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  • Do you struggle to play in tune?

  • That's right.

  • Violin being the superior instrument without frets...

  • One must practice 40 hours a day,

  • in order to master the intonation.

  • But!

  • For those of you that are...

  • Mainstream pop inclined...

  • You may want to...

  • You may want to consider...

  • Autotune!

  • Woah!

  • That's right.

  • Today, we have producer Shaun.

  • We're going to find out is it possible to autotune a violin.

  • Because, if so...

  • We can become like pop singers

  • and never practice intonation again.

  • Drake, we're coming for you.

  • Yeah.

  • We're gonna be using Melodyne,

  • which apparently is the program, right?

  • Yeah, so there is actual autotune,

  • which does it automatically, like to a key.

  • Really?

  • - Yeah. - Woah!

  • So, it reads the...

  • Like the note, pretty much as it comes in,

  • and adjusts it really quickly.

  • It's usually used to kind of like just iron out

  • any little blips and blops pretty much.

  • Is that what we're doing today?

  • Or are we doing something -

  • Similar.

  • So we're using Melodyne, which lets you go really in far

  • and just completely change like...

  • Everything because you can.

  • Oh!

  • It's pretty good, yeah.

  • They've got vibrato and stuff.

  • You can accent that or make it less.

  • So, nothing's real then.

  • Everyone watching this like:

  • "Everything I've heard to this day has all been fake."

  • Anyway, so I thought

  • maybe we could try a few different excerpts.

  • Record them first

  • and then we'll put them all into the program.

  • - Yup, cool. - I was thinking, we should do...

  • An easy piece.

  • - Yeah. So, we can do it ourselves as well. - Like, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."

  • - Yeah. - And we'll do bumblebee.

  • One that's fast, like bumblebee.

  • If we go...

  • Can you turn that into bumblebee?

  • I reckon we can give it a crack.

  • "Nani?"

  • Cause the attack is the main difference

  • between that and the -

  • So we can papapapapapapa...

  • - I reckon we should try. - Papapapapapapa.

  • - Done. - Done.

  • - All right. - Let's record then.

  • I'll de-tune the E.

  • Jesus...

  • I was thinking about

  • how much work that's gonna be already.

  • And now bumblebee.

  • All right, here we go.

  • Just do a really...

  • World record speed.

  • Oh yeah? Okay.

  • You got 30 more seconds.

  • I'm just joking.

  • That'll take a long time to...

  • - Do all the notes. - Oh man, okay.

  • So, that'll be enough.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • So, the first one is Twinkle Twinkle...

  • Little star.

  • Out of tune star.

  • Producer Shaun is gonna run us through

  • how to make it sound like Little Star.

  • All right.

  • So, we got the notes here.

  • So, they've been laid out, if you look at this.

  • So, it automatically tells you what note I played.

  • Yeah.

  • Woah!

  • If you look at this one, so you click on it.

  • You can actually see, it's that plus 3 cents.

  • It's how close you were with like pitch perfect.

  • Woah!

  • - Dude, you could test someone's intonation on this. - You can flex, you can flex.

  • Imagine in the future,

  • auditions are just like...

  • - "Oh.." - They just run it through a Melodyne program.

  • Your average is two cents off,

  • but the other person is one cent off,

  • so the other person gets the job.

  • We're gonna make it the perfect...

  • - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star take, right? - Okay.

  • Let's twinkle my stars.

  • - So firstly, I'm highlighting all the notes. - Yeah.

  • I'm gonna just double click them...

  • And it snaps them all to the cent.

  • You just clicked a button.

  • So if you listen now,

  • like it's obviously all gonna be the wrong notes,

  • but like they'll be the wrong notes, but better.

  • Oh, it's already kind of there.

  • Obviously the -

  • That's so in tune.

  • Like it sounds almost like robotic.

  • -Yeah. - A few notes you can hear something's being

  • - tweaked a bit. - It feels like you're in a muted room.

  • Some of the resonance got taken away.

  • Yeah, it's gone. The resonance is taken. Disappeared.

  • All right, so...

  • Yeah.

  • Sorry.

  • - So that's kinda right, yeah? - Can I say something?

  • It's right, but you can hear "woahwha".

  • - Yeah. - What's that?

  • - We'll do the little fine-tuning afterwards. - Let's do the pitch first.

  • Cause you can look at the note here,

  • you can see that's literally like what the note's doing.

  • - Oh... - So like, the big one is just like, the kind of average of it.

  • - Oh... - But that, the little bit in the middle is like...

  • What you're doing.

  • Nice.

  • - Ooh. - All right, those both of them should be down...

  • - Down. - A semitone to D, yup.

  • - Okay. - Yeah.

  • - No, both going up. Both going up, yeah. - C– C sharp, yeah.

  • - And then... - And then...

  • - Then B, B. B, B. - This should be B, B.

  • Dude! They put the note name there.

  • You can just...

  • Yeah.

  • You don't even need to play it, you just match it to this.

  • - Okay. - We'll come back to that.

  • - Oh, wow. - Okay.

  • Come back to that.

  • Interesting.

  • Interesting!

  • This is what "Interesting" girl did.

  • - She just changed the B to a B flat. - Yeah, cause she can!

  • She's like, "Interesting!"

  • - Interesting! - Beep. B flat.

  • Every time we change a note we go, "Interesting!"

  • - Oh, wrong note. - C#.

  • Interesting!

  • And then...

  • - And then, this should be B natural. - This is B.

  • - Interesting! - And this is the same.

  • - Ready? - C#.

  • Bang.

  • Split.

  • Oh!

  • - Oh... - Yeah, so it read it together.

  • So, it might have been there wasn't enough like attack...

  • To like register as a note, but like it's still...

  • We know it. It's a...

  • So you could get a bit more control there.

  • - That's crazy. - Cool.

  • Let's have a listen.

  • That's...

  • Dude, this is pretty legit.

  • - Dude... - And that took like what, one minute.

  • And how long does it take to practice

  • to play that in tune?

  • At least two minutes.

  • Yeah, at least two minutes.

  • So like you got like the pitch modulation,

  • so it's how like essentially just how much it modulates.

  • So let's take it down to zero.

  • It's literally just gonna be...

  • Totally flat?

  • Yeah, like it's just...

  • Like inhumanly possible pretty much.

  • So like this note here...

  • That's terrible.

  • So I'm going to take down the modulation on it.

  • - Yeah. - And hopefully...

  • So it's better.

  • There's a bit of the way the note comes in that goes...

  • - It's like yeeeow. - Yeeee.

  • - Yeah. - Yeah.

  • Can you like bend that? To your will?

  • So what is that?

  • This is like how the note kind of...

  • - Dude, it's like a DNA! - There we go.

  • There we go.

  • - It looks like DNA. - Woah!

  • Oh, this is connecting it!

  • That's pretty crazy.

  • So what's that yellow line?

  • It's just how the note moves from one note to -

  • It's kind of like...

  • What do you call it, gliss or something?

  • It's just how the note moves to each other

  • cause there's obviously no silence in between.

  • - Yeah. - Like if I did it really wildly,

  • it would go up: nuun.

  • Oh, I wanna hear it!

  • *Imitating the sound*

  • Obviously, you know it's a bit overdone.

  • Cause you can hear the kind of it, it sounds a bit...

  • Like a person probably wouldn't play it like that.

  • So then, the trick is to like edit it...

  • Really tightly to make it sound like someone did do that.

  • So you got to make it sound real.

  • Yeah, it's like fixing it

  • and like not taking too much life out.

  • So it can't be too perfect

  • cause if it was too perfect, people will think it's fake.

  • Sounds like a pro plastic surgeon.

  • - Yeah. - Can I say that?

  • Yeah.

  • I think it'd be best to say it can fix mistakes

  • in good performances.

  • But it can't save a terrible performance.

  • Okay, so you still gotta practice.

  • You thought you had the answer, guys.

  • So the original was like...

  • Wrong notes.

  • Dude, they're not evenIt's just wrong notes.

  • And then...

  • And then you can fix those bits up.

  • *Imitates the sound*

  • Can we fix the slides?

  • Yeah, let's fix that.

  • Let's do it.

  • Pitch - Whoa...

  • Ooo.

  • It's going, you see the lines disappearing.

  • Oh!

  • Woah...

  • What did you just do...

  • You just controlled it.

  • Right, I'm a sound bender.

  • Watch out, next Avatar.

  • If you were to make it as convincing as possible...

  • - What would you do now? - How would you do it?

  • Should we hear the whole thing?

  • - Yeah. - Here we go.

  • Dude, it's improved a lot.

  • I'm freaked out, bro.

  • I can't trust anything I hear now.

  • I mean, to be fair, you can still kind of hear it's autotune.

  • You can tell it's not organic.

  • - Yeah, that's the thing. - In some way.

  • I forgot to mention you can actually move notes.

  • So timing issues...

  • - Oh... - Oh...

  • Rhythm.

  • Okay, so let's just mess it up for a bit now.

  • So what, this is like...

  • That's like probably too much of a big break.

  • Oh, he took a big break.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • - There we go. Here we go. - So someone could literally -

  • I'm done.

  • Do you think a pro will be able to hear as well?

  • If you like...

  • Or does everyone just know?

  • - At this point. - I think like...

  • If you work in...

  • Sound production, you just assume.

  • Well, there you go, guys, the entertainment industry!

  • - But, like... - Slap on the oil...

  • Slap on the autotune.

  • Like, depends on the genre, to be fair.

  • Like, if it's a pop song, you'd be like...

  • - Yeah. - Yeah. Like, it'd be surprising if I didn't

  • and then you'd be like, "Well why didn't you?"

  • Like, you may as well have.

  • Wow, so it's like not even a "secret" anymore,

  • but it's just like a "standard".

  • Should we go onto the next one?

  • - Yeah. - Yes.

  • All right, now we're going to try to do some...

  • - And turn... - Our little own...

  • It into the Flight of the Bumblebee.

  • Oh man.

  • Do we need to split it?

  • Looks like it's done a bit for you.

  • But that's two notes.

  • - That's two notes? - Yeah.

  • Hectic. Okay, cool.

  • So you're gonna go in...

  • You're gonna double-click in between.

  • Yeah.

  • Do you want me to just do that real quick for you now?

  • - Yeah. It's gonna take - - You guys do the notes, all right.

  • You do the notes bit and I'll do the -

  • All right, so you wanna just...

  • First note.

  • Da-dah.

  • Da~

  • Oh, it's literally just chromatic.

  • Yup, it's just a chromatic scale.

  • Which is why it's a lot easier than it sounds.

  • Ohh!

  • - Oh wait, no, I screwed it. - *Brett humming the music*

  • Let's play it.

  • Dude, it sounds better than

  • all the sacrilegious bois!

  • Dude, you just do that for the whole piece

  • and you can do it in 30 seconds.

  • You can literally drop a CD and just go...

  • "I'm gonna play 'The Flight of the Bumblebee'."

  • Dugudugudu and just get someone to cut it like this

  • and you're good to go.

  • But yeah, fam, that's a good idea

  • you said before about someone needs an audition...

  • Um... Done. They can just send me this one.

  • Shaun is officially accepting...

  • - Flight of the Bumblebee. - Black market audition tapes.

  • Yeah.

  • You got a Juilliard audition,

  • played a few notes out of tune.

  • It's all right.

  • - Producer Shaun's got your back. - I got you, fam.

  • That's how I got you guys through uni.

  • Yeah.

  • That's how we got to uni, right?

  • Yeah.

  • Woah, bros power.

  • You are a producer now.

  • Woah.

  • Dude, I be like manipulating sound.

  • Oh my god.

  • - Yeah. - Yeah.

  • Holy...

  • It's like, beegrrrrr.

  • - It's like - Yeah, and... - It's like a machine gun.

  • And the consistency.

  • - The tone is consistent. - It goes, pikapiakpaiak.

  • There's no shift.

  • Oh yeah, the shifting.

  • The perfect bumblebee piece.

  • Can we try to add the...

  • - The effects on this as well. - Oh yeah, let's do that.

  • - Let's do that. - Yeah, okay.

  • Sacrilegious!

  • Well, this is the most sacri-interesting-legious thing ever.

  • If you can tune slowly, you can tune quickly.

  • Should we make it even faster?

  • If you want to break the world record.

  • And you just...

  • That might be too fast.

  • I'm moving it back a little bit.

  • Can you go faster?

  • Yeah, for sure.

  • Dude, your ears can't even pick it up.

  • Give him credit. It sounds like a bumblebee.

  • It does.

  • He wasn't wrong.

  • They just couldn't do it back then.

  • Hundreds of years later.

  • Now, they're like, oh, yeah.

  • Yeah, Rimsky-Korsakov nailed it.

  • Like this was the tempo it was meant to be played.

  • Can we get the Guinness World Records now?

  • We did it in 10 seconds.

  • Yeah, we did in 10 seconds.

  • Not 15.

  • Just...

  • Bro, it went red.

  • What does red mean?

  • You just broke the sound barrier.

  • Guys...

  • That was epic.

  • Epically interesting.

  • So thanks again for producer Shaun.

  • If you have an audition coming up...

  • - Feel free... - Hit me up.

  • Hit me up.

  • Yeah.

  • You don't even have to learn the piece.

  • Just play one note, send it, I'll figure it out.

  • All right guys, please accent like button.

  • Go check out Shaun's stuff in the description link below.

  • We'll see you guys next time.

Do you struggle to play in tune?


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B1 中級

バイオリンの演奏はAUTOTUNEで直せるのか? (Can We Fix Our Violin Playing with AUTOTUNE?)

  • 13 3
    李芷凝 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日