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We will probably never know the secret recipe of the the oldest major soft drink in the United States, but Dr Pepper has been around since 1885, and in all that time you can bet there are some secrets of the brand that have been divulged.
アメリカで一番古い、人気ソフトドリンクの秘密のレシピは、私たちには知る由もないでしょう。でも、ドクターペッパーは 1885 年から存在していて、その間中ずっと、明かされていない秘密があるのです。
This is the untold truth of Dr Pepper.
"Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too?"
Secret formula
Created by Texas pharmacist Charles Alderton in 1885, Dr Pepper gets its unique taste from a secret blend of 23 flavors.
テキサスの薬剤師、チャールズ・アルダートン氏によって、1885 年に生み出されたドクターペッパー。その独特の風味は、23 種類の味を混ぜて作られています。
Just what those flavors are, however, nobody knows, and the folks that make Dr Pepper aren't saying.
According to rumor, only three people alive know the formula, which has been split into two separate ingredient listings, which are kept under lock and key at different banks.
噂では、生きていて製法を知っている人は、3 人しかいないのだそうです。そしてその製法は、2 つの別々の原材料表に分けられ、異なる銀行で、施錠のうえで保管されているのだとか。
So even if you stole one list, you would only get half the recipe.
リストの 1 つを盗んだとしても、レシピの半分しか手に入らないのです。
We do know one thing that isn't in Dr Pepper: prune juice.
ドクターペッパーに、入っていない原材料が 1 つあります。プルーン果汁です。
Since the 1930s, rumors have swirled that Dr Pepper contains prune juice, but the manufacturer has gone on the record denying it.
1930 年以来、ドクターペッパーにはプルーン果汁が使われているという噂がありました。しかし製造業者が、それを否定する発表をしました。
The sanctity of the Dr Pepper brand was called into question in 2009, when an old ledger from the pharmacy Alderton worked out was found with a recipe for something called Dr Peppers Pepsin Bitters.
2009 年には、そのドクターペッパーの神聖さに、疑問が呈されました。アルダートン氏が勤務していた薬局の帳簿から、「ドクターペッパー・ペプシン・ビターズ」というレシピが見つかったのです。
However, the company again denied that the recipe was for Dr Pepper, stating that if you made it, the resulting beverage wouldn't taste anything like their fabled soft drink.
Better luck next time, thirsty treasure hunters!
Gimme a Waco
When Alderton created the drink in a Waco, Texas drugstore, he didn't give it a name, prompting customers to simply order a "Waco."
As the soda gained popularity, store owner Wade Morrison realized it needed a proper name, and dubbed it Dr Pepper.
Though rumors claim he named it after a long lost love, according to the Dr Pepper Museum website, the true origin of the name is unknown.
What is known is that Dr Pepper lost its punctuation in the 50s, due to the logo's illegibility.
分かっているのは、ロゴの読みにくさが原因し、1950 年代に、ドクターペッパーのドットマークが消去されたことです。
The period caused consumers to read the name as "DriPepper," and the company removed it to lessen the confusion.
Hot Dr Pepper?
Hot soda sounds pretty gross, but nevertheless, Hot Dr Pepper has been around since the 1960s, created in an attempt to keep soda sales strong during the colder months.
温かいサイダーなんて気持ち悪いですが、それでも、温かいドクターペッパーは 1960 年代から存在しています。これは、寒い時期もサイダーの売り上げを伸ばそうという試みの結果でした。
So what the heck is it?
According to the company's website: "Hot Dr Pepper was developed many years ago as a refreshing winter drink."
"Heat Dr Pepper in a saucepan to 180 degrees, place a thin slice of lemon in the bottom of a coffee mug or insulated cup and pour the heated Dr Pepper over the lemon."
ドクターペッパーを、鍋で約 80℃ まで加熱し、マグカップや保温カップの底にレモンを 1 切れ入れて、その上から、暖めたドクターペッパーを注ぎます。」ということです。
Go ahead and try it if you want, just ... don't blame us.
The fountain of youth
Conventional wisdom says that soft drinks are bad for you.
And conventional wisdom is absolutely right.
However, you are not Elizabeth Sullivan, who passed away in 2017 at the incredible age of 106.
でも、あなたはエリザベス・サリヴァンさんではありませんね。彼女は 2017年、106 歳という驚きの年齢で亡くなりました。
On her 104th birthday, she revealed to CNN the secret to her longevity, a ton of Dr Pepper: "This stuff is good and it's got sugar in it.
104 歳の誕生日、彼女は CNN に対し、長寿の秘訣を明かしました。それが、大量のドクターペッパーです。「これは良いんですよ。砂糖が入っていて。
"And three, two doctors have told me that if I drink it, I will die."
"But they died first!"
To mark the occasion, the soft drink company sent Sullivan a cake shaped like--what else--a can of Dr Pepper.
"Not for women"
Ironically, it seems Sullivan probably shouldn't have been drinking Dr Pepper at all, because in 2011, the company unveiled an ad campaign instructing viewers that their low calorie Dr Pepper Ten was not intended for women.
皮肉にも、サリヴァンさんは、ドクターペッパーを飲むべきではなかったようです。2011 年、製造業者は、低カロリーのドクターペッパー 10 は女性向けでない、という内容の広告を打ち出したからです。
"Dr Pepper 10--it's not for women!"
「ドクターペッパー 10 ―女性はダメ!」
While a Dr Pepper vice president insisted that "women get the joke," it's hard to argue that the campaign wasn't sexist, and it raised the ire of both women and across media.
For example, Jill Pantozzi of The Mary Sue wrote: "Next time Dr Pepper, just put genitals on all your beverages, that way we'll know which ones are okay to drink."
They made Christians mad
In 2012, a Facebook ad illustrating Dr Pepper's supposed effect on evolution riled a group of Christians as it challenged their belief in creationism.
2012 年、ドクターペッパーが人類進化に影響した、という広告がフェイスブックに掲載されました。これは、キリスト教の天地創造説に対立するものであり、一部のキリスト教徒たちの怒りを買いました。
While obviously a joke, some didn't find it very funny, with comments to the Facebook post including responses such as, "I ain't no freaking chimp.
"No more Dr Pepper for my household"
And: "I love Dr Pepper but hate this photo."
"Forget evolution […] Jesus all the way!"
Evangelicals were also upset back in 2001.
2001 年には、福音派の人たちも反発しました。
In an attempt to honor the victims of the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks, Dr Pepper issued special patriotic themed cans which included phrases from the Pledge of Allegiance.
9.11 のテロリスト攻撃の犠牲者追悼の意を込めて、ドクターペッパーは、愛国主義的なデザイン缶を発売しました。そこには、忠誠の誓いの言葉が書かれていました。
The problem, according to those who were upset, was the words used were, "One nation… indivisible" rather than the full phrase, "One nation under God, indivisible."
Dr Pepper was accused of being "too politically correct" and angry consumers called for a boycott.
But the company explained it was purely a logistical issue.
"Due to space limitations on the can, only a few of the 31 words from the Pledge of Allegiance could be used."
「缶のスペース制限のため、31 単語の忠誠の誓いのうち、数単語しか使えなかったのです…
"More than 90 percent were not included."
90 % 以上の単語を、含むことができませんでした。」
They refused to pull cans from shelves, saying that it was a "resoundingly patriotic, bipartisan message that we are a united nation."
そして、「際だって愛国的で、私たちが 1 つの国であるという、党派の枠組みを超えたメッセージである」とし、棚から商品を撤去することはなかったのです。