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Welcome to WIRED. Let the interview begin.
ようこそ『WIRED』に いらっしゃいました
Thank you.
I have been excited to talk with you as WIRED Japan.
You took part in the WIRED US talk with President Obama and our US Chief Editor.
That article made quite an impact.
お話をさせていただくのを すごく楽しみにしておりました
WIRED was founded in 1993.
The publication was influenced by west coast culture at the time.
オバマ大統領と 『WIRED』US版の編集長と
The magazine had taken a libertarian stance toward the establishment.
Twenty-five years later,
非常に話題になったと 思うんですけれど
the cover is Barack Obama.
『WIRED』はもともと 93年に創刊されて
This represents a kind of technological and societal transformation.
当時はもう少し西海岸の カウンターカルチャーの影響があって
How do you see this evolution over the 25 years at WIRED, Joi?
どちらかというと エスタブリッシュメントに対して
I've known about WIRED since it was no more than a proposal.
リバタリアン的な雰囲気を まとった雑誌だと思うんですけれど
I never actually wrote anything, but was called a contributing editor.
Well, WIRED started in the Internet boom.
オバマ大統領が 表紙になるというような
Former Vice President Al Gore is said to have had a copy in his office.
ある種テクノロジーと 社会の変化そのものを
We were proud of that at WIRED.
So, people in the know seemed to respond shrewdly to this trend.
The east coast was even reading Wired.
Joiさんはどういうふうに 見てらっしゃいますか?
MONDO2000 was an even more counter- culture magazine published before Wired.
I was involved with both when they were first published.
ただの企画書だった時から 知っていて
WIRED was different than MONDO2000.
Wired was focused on business and a high-quality design.
コントリビューティング・エディターで 最初から入っていた
It moved away from hippie counterculture.
『WIRED』はインターネットが 伸びるときに出てきているので
The content took a more tech-culture perspective.
I think this is one reason why WIRED has never really changed its design.
自分のオフィスに 置いてあったというのが
The design-centered focus is the same.
However, it has moved away from optimistic stories.
There was a cutting-edge feel.
トレンドにちゃんと敏感に 反応している人達は
Nicholas Thompson returned to WIRED as Editor-in-Chief from The New Yorker.
東海岸でも読んでいたというのは あると思うんだけども
The New Yorker has some positives stories,
『WIRED』の前に 実は『MONDO2000』という
but it is critical of things like social issues.
とんがったカウンターカルチャーの 雑誌があって
These nuances are incorporated into WIRED.
This style brought in during Facebook's privacy issues.
So, we are seeing this critical view of issues in WIRED.
It's The New Yorker style.
I know WIRED will publish more high-quality, long-form articles.
It's vital.
ちょっとヒッピーくさい カウンターカルチャーから
MIT Media Lab publishes a series on WIRED Founder Nicholas Negroponte.
もうちょっとテックよりの カウンターカルチャーに切り替わって
The Media Lab also started with optimistic content.
それが『WIRED』が あまりデザインを変えずに
After thirty years, we are taking more responsibility.
続けて来られた 1つの理由なんじゃないかと
- We have a duty to cover social issues. - So you have committed to.
How do you see the new economy today?
There is an overabundance of platforms like Facebook and cryptocurrencies.
Zuckerberg is not trying to be a villain.