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It is the end of October in Japan,
and it is like 21 something degrees outside,
I think it's super unnatural.
I don't like it. Sir, you know what else I think I'm not gonna like?
- What? -The new unnatural Halloween Frappuccinos at Starbucks, Japan.
- えっ、日本のスタバに不自然なハロウィンフラペチーノが新登場?
(Halloween music)
Looks unnatural to me.
- Nothing about a Frappuccino has ever looked natural,
- フラペチーノのどこにも自然には見えない。
so both of these are flappuccino blend.
- Flappuccinos? Flappuccino, flappuccino, frip frap flappuccinos
- フラッペチーノ?フラッペチーノ、フラッペチーノ、フリップフラップフラッペチーノ
- Hey - One of those fancy drinks.
- 高級な飲み物だ
- Both of these are Frappuccino blended creams there's no coffee
- どちらもフラペチーノをブレンドしたクリームでコーヒーはありません
- Which means no coffee in either one. Which means what's the point?
- どちらにもコーヒーはないつまり何の意味があるんだ?
- It's just sugar. - There is gonna be 2 kinds of apples.
- ただの砂糖です。- りんごは2種類になりそうです。
There's a princess Frappuccino, and it's pink, and it's fluffy
- Yeah - And then there's a bad apple Frappuccino for the evil witch.
- うん - そして、悪の魔女のために悪いリンゴのフラペチーノがあります。
- It's the princess and the witch Frappuccino.
- お姫様と魔女のフラペチーノです。
- So 1 , 2, 3 we'll say which one that we think we'll want to have. - Ok
- 1, 2, 3......どれがいいかな?- 分かった
[Both] 1, 2, 3 [Simon] Princess [Martina] Witch
両方】1、2、3 【シモン】姫【マルティナ】魔女
-Perfect so I get this beautiful princess one.
It's got these little sparkly balls on it in pink and blue
It's got a whole bunch of what looks like condensed milk
at the bottom and just a big fruity pink fluffy whatever.
- Mine looks awesome
- 私のは最高に見える
It's dark chocolate evil
and it's got chunks of like evil apples
and they put these really cool streaks of chocolate in
which I think will be...
- I think blended in with the brownie as well.
- ブラウニーにも溶け込んでいると思います。
-Are you kidding me?! - I saw them put something in there
-冗談じゃないよ!- 何か入れてるの見たんだけど
- So mine's the fattuccino. - Yours is the fattuccino.
- 俺のはファットゥチーノだな- 君のはファットゥチーノだ
- Mine's got a chubby straw. - Here we go
- 私のはぽっちゃりしたストローを持っています。- さあ、行こう
Oh, that's sweet!
- I picked the right one.
- 選んだのは私です。
- This tastes like a memory. - How can this taste like a memory?
- これは記憶のような味がする- これが思い出の味なのか?
Are you secretly going out drinking pink Frappuccinos?
- No, this tastes like almost like cereal milk.
- いや、これはほとんどシリアルミルクのような味だ。
- Like when you have frosted flakes or lucky charms?
- 霜降りフレークや縁起物がある時とか?
- Yeah it almost tastes like the leftover milk from a cereal.
- シリアルの残りの牛乳みたいな味だな
- Mine actually, is quite interesting.
- 私のは、実際には、かなり興味深いです。
This middle part just hits like a chocolate Frappuccino
and the bottom tastes like a juicy Red Delicious apples
It's actually not too sweet
and this top part is gonna like a mocha taste.
You know what I would like though?
- What? - Just a dash of cinnamon or pinch of nutmeg?
- シナモンかナツメグでいいのか?
- Hold on I should get my Halloween princess donut.
- ちょっと待って......ハロウィンのお姫様ドーナツを買わないと
There was none for you
If you got the good frappuccino, I get the accessory items. Look at this.
- That doesn't seem fair.
- それは公平ではないようです。
- It's got pink frosting on it.
- ピンクのフロスティングがかかっています。
It's got like little vanilla balls
- It's got sparkles
- キラキラしてる
- It sparkles and twinkles and silver
- キラキラとキラキラと銀色に輝く
Mmm (inaudible) crunchy one to harmonize.
It's very very subtle pairing
of junk food
You can taste all of the overworked gluten
and the thick caking of icing on top
and it slowly dissolves in your mouth with this cereal milk Frappuccino
with the balls you can barely taste.
Hey, that's my donut I'm the princess not you in this relationship
Let me see yours. Wow. Yours is like super dense
Well, this is so much heavier than my mine
just by heft alone. Like the princess weighs half as much as the witch
Maybe that's why the witch is so witchy. Because she so grumpy like "oh look at you so young and pretty
魔女が魔女っぽいのはそのせいかもしれませんね。 だって、「あぁ、若くて可愛いね」みたいな不機嫌な顔をしているから...。
You didn't put on any weight wait till you hit your 30s then we'll see whose the princess now"
- Enjoy your sugar coated shoe white (crosstalk)
- シュガーコーティングされた靴の白(クロストーク)を楽しむ
- Your fast metabolism. Not anymore I give you the curse of age!
- あなたの速い代謝。もうこれ以上、年齢の呪いを与えることはできない!
- That's all anyone needs to do. Everything will hurt when it shouldn't, and you'll
- それだけでいいんだ何もかもが痛い目に遭うだろうし
gain weight instantly when before you could eat a medium pizza to yourself
- I think the Bad Wish Frappuccino acknowledges that I'm older now.
- バッド・ウィッシュ・フラペチーノは、今の自分が年を取ったことを認めてくれていると思います。
I'm never gonna have a six-pack again. Let's just go balls to the wall and
get as junky as we can possibly get.
This definitely just looks and feels worse. I didn't even taste it yet.
Old lady wish time
- Oh (old person mumbling) millenials
- おう
Who are these people looking at us?
- You know what we should do?
- どうすればいいかわかるか?
We should like look at our phones and ignore each other just like trendy people
What was I doing again? - Suspiciousness is the fact that these people are watching us here.
私は何をしていたんだろう?- 怪しいというのは、この人たちがここを見ているということです。
How did you get into this camera, people?
How did you get in here?
- Mmm, that is some really poppin' cherry! And you could taste...
- うーん、それは本当にポップなチェリーだ!そして、あなたは...
- It's apples not cherry
- チェリーではなくリンゴです
- Is it? - Yeah
- そうなの?- そうなの?
- Apples not that....
- りんごはそれじゃなくて......。
- It's apple. It's red delicious evil witch apple.
- りんごです。赤くて美味しい悪魔女りんごです。
- I give you the curse of age
- 老いの呪いをかけてやる
It doesn't taste like a cherry I'll be honest.
- Because it's apple
- リンゴだから
- I give you the curse of age
- 老いの呪いをかけてやる
I'm the witch of this solution
I gotta say yours is a lot better than mine.
- I"m telling you 100% it's apple it's literally called One Apple Two...
- 私はあなたに100%のリンゴを言っています...それは文字通りOne Apple Twoと呼ばれています...
Which sounds like a horrible name by the way. One Apple Two Frapps
ひどい名前のように聞こえるがOne Apple Two Frapps
- Okay, I can taste it now.
- よし、これで味がわかる。
- One Apple Two Frapps, is that really what this is called?
- ワンアップルツーフラップス、これが本当にそうなのか?
- One Apple Two Frapps. How is that one?
- ワン・アップル・ツー・フラップスこれはどうですか?
- You know, it's not as faintly sweet as I thought it was going to be.
- 思っていたよりもかすかに甘くないんですよね。
- Starbucks Japan actually does really good Frappuccinos.
- スターバックスジャパンは、実はフラペチーノが本当に美味しいんです。
- We had that tremendous fun. The peach one.
- とてつもなく楽しかったです。桃のやつ。
That just blew our mind. It was the best Starbucks we ever had
- Are we supposed to tell anybody that? We definitely were not supposed to tell people
- 誰かに言うべきか?私たちは間違いなく、人々に言うことになっていませんでした
that we had that fatty fatty fatty fat fat because we have the curse of old age
which means it's never gone out of our bodies. It's part of my....
- I had it back in the summer. It's still hanging off my left nipple as we speak.
- 夏の間にもありました。今も左の乳首にぶら下がっています。
So what if my pecks are firm? I still eat donuts
- You sound like Matthew
- マシューみたいだな
You sound like Matthew McConaughey
Wait while that's in your mouth talk about...
- Murf
- マーフ
- When you're on the road
- 外出先では
- You're on the road of (inaudible)
- の道を進んでいます。
I gotta tell you I don't really get a Halloween vibe out of this.
- No neither do I but okay
- いいえ、私もそうですが、大丈夫です。
here's the thing people in Japan, Halloween's just like a party day,
and I already saw kids out in the park for the costumes on.
- Oh, yeah, - Yeah, I was biking here and I saw little kids....
- そうそう、ここを自転車で走っていたら、小さな子供がいて・・・。
- Did you like my costume today?
- 今日の衣装は気に入ってくれたかな?
- Are you lumberjack?
- 木こりですか?
- I pretended to be - Are you Canadian?
- カナダ人?
- I pretend to be somebody that fits into this shirt.
- このシャツに似合う人のふりをしています。
- Did you just buy this?
- 今買ったの?
- I just bought it and it won't close
- 買ったばかりなのに閉まらない
and for some reason the left one goes up fine
but my right forearm is a lot bigger than my left.
That's not, that's a manufacturing default. Don't know why
- What size is this?
- これはどのくらいの大きさなのでしょうか?
- It's a large. - You're just so big.
- 大きいんですよ。- とにかく大きいですね。
But look it fits at the shoulders.
This is good shoulder size when the tip sit there.
It's just my fat nipples again
- You don't have fat nipples. You're a buff boy.
- 乳首が太くない。太っているんですね。
You have really rock hard pecks. You break eggs
in our kitchen constantly.
- It's because of my tremendous strength not because of my rippling body
- 凄まじい強さを持っているからであって、波打つ体のせいではない。
- Sometimes you try open up jars and you like tear the lid off
- 時々、あなたは瓶を開くしようとすると、蓋を引き裂くような
and it goes across the room.
- Last night I actually broke that little thing
- 昨夜、私は実際にその小さなものを壊しました。
on the front door that's for mosquito repellent.
- Did you try to take it off and it crumpled in your hand?
- 脱ごうとしたら手の中でクシャクシャになった?
- It shattered in my hand again.
- それがまた手の中で粉々になった。
- Simon needs to have these hands insured.
- サイモンはこの手に保険をかけないと
- I have uncontrollable strength in this huge right hand.
- この巨大な右手には、抑えきれないほどの力がある。
How did you get so strong?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows. The point is I don't feel Halloween festive after these drinks.
I think we might have to go to Tokyo Disneyland in order to get the true feeling of Halloween in Japan
That might be our next video, bye. Thanks for watching everybody.
- I hope we go to DisneySea
- ディズニーシーに行きたい
- If you think, if you don't like a complaints about old age.
- と思うならば、老後の不満が嫌ならば
Hey, guess what? We still got another 40 years
we're gonna be on YouTube prepare for many many more old people jokes
coming your way - Coming on your way
coming your way - あなたの方法で来る