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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • I've been tracing dirty money for more than 30 years.

    私は 30 年以上にわたり、裏金を追跡し続けています。

  • Studying kleptocrats all over the world, distinct patterns emerge.


  • [kleptocracy (n.) when those in power steal government funds for personal use.]


  • The thing about kleptocrats is that the moves and tricks they like to use each contain the seeds of their own destruction.

    クレプトクラット(泥棒政治を行う人)が使う動きやトリック、その 1 つ 1 つに、自らの破滅の種が含まれています。

  • They can get caught at every stage.


  • And those patterns are the basis of our new game, Kleptocrat: How to Hide Dirty Money.


  • In virtually every case, corrupt people took six separate steps to conceal their assets.

    実質全ての事案において、汚職を行った人たちは、自らの財産を隠すために、6 つのステップを踏んでいました。

  • Take the money under the table.


  • Create a financial structure to hide it.


  • Move the money into the structure.


  • Network with family members to run the operation.


  • Cover up their tracks.


  • And last, since it's no fun for the money to sit gathering dust, take the money out and enjoy it.


  • I know nothing about Paul Manafort or the allegations in the indictment against him.


  • I read the Manafort indictment, and lo and behold, the allegations match the six-step pattern.

    マナフォート氏の起訴状を読んだのですが、これは驚いた。申し立て内容が、今述べた 6 ステップに合致するのです。

  • It says Manafort allegedly took 18 million USD secretly from Ukraine.

    マナフォート氏は、1800 万ドルを、ウクライナから秘密裏に受け取ったとされています。

  • That's step one.

    ステップ 1 ですね。

  • Step two: Manafort allegedly created a blizzard of offshore companies, with names like Bletilla.

    ステップ 2。マナフォート氏は、「ブレティラ」などの名前で、オフショア会社を大量に設立したとされています。

  • They're on tiny islands I bet most people couldn't even find on map.


  • Then step three: He allegedly started moving the money around.


  • Six separate companies on the island of Cyprus sent more than 5 million dollars to a home-improvement firm in the Hamptons.

    キプロス島の 6 つの会社が、ハンプトンズのリフォーム会社に対し、500 万ドル以上を送金しました。

  • Step four: Manafort allegedly enlisted some of his relatives to help.

    ステップ 4。マナフォート氏は、親族の何名かを、事業支援に参加させたとされています。

  • The indictment says he got his daughter and son-in-law to pretend to live in the real estate he was buying.


  • Step five is covering up your secret money.

    ステップ 5 は、裏金を隠すことですね。

  • Manafort allegedly lied to his accountants, and to the federal agents, about the funds.


  • He used multiple passports and he quotedeveloped a false and misleading cover storyunquote.


  • Lastly, Manafort allegedly brought the money out to play.


  • The indictment says heused his hidden overseas wealth to enjoy a lavish lifestyle in the United States.”


  • I guess sometimes a game can help you understand the news.


  • [Manafort has pleaded not guilty to all charges.]


I've been tracing dirty money for more than 30 years.

私は 30 年以上にわたり、裏金を追跡し続けています。

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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