字幕表 動画を再生する
Media neutrality is another topic.
メディアの中立性という トピックスもあって
Neutrality is very rare.
中立性は今 非常に希少で
People in media often say that empathy,
trust and these things are what is important.
Counties like China have Sesame Credit.
そういうものが大切なんだと いうようなお話しをされていて
This score is a platform for trust even without a personal relationship.
The credit earns trust for government or individual.
These networks are actually making trust a very strong type of commodity.
結局そのプラットフォームとして 信用のやりとりができると
We will not have to think about trust anymore.
もうあまりパーソナルな 信頼関係がなくても
People should stay engaged though, so how do you see the human touch?
もうスコアを見て 「あ、この人信頼できる」
First, trust is a necessary thing.
国家と個人も そうなんですけれども
Nothing is worse than trusting in something which shouldn't be trusted.
そういうものが ネットワーク化された時に
Companies and media run campaigns to earn trust from people.
例えば信用というものが すごくコモディティになって
This is natural for entrepreneurs, but businesses cannot always be trusted.
要するにあまり人間として 考えなくて良くなってくると
Trust is a negative for a social state.
逆に最後まで人間の側が 持っていた方がいい
America has trust in Facebook but not their own government.
This is not good for society.
It is a system inherent to human nature whether to give our trust.
People actively engaged in the system of course see trust as natural.
So, trust is like money, it is better to have some.
What is important then?
もちろん自分の会社や 自分のメディアを
We all need to trust in the right things.
信頼してもらうための 色んなキャンペーンを募る
People who have our trust need to be responsible for that trust.
それは企業家としては 当たり前なんだけど
I think society needs to offer some type of trust collateral.
でもその人のやっている事が 信頼するべきことじゃなければ
Professors and students need to have a trusting relationship.
国民社会にとっては その信頼はマイナスだと思うんですね
Even with arguments or friction in regular conversation,
people can still have a layer of trust.
フェイスブックの情報がすごく信頼されて 政府の信頼が下がっているんですけど
This is not a simple network.
それっていいかどうかっていうと よくなくて
Trust has migrated to other things.
Americans' trust has moved from media and government to social media.
人間のこのシステムの中で いろいろ起きている
People we trusted had worked by taking responsibility for that trust.
そして その中で活躍してる人たちは
That's not true anymore.
It's dangerous for trust to migrate to a platform and company without ethics.
That's how we should think about it.
お金と同じくあったほうが いいものなんだけども
Nations are one player in these platforms.
Democracy will have to change.
正しいものを みんな信頼してもらって
The current American system is broken.
信頼された人はその信頼を ちゃんと責任を持って