字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi, I'm circus clown sheep.
Do you want to be in a circus with me?
All you have to do is pretend just tender in the circus.
Think what you could be to join me at the circuit.
There's so much to do and see.
Pig is quite the juggler And he's got a trick for you We even have a strong man who can fit inside your shoot your perfect for my circus show tender and the circuit Think what you could be Won't you join me at the circus?
ピッグは曲芸師でトリックを持っている あなたの撮影にぴったりの 強い男もいるわ サーカスのショーにも最適よ サーカスに参加してみない?
So much to do and see Look up there It's our friend Prague He's careful through and through Look out Way up there But hanging in the air Everybody loves Won't you come with me?
So much to do and see Look up there It's our friend Prague He's careful through and through Look out Way up there But hanging in air Everybody loves Won't you come with me?
We can travel with circus for all word world Teoh No, I don't have any way to take my circus all around Word world.
私たちは、すべてのワードワールドのためにサーカスと一緒に旅行することができますTeoh いいえ、私は私のサーカスをワードワールドのすべての周りに連れて行く方法がありません。
I need something that has lots of cars to hold everyone and can run on this track And it should have allowed whistle to let everyone know where coming.
私は皆を保持するために多くの車を持っている何かが必要であり、このトラック上で実行することができます そして、それは誰もがどこに来ているかを知らせるために笛を許可している必要があります。
Come on Way all the born chain Just three tender in I think what you could be.
Won't you join me at the circus?