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While french fries and milkshakes are In-N-Out staples, it's the burgers that really keep people coming back.
In-N-Out ではフライドポテトやミルクシェイクが美味しいですけど、人気の秘密はハンバーガーにあります。
Why are these burgers so good you might even trade your own child for one?
Read on to fully grasp the hustle behind the legendary In-N-Out burger.
In-N-Out の伝説のハンバーガーの秘密を紐解いていきましょう。
It all starts with the meat.
One reason the chain has never expanded to the East Coast is that they have a firm policy of never opening a restaurant more than a day's drive from one of their meat processing plants.
東海岸にお店を展開しない理由は、会社の方針として自社精肉工場から1日以内に来るまで配達できない土地には店舗をオープンしない、 というのがあるからです。
That ensures their locations always have fresh meat.
How fresh?
None of their restaurants have freezers or microwaves.
In 2017, Carl Van Fleet, the then vice president of planning and development at In-N-Out, told Business Insider,
2017 年、 In-N-Out のカール・ヴァン・フリート戦略開発副部長は Business Insider のインタビューに答えた際に、
"At In-N-Out Burger, we make all of our hamburger patties ourselves and deliver them fresh to all of our restaurants with our own delivery vehicles… nothing is ever frozen.
「In-N-Out Burgerでは、ハンバーガーのパティは全てが自家製、そして新鮮なうちに自社配達車で店舗に納品されます。ひとつとして冷凍されるものはありません。
Our new restaurant locations are limited by the distance we can travel from our patty-making facilities and distribution centers."
And at the In-n-Out distribution facilities, they grind the meat themselves using carefully inspected whole chucks from cattle chosen just for In-N-Out.
そして In-n-Out の中継センターでは、厳重な検査を経た In-N-Out 用として生育された牛の肩肉を引き肉状に加工していきます。
According to In-N-Out's official website, the resulting beef is, quote, "100% USDA ground chuck—free of additives, fillers and preservatives."
In-N-Out の公式サイトでは、こうして準備されたビーフは「100% USDA 認証で添加物や詰め物、保存料を一切使用していません」と記載されています。
If that doesn't make you want to buy a hamburger, we don't know what will!
"I would like to buy a hamburger!"
"I would like to buy a hamburger!"
"I would like to buy a hamburger!"
"I would like to buy a hamburger!"
It's not just the meat that's fresh, tough.
The veggies practically crawled right out of the ground and directly onto your plate.
According to In-N-Out, the iceberg lettuce that tops their burgers is, quote, "hand leafed."
In-N-Out によると、ハンバーガーに入っているレタスは「人の手で選別されている」ということです。
Every morning, associates slice fresh onions and tomatoes, in addition to sorting through lettuce.
A former In-n-Out employee told Delishably,
In-n-Out の元社員は Delishably とのインタビューの中で、
"After working at In-N-Out, I can say without a doubt that it's the cleanest, freshest 'fast food' you can ever have […] lettuce, tomato and onions are prepared in the morning for fresh produce throughout the day."
「In-N-Out で働いた私が言えるのは、間違いなくこれはファストフードの中では一番新鮮で清潔だということです。レタスやトマト、玉ねぎも新鮮なものが その日の分毎朝下ごしらえされていますから」と話します。
The employee also revealed that beside condiments, the only items that aren't prepared fresh in store and that do come in packages are the drinks, chili peppers, and the burger's infamous spread, which is basically just a variation of Thousand Island dressing.
この元従業員は、調味料を別にすれば他に店舗で新鮮な状態で取り扱われていないもので出来合いの形で入ってきているものは、飲み物とチリペッパー、それから お馴染みのサウザンドアイランド・ドレッシングをベースにしたオリジナルソースだけだとも話します。
Everybody has their own firm opinion about onions, which is why In-N-Out offers so many option.
玉ねぎに関しては好みが大きく分かれるところですので、In-N-Out ではたくさんのオプションを用意しています。
Normally, the burgers come with a slice of fresh onion, unless specified otherwise in your order.
And mind you, it's a whole, legit slice, not just a single ring or a couple of rings.
ところで、ちっぽけな輪っかみたいなのが 1~2 個ではなく、しっかりと丸々スライスが入ってきます。
You can also order them diced, or you can also ask for the onions to be grilled, which essentially means they're caramelized onions.
You can also ask for a grilled whole onion!
Heck, with that many options, they should probably just change the name of the joint to In-N-Out Onions.
っていうか、そんなに玉ねぎの種類があるならお店の名前を In-N-Out Onions に変えた方がいいんじゃないか、というほどですね。
Getting the beef to bun ratio right is never easy.
“Where's the beef?”!
"Some hamburger places give you a lot less beef on a lot of bun."
"Where's the beef?!"
But In-N-Out seems to have gotten it just right, with soft, fresh, and delicious buns made at another family-owned Southern California institution, Puritan Bakery.
でも、In-N-Out ではここをしっかり押さえることに成功していて、パンもフカフカの焼きたてで美味しい、こちらも家族経営の南カリフォルニに本拠を置く、Puritan Bakery の製品を採用しています。
Since the 1930s, the establishment has ensured the finest quality buns by not skipping any crucial steps in the dough making process.
同社は 1930 年代に開業して以来、品質を最優先にして重要な生地作りの段階にこだわってきました。
The powers that be at In-N-Out describe the buns on their website as "baked using old fashioned, slow-rising sponge dough," and the result of the seven-hour bread making process is a burger holder that is both spongy and pliable, and very pleasing to the palate.
In-N-Out のサイト上では、「昔ながらの時間をかけた発酵」が特徴で、7時間をかけて焼き上げたパンは スポンジのように柔らかく、しなやかで、舌触りも最高です。
And In-N-Out has also nailed the other ratios involved in a perfect burger too.
この他にも、In-N-Out は最高のハンバーガーに欠かせない様々なバランスを上手に取ることに成功しています。
The patty isn't too thick, which gives a cheese to meat ratio that leans slightly more cheesy than other restaurants.
And the thinner patty also allows the condiments to shine a little more, without overshadowing the tasty beef.
In-N-Out doesn't really mess with anything except burgers and their perfect side pairings, fries and shakes.
In-N-Out は、ハンバーガーとフライドポテトやシェイクといったサイドメニュー以外には色々なものに手を出したりはしません。
While other famous chains like Carl's Jr. and McDonald's tout tons of ever-changing menu items, In-N-Out offers less than 15.
Carl's Jr. やマクドナルドといった他の有名チェーン店は、常にメニューにたくさんのバリエーションを加えたりしていますが、In-N-Out のメニュー数は15種類にも満ちません。
In-N-Out CEO Lynsi Snyder told Forbes, "It's not [about] adding new products.
In-N-Out の CEO リンジー・スナイダーさんは、Forbes のインタビューの中で「新商品を加えていくとか
Or thinking of the next bacon-wrapped this or that.
We're making the same burger, the same fry… we're not going to compromise."
Her mission is in keeping with founder Harry Snyder's motto, which was do one thing, and do that one thing as best as you can.
This ideal is clearly still embodied today and definitely seems to working for the brand, which is allegedly worth around $300 billion.
この考えは今でも引き継がれており、ブランド浸透という意味では大成功を収めていて会社の資産は 3000 億ドル相当に上ると言われています。
Lynsi Snyder also told Forbes, "I felt a deep call to make sure that I preserve those things that [my family] would want.
That we didn't ever look to the left and the right to see what everyone else is doing, cut corners or change things drastically or compromise."
ですから周りをあちこち見渡して他の会社がどんな事をしているかを気にしたりはしませんでしたし、手を抜いたり、何かを大幅に変えたり妥協したりは考えもしなかったんです」と Forbes に話しています。
Check out one of our newest videos right here!
Plus, even more Mashed videos about your favorite burgers are coming soon.
それから、Mashed のビデオで新しいハンバーガー店も近く取り上げていきたいと思います。
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