字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント This video is brought to you by Square space since doing mine, Japan and Dana life videos and Japan daily cost videos SQUARESPACEの提供でお送りします I get a lot of comments asking how much do Japanese people make or Wow? 日本人の1日密着動画や日本の生活費についての動画を作ってると Japanese people work way too much or they have no lives 日本人の年収について質問をよくされるんだ So I thought this may be a good time to make a video on how much Japanese people 他にも「日本人は働きすぎ!」「プライベート全然ないじゃん!」っていうコメントもよくもらうんだ actually earn as well as their working conditions and I want you guys to let me know in the comments if てな訳で、今日は日本人が実際にいくら稼いでるのか Japanese salaries are better or worse 平均年収に合わせて、仕事の環境について話そうと思う than your country if you want to see what I'm doing on a daily check out my Instagram account if you want help support the みんなの国と比べてどう思ったかコメント欄で教えてくれよな Channel check out the Tokyo merch and I recently started a discord community 始める前に、、 So any of you coming to Japan have any questions you can get all your questions answered there オラのプライベートや撮影の裏側はインスタでチェックしてくれよな Obviously there are exceptions to these averages but there's averages in every country. So just to keep everything simple チャンネルサポートはグッズ購入でよろしく! That's how we'll be doing it それから、少し前にDiscordコミュニティを開いたんだ so first of all 来日する予定で質問がある人はそこで答えが得られるぞ Just to give you some background if you don't already know Japan has a third largest GDP in all of the world just behind 話が戻るけど、今回オラが話す内容はあくまで「平均」 例外のケースもたくさんある us in China でもどの国にも平均はあるだろ it's pretty considerable at 内容をシンプルにまとめるために、今回は「平均」で話を進めるぞ 5.30 six trillion dollars with Japan only having a landmass the size of 知らねぇ奴のために、先に日本のバックグラウンドについて話すぞ California state you would never expect as such a small country to have such a high production rate 日本せ世界で三番目のGDPを誇る国なんだ But Japan actually does because of that a lot of people may think Japanese people work a lot アメリカと中国についで日本がいる In fact a lot of media portray Japanese people having like crazy overtime hours 日本が5.36兆ドルのGDPってすごいことなんだ But the truth is this Japanese work less than you think first of all on average だって日本の国面積がカリフォルニア州程度しかないだから Japan has less annual work hours heard employed person compared to the US and China こんなに小さな国がこんなに高い生産率を叩き出すなんで誰も予想しねぇよな at 17 hundred and 38 hours でも日本やそれを成し遂げてるんだ So at the end of the day, maybe it's just a bit over exaggerated at how much Japanese people actually work そんなこともあって、「日本人は働きすぎ」って考える人が多い there is probably something to say about black companies in Japan who don't fully report hours will need to work with the data that we 実際に、多くのメディアが日本の残業時間について取り上げてるんだ Have and then when it comes to the minimum wage でも実際は、、 Minimum wage in Japan ain't that bad 日本人の労働時間は予想してるよりも少ない in fact まず、日本の仕事をしている一人の年間平均労働時間は Japan has the 11th highest minimum wage in all the world just in front of the US at 7 dollars and アメリカと中国と比べて少ないんだ 61 cents, but if I were working minimum wage 1738時間が日本の年間平均労働時間 I would definitely move to Australia and one thing that a lot of people don't consider だから海外メディアの取り上げ方が言い過ぎっていう可能性も考えられる Is that Japanese have a lot of days off though? Japan has a whopping 一つ考慮したいのは、労働時間を報告しないブラック企業の存在だ 16 of public national holidays per year, which is quite a lot compared to most countries でも今回は正式なデータに基づいて話をするな I mean just looking at this list the US is all the way down to ten 次は最低賃金について But Tamiya has 21, which is quite a lot 日本の最低賃金はそんなに悪くねぇ So when people say that Japanese don't have time off or that they're always working living Japan 日本の最低賃金は、世界で11番目 You almost feel like there's a holiday every month アメリカの一つ上で7.61ドル And you also have a few days that are string together like in Golden Week でももしオラが最低賃金で働くなら、オーストラリアに引っ越すな But just end of April early May and then you also have like the New Year's holidays それから、見落としがちなのがさ Which is like a few days as well in addition to public holidays 日本人は休みの日が意外に多いことなんだ There's also annual paid leap on top of that in Japan by law 日本はなんと毎年16日の祝日がある You have to have ten days of annual paid leave, which is pretty crazy 他国と比べるとかなり多い方なんだ Because if you've known me if you've seen my about me video then you know, I've pretty much worked my entire このリストを見ると、アメリカは10日しかねぇし Career here in Japan. I can always remember taking vacations throughout the year インドは21日でスッゲー多いけどな In fact, I would probably usually take two vacations because I had so many paid vacation days on top of that だから、世界が日本人は休みが全然ないとか常に働いてるっていうけどさ I also had time off during the public holidays, so I don't know オラは日本に住んでて思うのは、ほぼ毎月祝日があるように感じるんだ I always had that something to look forward to even though I was working as so hard 連休になった休みもあるし So now it's time to start getting to the meat of the conversation and talk about actual salaries 4月の終わりから5月頭にあるゴールデンウィークとか But before we do that, I've got a paper mykos Christmas present 数日ある正月休みとか I want to give a quick shout out to Squarespace for sponsoring this video without them 祝日の他にも、日本には有給ってのがある I wouldn't be able to make these videos for you guys if you guys don't already know 日本は法律で一年につき10日の有給が義務付けられてるんだ Squarespace is the perfect place for anyone to create their online presence オラのAbout Me動画を見てくれたらわかるけど、 In fact, if you've ever seen my website, it's also built on Squarespace オラはほぼ日本でしか仕事をしてねぇんだ It's a perfect place where I can share all the maps for all my guides in one sweet オラは一年を通してしっかり休みが取れてたし Location the Squarespace blogging platform supports configurable sharing buttons letting your visitors share content on places like Facebook and Twitter 有給が余って、毎年2回はバケーションをとることが出来てたんだ And if you're anything like me you like to see who's actually visiting your website それに加えて祝日休みがあるだろ? You can see how your visits unique visitors and pageviews trend over time gaining cool insights so you can build up better website 仕事はスッゲー忙しかったけど、楽しみのためにモチベーションを上げることが出来た So go to Squarespace today and get your free trial and when you're ready to launch and go to squarespace.com じゃ、みんなが一番聞きたい平均年収について具体的に話していくぞ forge slash Paulo from Tokyo and get 10% off your first website or domain and speaking payments at let's talk about その前に!マイコのX'masプレゼント代を加瀬がねぇとな Salary specifics. Do you know what that teachers get paid at $60,000 per year in Japan. That's pretty amazing スポンサーのSquarespaceのシャウトアウトを手短にするな But before we get into the specifics of various jobs here in Japan and their salary is probably good to know that the average salary Squarespaceは誰でも簡単にウェブサイト制作ができるんだ Here in Japan is a 4.2 million yen, which works out to be about? オラ達のウェブサイトもSquarespaceを使って制作・運営してる $38,000 annually, so let's get to the nitty-gritty オラ達のマップやガイドをまとめるのにパーフェクトなんだ Let me know how this compares to you in your country grocery store cashiers make about twenty three thousand US dollars Squarespaceのブログプラットフォームには埋め込みのシェアボタンがついてて annually retail sales are at 30,000 and basic office and computer work jobs averaged about ユーザーがFacebookとかTwitterに簡単にシェアできるようになってる 31,000 ramen store clerks at thirty two thousand and ramen shop managers get bumped up to almost forty nine thousand construction workers thirty four thousand しかも誰がサイトを見てるとか統計が見られるんだ And just about that アクセス数, Unique Visitor, ページビュー、 Programmers at thirty eight thousand car mechanics make more at thirty nine thousand and nurses at almost forty four thousand system engineers 数値を分析してウェブサイトをより良く改善できるんだ fifty-one thousand and then high school teachers at sixty thousand while まずはSquarespaceにアクセスしてフリートライアル! Shinkansen drivers are at sixty nine thousand lures averaged close to ninety five thousand and doctors at about one hundred and thirteen thousand and finally サイトロンチの準備が整ったら、 prefectural governors at two hundred and four thousand このコードを使うと10%割引になるぞ 最初のサイトまたはドメインが対象だ Oh よし、具体的な年収について話そうぜ And for those of you who are looking to move to Japan and become an English teacher you're looking at just under thirty thousand US 日本の高校の先生の平均年収は600万って知ってたか? Dollars per year, but there is one thing that I should probably know 様々な職業の年収について話す前に There is a gender discrepancy here in Japan 日本の平均年収が430万円っていうのは知っておいた方がいいな The average salary for men is about fifty thousand dollars where women get paid on average at? つまり38640ドル Twenty-seven thousand dollars annually, and that's a pretty huge discrepancy at least in my eyes. But how does that compare in your country? よし始めるぞ!みんなの国と比べながらみてくれ so another interesting fact that I came across and all of this research is that the cost of living in Japan isn't very similar to スーパーのレジは平均年収23092ドル The u.s. In terms of living costs. Japan is about a four percent cheaper than the US which is not a huge difference リテール店員は$30176 That's almost virtually the same and another thing to note for those of you who are looking to move to Tokyo 事務職は$31280 I can't dress it up and you get paid more in Tokyo a so much higher here than ラーメン屋店員は$32200 Compared to the rest of Japan as I stated earlier ラーメン屋の店長クラスになると$49000に跳ね上がる Japan's average annual salary is about thirty thousand US dollars but in Tokyo the average annual salary is 鳶職は$34592 Fifty-seven thousand dollars, that's more than fifty percent the national average プログラマーは$38272 So a lot of those salaries that we are talking about earlier 車整備士はもう少し高くて$39284 You can probably consider adding another fifty percent to that if you here in Tokyo, so to bring it all back 看護職は$43976 What do you guys think about Japanese salaries? And how does it compare to you and your country? Is that better? システムエンジニアは$51060 Is it worse? 高校教師は$60000 Let me know the comments 新幹線運転手は$69736 if you guys 弁護士は大体$95000 Like this video help me out in his lot like button if you guys want to see what I'm doing on the daily check out 医者は$113000 My Instagram support the channel by checking out the Tokyo merch and if you want to see more of these informative videos about Japan 都道府県知事は$204000 You want to see more Japan guys, you want to see more dealin life videos. I have a so much more to come それから、日本に移住して英語の先生になろうとしてるみんな So if you want to see any of that hit that subscribe button and the bell button and I'll catch you guys in the next one 平均年収は$30000弱だ
A2 初級 日本語 日本 平均 squarespace 休み 祝日 賃金 日本の平均給与はあなたよりも良いですか? (Is Japan Average Salary Better than Yours) 13 0 Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語