字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント The Summer of 2020 is upon us, but it looks nothing like previous years. 今年は前代未聞の夏休みです It takes extra effort to live happy and joyful this year, 工夫次第で 楽しく出来るはず but the secret in doing so lies in looking outside of yourself to help those around you. 身近な人との絆が鍵です Life in Japan is ready for the summer of 2020! 2020年の夏が始まります! Yeah, nice! OK, let's go! さあ行こう! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 子供は遊びの天才です If you need to be reminded how to have a good time, just watch kids — どんな時でも 楽しむ知恵に溢れてます they can make a good time out of anything, at any place, at any time. ジャンプしてたの? Hey Dude! Were you jumping? 見せて Let's see it. Let's see it. すごい! Whoa, yes! 久々の太陽です It has been weeks it feels like since we had a sunny day 晴天です And today we finally have a sunny day! 川辺でピクニックします We're going down to the river and enjoy a picnic lunch together. It's going to be awesome. - 見て - 飛べる? Watch me! Ok, let's watch you. Can you do it? さすが Oh yeah Dude. 毛虫です Whoa, caterpillar in a cocoon. 制限の多い夏ですが 楽しく過ごす事は出来ます Summer this year comes with a lot of restrictions, but those restrictions don't have to keep us from enjoying the small things in life. 長い梅雨が 終わったようです There's a light at the end of the tunnel. It looks like rainy season is almost over. 自転車! Oh bicycle, bicycle! - すごいな - 4人乗りよ Look at the crew here! Oh my goodness! Three, four on a bike! 寝てるね… こっちは起きてる? We lost somebody at the end there. But you're wide awake! High five! タッチ無し? No high five? Is she wide awake? - 何? - 虫だよ What do you have there? A bug. - 凄いね - 見たい Oh yeah, that's cool. Can I see? I want to see. 美味しい? Look! Oh my goodness, is that exciting? Is that yummy? 美味しいよ Mmm hmmm. Yeah, it's so yummy. 録画中だよ Alright, I'm filming, so you can spit up now. 可愛いだろ You're so pretty. 幸せはシンプルです Having a good time doesn't have to be complicated! 家族と友人を大事にする事 幸せの秘訣です Prioritizing family and friends goes a long ways to making even the most normal moments special. どうだった? Dude! What did you guys think? もう寝るよ I'm going to go to bed now! Ha ha. 外から爆発音がしたので The kids were in bed when all of a sudden we heard some explosions outside. サプライズの花火でした It was fireworks right above the bridge right next to us. 多くのお祭りが 取止めになり To avoid drawing crowds, most festivals have been cancelled for this summer. あっても小規模です But many places are doing impromptu shows. この花火もサプライズで 行われました Without announcement or warning, short firework displays of a couple of minutes are happening to lift the spirits of people. 我が家の近所です The fact that they shot some off right by our house sure made our day! すごかったね! Did you see the camera this morning? 今朝カメラ見た? Camera doesn't have his hat on. 帽子が無いんだ What?! It's right there. - 何? - そこにあるよ That's so cool! Awwww. 格好良い! But still, he always looks like this. まだ見えてる Did you turn it off or it just closes? No, it just closes. - 電源消えるの? - 閉じるだけ Can I try the closing thing? Yep, here you go. - やっていい? - いいよ Wait, if we put our face right here then it's going to.. Yeah, it'll slap you in the face. - 私の顔に被せたら? - やってみて [Inaudible] アナもする? Anna, you want to try? みんなおはよう! Good morning everybody who watches Life in Japan! おしまいです! Now, the video's ending: goodbye. - 何してたの? - どうぶつの森 What are you guys working on here? Animal Crossing. 見せて Oh, let me see, hold them right there. OK, hold them up. - パンダ? - 私も! The panda? And me! 可愛いね And you! 手が震える! So Kawaii (cute)! いいね I can't hold it still, I'm just going to shake! おはよう! Those are cool guys. - 幼稚園はお休み - そうだね Hey, good morning! No school. インスタ中です No school. No school today, that's right. すごい階段です Mama chan is doing some Instagram. 大変だ! Well, we are welcomed to some stairs right off the bat. 色んな公園を探検するのが 我が家の趣味です Whoa man! - 蛙?! - 偽物みたい Is there's one hobby we have together as a family it would probably be exploring parks in Japan. 変ね Ah! Is that a frog? No, it isn't real. 手を振って! That's crazy, ok keep going. いいね! Wave! ねえ Yeah! Nice, ok let's go! 見て! Me! You? 上手! Me, me, me! Nice 裏庭みたい Pretty good! - 私も出来る! - サラだね I kind of feel like we came in the back door. OK I can do it. Oh, Sarah too? 前行っていい? OK Sarah. 遅いよ Joshua, can I go forward? もっと速く You're going slow! ジョシュア!はやく! You gotta go like this fast. 見て Joshua, hurry! 見せて! Watch this いいね! OK, let's see it! できた! Awesome! すごく高い I did it! That's a tall one! 降りれる? Wait, I don't think I want to do anything up here. うん Can you get down alright? - 1回… - すごいね! Yeah. 竹林だね And do one... pull up! That was good. ♪ 竹の森だよ~ ♪ Look at all the bamboo here, guys. 竹の森? (Singing) This is a bamboo forest 良い公園を見つけました! (Everyone singing) This is a bamboo forest, yeah yeah yeah プレゼントだね The bamboo forest? まだダメよ! And another great park, explored. トランク開けて Whoa- Joey's present is in there! 何? Don't say anything [about the present]! - ジョーイの誕生日会だよ - 車に乗って Go to the car and open the trunk! ジョーイの誕生日で 海に行く予定でした What's going on? 去年は三浦半島に行きました(第16話) We're going to go over for Joey's birthday party! Go get in the car! 今年は雨やコロナの影響で中止です Go Becca, go get in the car. 第16話は 日本語字幕付の初回です Joey's birthday party was going to be at a beach, kind of like it was last year. - 見てね! - ぜひ! Last year we celebrated Joey's birthday party at the beach in Yokohama and had a blast. ジョーイ 今日は何の日? We were going to do that again this year, but all the rain and restrictions prevented that from happening. ライオンは? Joey's birthday party last year was the first video we had subtitled in Japanese - すごいわ! - ライオンだね! You should check it out! Check it out! 見せて! Yeah! Joey, do you even know what's going to happen today? 海が無くても 良い時間です Do you have a lion? Where's your lion? 今年の様な悪い状況でも 楽しく出来るかは私達次第ですね Oh my goodness! Wow, that's a big lion! 車だ! I want to try it! I want to hold it! 見てご覧 It may not be the beach, but it was good to celebrate anyway! 調子どう? We can't let bad circumstances ruin our day, or even our summer, ダメ!ジョーイのだよ but fight all the harder for the good. 何だと思う? (Everybody cheering) 何? It's a car! かして Look at that! 見てご覧! How's it going? How's it going there? ジョーイ! No Joshua! It's Joey's! すごいね! Tia Pri and Uncle Paul, do you know what it is? すごい車だ! I have no idea. I think I know. 乗って OK, I'm going to start helping it. 2人乗り?! Look Joey Joey, look! フリントストーンみたいだ Look Joey Joey! 順番だね Oh my goodness! 押そうか? It's a huge car! It's so cool! ワーオ! Let Joey get in! 叩いて! There's two places! - ワーオ! - もっと強く You're like in the Flintstones. できたね All the cousins taking a turn! 上手よ! Wow! Want me to push you? 見て!見て! Whoa! 割れるよ! Here's one too. Izzy, smack the pack. ワオ! Wow! Harder Izzy! バースデーケーキです! Oh there, now it's going. 美味しい? That's what it's supposed to do. Let it pop it. 美味しい! There it goes. Ok watch, watch. Let it go! Let it go! - 美味しい? - 美味しい! It's gonna pop, it's gonna pop! どう? Pow! 本を読んでたら Ahhhh! ハエトリグサが出てきて 実際に見てみる事にしたんだ Oh my goodness, everybody's enjoying some birthday cake! 動画を見つけたよ Oh, is it yummy? ”一瞬にして捕まります…” Say "oishii!" Oishii (tasty) "刑務所の様に…" Is it yummy? Oishii! "大きさによっては 逃げれるかも…" Good? Ok. - ダメかな? - 逃げたよ So, we were reading a book with Joshua, and what did we see? ”大抵はダメです…” A Venus Fly Trap, right? Yeah. ダメだね And so I said, "Hey Joshua, I want to show you what a Venus Fly Trap does." 死んじゃった So we looked up a video on YouTube — here we go! そうだね [Video] An electrical impulse is triggered and the leaf snaps shut in just a fraction of a second. 今年はハエも大変そう The tips lock together like prison bars. 苦労の多い年です [ominous music] 助け合いましょう! If the fly is very big or very small, it may just manage to escape. Oh, he got out! パズコーヒーショップです He didn't. Oh yea yea, he got out. 特別なライブをします But most are trapped. 熊本洪水の チャリティイベントです He didn't. And die. 沢山のミュージシャンが出演します He got stuck and died. 楽しみです! He died, yeah. はじまります! It's not just flies that had a tough time in 2020, ポールは演出担当 縁の下の力持ちです each one of us has had our own setbacks this year. 友達です But we are more motivated than ever to help those around us. パズチャーチでは 熊本地震のボランティアをしました So today we're at Paz Coffee Shop. 東日本大震災にも チームを派遣しました We're going to be doing a special livestream 今年はコロナのためチームを送れないので オンラインのチャリティを企画しました To bless the people of Kumamoto who have been throw a flood recently. 説明欄にリンクを貼りました So a lot of artists and musicians have gotten together, and we're going to do this. 是非ご覧下さい! This will be really cool. ありがとうございます! We're just about to start! Paul's almost always the guy behind the cameras, and the lights, and the computers. And a mask. Behind a mask, making it happen! You should know him- go to his YouTube channel! Four years ago our Paz Church took a couple of volunteer teams to Kumamoto to do relief work after the devastating earthquake there. Before that our church took several teams into the Fukushima area to volunteer there after the huge tsunami. But this year we can't go to Kumamoto to help the victims of the flooding, so this livestream event was organized with the proceeds going to help those devastated. Please check out the links in the descriptions for more information on how you can help and check out the other great Japanese channels of our friends! Thank you for watching! Ok, safe!
B1 中級 日本語 ジョーイ すごい 美味しい 今年 ダメ 楽しく This Unusual Summer of 2020 | Life in Japan Episode 67 11 1 Summer に公開 2020 年 08 月 07 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語