dreeee... ♪
♪ Whoops, sorry ♪
♪ Whoops, sorry ♪
♪ To a land where all our dreeeeeams, Can finally come true ♪
♪ A bubble I long for, that so eludes me, But soon enough I will see... ♪
♪ A bubble I long for, that so eludes me, But soon enough I will see...
♪ Well that's just splendid boy! A land where it rains money ♪
♪ More than you can spend ♪
♪ More than you can spend ♪
♪ With fives and tens and fifties they'll All want to be your friend ♪
♪ 5、10、50、50代はみんなあなたの友達になりたい ♪
♪ Ha ha ha! Such a valiant desire. Hehehe ♪
♪ ハハハハハ!このような勇敢な願望。♪ Hehehehe ♪
♪ The lost weapons of Atlantis The most advanced of all time ♪
アトランティスの失われた武器 すべての時代の中で最も先進的なもの
♪ As soon as this dopey song is done I plan to make them mine ♪
♪ As soon as as this dopey song is done ♪ I plan to make them mine ♪
Did y'all hear something?
♪ I can't hardly believe that there's A lost city where having smarts is ♪
♪ I can't hardly believe that there's A lost city where having smarts is ♪
♪ More important than being pretty ♪
♪ With all their advanced science, and My painfully enlarged mind ♪
♪ I bet we can figure out how to make Wondrous things, like melons with ♪
♪ I bet we can figure out how to make Wondrous things, like melons with ♪
♪ Edible rinds ♪
♪ 食用の皮
♪ As a connoisseur of fine art ♪
♪ 美術品の目利きとして♪
♪ I'm proud to say I've always seen things In my own special way ♪
♪ I'm proud to say I've always seen things In my own special way ♪
♪ Art-lantis with their glorious Aesthetics ♪
♪ Art -lantis with their glorious Aesthetics ♪
♪ I'll cop their style and in a while ♪
"私は彼らのスタイルを 受け継ぐ
♪ My art will be prophetic ♪
♪ My art will be prophetic ♪
♪ I'm Patrick, I'm Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick ♪
♪ I'm Patrick, I'm Patrick, I'm Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick ♪
♪ And I like um, uh, I don't know what I like ♪
♪ And I like um, uh, uh, I don't know what I like ♪
♪ Oh... If I'd only known when I woke up today ♪
♪ I'd stop at me tailor's along the way ♪
♪ I'd stop at me tailor's along the way ♪
And have ten more pockets put on Me pants ♪
♪ 'Cause I think I hear a money avalanche Yodel Ye he hoo ♪
♪ 'Cause I think I hear a money avalanche Yodel Ye he hoo ♪
♪ Look at all this cash Hey look at all this money ♪
♪ Look at all this cash ♪ Hey look at all this money ♪
♪ I hope me heart can take it ♪
♪ I hope me heart can take it ♪
[beeping] Clear!
♪ I'm alright sonny ♪
♪ I'm alright sonny ♪
♪ Industrial accidents can make Quite a mess ♪
♪ Unless you fall into a money press ♪
♪ Oh make me into money mister Wonderful machine ♪
"私をお金に変えて" "素晴らしい機械
♪ I always knew that me true color Was green ♪
♪ Oh ever since I was a little kid I dreamed of such a place yes I did ♪
"子供の頃からそんな場所を夢見ていた" "そうだったわ
♪ With mountains of money And rivers of cash ♪
♪ And a pool of coins to make a splash ♪
"そして コインのプールで 盛り上がろう
♪ Oh, I'd open up a Krusty Krab with Patties made of money ♪
♪ Oh, I'd open up a Krusty Krab with Patties made of money ♪
♪ They'd be delicious and expensive and Taste like golden honey ♪
♪ They'd be delicious and expensive and Taste like golden honey ♪
♪ Money and gold And treasure untold ♪
♪ And all of it for me ♪
♪ And all of it for me ♪
♪ Look out, germs! The end is near ♪
♪ Look out, germs!終わりは近い♪
♪ Your days are numbered, 'cause Sandy's here ♪
♪ I'll get these germs, and make 'em pay ♪
♪ I'll get these germs, and make 'em pay ♪
♪ With some good old fashioned Kah-rah-tay! Hi-yah! ♪
♪ With some good old fashioned Kah -rah -tay!ハイ・ヤー!♪
♪ If I borrow some elements from The periodic table ♪
♪ I can mix up a brew that is Sure to disable ♪
"私は酒を混ぜることができます" "それは確かに" "無効にすることができます
♪ Any virus, bug, or sniffle That steps into my path ♪
"私の道に踏み込んでくる ウィルス、虫、鼻づまり
♪ And make them feel my Microscopic wrath ♪
♪ Hi-yah! ♪
♪ Hi -yah!♪
♪ Oh, what a beautiful sight Weapons as far as the eye can see ♪
♪ Oh, what a beautiful sight Weapons as far as the eye can see ♪
♪ But which one will be right for me ♪
♪ How do I pick ♪
♪ Which one will do the trick ♪
♪ Which is best to guarantee Eternal rest ♪
♪ So many weapons, how do I choose ♪
♪ Look at this one, What a beautiful fuse ♪
"これを見てくれ 何て美しい導火線なんだ
♪ And with this one I couldn't lose ♪
♪ That one...would surely give them The blues ♪
♪ That one... would surely give them the blues ♪
♪ And this one here matches my shoes ♪
♪ Come on, Plankton, just pick one and Forget about your shoes ♪
♪さあプランクトン 靴のことは忘れて ♪
♪ Eeny-meeny-miny-moe. I pick you, now let's go ♪
♪ Eeny -meeny -miny -moe.私はあなたを選んだ、さあ行こう♪
♪ Isn't this great Isn't this neat ♪
♪ Isn't this great Isn't this neat♪
♪ I'm a living work of art From my head to my feet ♪
♪ I'm a living work of art From my head to my feet ♪
♪ From the very first drawings on Walls in caves ♪
♪ Art has been what the heart and Soul craves ♪
♪ So pick up a brush, a pencil, or pen ♪
♪ So pick up a brush, a pencil, a pen ♪
♪ If you don't like this one paint It again ♪
"これが気に入らないなら もう一回塗って
♪ From now on, please call me Sir Real ♪
♪ I can wait for your impression To congeal ♪
♪ Take it from an undersea Renaissance man ♪
♪ I'd even look great on the Side of your van ♪
♪ Anyway you carve it, I am art and art is me ♪
♪ Anyway you carve it, I am art and art is me ♪
♪ Ask your mama or your dada To tell you about the uh, schism ♪
♪ Ask your mama or your dada To tell you about the uh, schism ♪
♪ Between minimalism and cubism ♪
♪ My personality may be the cynical type ♪
♪ But I finally found something that Lives up to the hype ♪
♪ I can say honestly and with Great certainty ♪
♪ That Atlantis is where I want to spend ♪
♪ Eternity ♪
♪ Eternity ♪
All I had to do was believe!
♪ You got to believe It was out of sight ♪
♪ You got to believe It was out of sight ♪
♪ You got to believe I'm back in Encino ♪
♪ You got to believe I'm back in Encino ♪
♪ You got to believe And everything's all right ♪
♪ You got to believe And everything's all right ♪
♪ The sky above and Ground below ♪
♪ Are bringing me Back in Encino ♪
♪ It was lost Some time ago ♪
♪ It was lost Some time ago ♪
♪ Just glad To be back home ♪
♪ Just glad To be back home ♪
♪ You got to believe I'm back in Encino ♪
♪ You got to believe I'm back in Encino ♪
♪ You got to believe It was out of sight ♪
♪ You got to believe It was out of sight ♪
♪ You got to believe I'm back in Encino ♪
♪ You got to believe I'm back in Encino ♪
♪ You got to believe And everything's all right ♪
♪ You got to believe And everything's all right ♪
[baby crying]
[baby crying]
♪ You got to believe I'm back in Encino ♪
♪ You got to believe I'm back in Encino ♪
♪ You got to believe It was out of sight ♪
♪ You got to believe It was out of sight ♪
♪ You got to believe I'm back in Encino ♪
♪ You got to believe I'm back in Encino ♪
♪ You go... ♪
♪ You go...♪
♪ Goodbye Atlantis ♪
"さよなら アトランティス
♪ But we really have to go ♪
♪ But we really have to go ♪
♪ Back to a little town that is the Greatest place I know ♪
"小さな町に戻って" "私の知っている最高の場所に
♪ Back to Bikini Bottom I can hardly wait ♪
♪ Back to Bikini Bottom I can hardly wait ♪
♪ But what about the treasure It was really great ♪
♪ But what about the treasure It was really great ♪
♪ I love Bikini Bottom It's where my Gary is ♪
♪ I love Bikini Bottom It's where my Gary is ♪
♪ But Atlantis had that science stuff At which I was a whiz ♪
アトランティスには 科学的なものがありました
♪ Soon I'll see the Krusty Krab Where I'm happily employed ♪
♪ Soon I'll see the Krusty Krab Where I'm happily employed ♪
♪ But Atlantis had the old bubble Which I cruelly destroyed ♪
アトランティスには古い泡があった それを私は残酷にも破壊した
♪ You can't beat Bikini Bottom No place is so nice ♪
♪ You can't beat Bikini Bottom No place is so nice ♪
♪ But Atlantis was a fabulous Artistic paradise ♪
♪ Sorry, Squidward but it's the end of our Atlantean vacation ♪
"ごめんね スクイッド でもアトランテアの休暇はこれで終わり
♪ And back to my depressing life of Quiet desperation ♪
♪ And back to my depressing life of Quiet desperperation ♪
♪ Good-bye Atlantis We're Bikini Bottom bound ♪
♪ Good -bye Atlantis We're Bikini Bottom bound ♪
♪ Please turn this bus around ♪
♪ We had our fun ♪ ♪ We sure did ♪
"楽しんだわ" "確かに
♪ But now we're done ♪ ♪ And I'm bummed ♪
♪ But now we're done ♪ And I'm bummed ♪
♪ We're on our way ♪ ♪ Can't we stay? ♪
♪ We're on our way ♪ ♪ We're on the way ♪ ♪ Can't we stay?
♪ So now we say good-bye ♪
♪ So now we say good -bye ♪
♪ I think I'm going to cry ♪ ♪ Me too ♪
♪ I think I'm going to cry ♪ ♪ Me too ♪
♪ Good-bye Atlantis We're Bikini Bottom bound ♪
♪ Good -bye Atlantis We're Bikini Bottom bound ♪
♪ There's no place like home ♪
♪ There's no place like home ♪
♪ There's no place like Atlantis ♪
♪ I can't wait to get home ♪
♪ I can't wait to get home ♪
♪ I don't wanna go back ♪
♪ I don't wanna go back ♪
♪ We're Bikini Bottom bound ♪
♪ We're Bikini Bottom bound ♪
♪ Please don't make us leave ♪
♪ We're Bikini Bottom bound ♪
♪ We're Bikini Bottom bound ♪
♪ Stop saying that ♪
♪ Stop saying that ♪
♪ I even love the sound ♪
♪ Goodbye Atlantis! Boohoo ♪
さよなら アトランティス!♪ Boohoo ♪
♪ Bikini Bottom is the greatest Place to be! ♪
♪ Goodbye Atlantis ♪
"さよなら アトランティス
♪ We're Bikini Bottom Bound ♪
♪ We're Bikini Bottom Bound ♪