字幕表 動画を再生する
This is Tokyo Disneyland after reopening
今日は東京ディズニーランド、 営業再開後の様子をレポすっぞ!
It's mid July here in Tokyo, it is super super hot
And in the last video I took you guys all around Tokyo to show you what it's really like
前回の動画では、緊急事態宣言解除後の 東京全体の様子をレポしたけど
But in this video I wanted to specifically take you to Tokyo Disneyland and show you what it's really like to be honest
今回の動画は東京ディズニーランドの中が どんな感じなのかを見ていきたいと思う
I'm a bit surprised that Tokyo Disneyland Disney sea is back open but like many other places in Tokyo
でもさ、ディズニーランドとシーが 営業再開した事自体に、オラは正直驚いてんだ
Like museums and other amusement parks
でも、東京の美術館や 他の施設も同様に営業再開をしてるんだ
It has opened but before I start if you guys want to see what i'm doing on the daily
Definitely check out my instagram account if you want to help support the channel
Check out the Japan merch if you have any questions about japan, check out my discord community
日本についての質問があったら オラのDISCORDコミュニティにアクセスだ!
So without further ado, let me show you inside Tokyo Disneyland. Let's go!
よっしゃ、じゃあ早速 東京ディズニーランドに潜入だ!
First of all, let's talk about getting into the park in order to buy tickets for Tokyo Disneyland in Tokyo
Disney sea, you actually have to buy it online
You can't actually buy it when you arrive here
東京ディズニーランドとディズニーシーの チケットは
and when you purchase the tickets online
They'll ask you to enter all of your personal information
That way if there's anything that happens while you're at the park
オンライン購入する時に 個人情報をいろいろと入力するんだけど
They can contact you afterwards and also at this time they're limiting attendance if you just look around
パークで何かあったときなんかに 後から連絡が取れるようになってんだ
There's actually not a lot of people
In the park comparatively speaking the way they do this is that they limit obviously the tickets that are being sold
パークを見渡すと、普段と比べて 明らかに人の数が少ない
But they actually offer several different passes now. They have a full day pass
どうやって調整してるかっつーと、 チケットの販売数を制限してるのと
They have a pass that starts from 11am and then they have a pass that starts from 2pm and overall the park now
Opens at eight and closes at eight which limits the overall operation throughout the day
This is what Tokyo Disneyland looks like at the main entrance five minutes just before opening at 8 am
It seems like a lot of people from a far
But it's actually much less since everyone is adhering to social distancing lines
それから、パークの営業時間は 午前8時から午後8時に変更してる
Marked on the ground compared to the number of guests. I see on regular days
There's only a fraction of people today as you watch this video
ディズニーランドメインエントランス 開演時間8時5分前の様子だ
Let me know in the comments if you think Tokyo Disneyland is taking enough precautions what they're doing, right?
遠目で見るとたくさんの人がいるように 思えるんだけど、実際はそんなことねぇんだ
What you think they can improve on and if you'd feel comfortable being a guest during this time?
地面にあるソーシャルディスタンスのマークに 沿って並んでるからだ
And then when you finally get to the park, they actually take your temperature making sure that you're not above
37.5 degrees and finally to enter the park you have to wear a mask
So this entire time I will be wearing a mask
動画を見ていく上で、東京ディズニーランドは 十分に対策をしているか
And if you didn't bring a mask, they actually sell masks right at the front for a hundred yen
良い対策、改善できること、 この時期に遊びに行く気になれるかどうかなど、
And if you need a smaller size for children
They actually have character masks that you can buy at the store right at the entrance
First of all, just as all park guests are required to wear masks all the Disney cast members are wearing masks as well
And the staff working in food services were wearing gloves along with many of the shop staff working at the registers
Also there seems to be an overwhelming amount of cast members throughout the park cautioning guests to maintain
Social distance I saw them as signs even at the train station and on the monorail just outside of the park now
もしマスクを持参しなかった場合は 入り口で100円で購入できるようになってる
Let's look around a little bit more
Now when you get into the park, you'll find that the staff are quite proactive about social distancing. They limit people into the attractions
エントランス近くの店で 子供用のキャラクターマスクを販売してる
They limit people into the shops and they limit people into the restaurants inside of the park social distance and safety precautions were quite clear
ゲスト同様、キャストメンバーも マスクの着用が義務付けられてるようだ
Starting at the park entrance
there were dots on the ground marking where individuals could watch shows tables at the cafeterias were limited as well as
Benches there were even social distancing lines marked off just in front of the bathrooms
それと、パークのあらゆる場所で かなり大人数のキャストが
at souvenir shops
Some of the multiple entrance shops were closed off and cats were standing at the one open entrance so that they could organize
A number of people going inside the shop also had designated exit locations
So people leaving and entering didn't run into each other
パークの中に入っても ソーシャルディスタンスの対策をしてたぞ
Also restaurant entrances were managed by a staff member and social distance lines marked accordingly
アトラクションの入場制限や ショップへの入店制限の他に
Finally I get to take my mask off having a drink at the restaurant right here
You can see that the tables are properly social distance
パーク内のソーシャルディスタンスや 安全面の対策はわかりやすかった
And while I take this drink, I wanted to give a quick shout out to our sponsor for this video today
入り口付近はゲストがショーを観る時に 立つ場所を記した印がマークされてた
Mobile Japan sim with their support is making these times a little bit easier for myself my wife and our new baby
I know that many of you aren't able to travel to Japan right now
But wherever you are sims are actually a useful tool especially during these times when we're thinking about safety
なんと、トイレの前にも ソーシャルディスタンスのラインがあったぞ
And keeping in touch with the ones we love but when you finally make it to Japan
Mobile Japan sim is the best way to stay connected for short trips and longer stays when you're using Mobile Japan sim
キャストが一つに絞られた入り口に立って 入場制限ができるようにしてた
You can easily navigate to all your destination spots
入口とは別に、専用出口が用意されてて 入る人と出る人がぶつからないようになってた
Find the best transport links translate phrases or menus or update your social media with all the cool things you're doing in Japan
それから、レストランへの入場もキャストによって 調整がかけられてた
Here are my top reasons why you should go with a Mobile
必要なところにソーシャルディスタンスラインが 用意されてた
Japan, sim card one mobile offer free worldwide shipping directly to your front door two
You can choose to pick up the sim here in Japan at major airports and cities all throughout
Japan, three great coverage using the same network provider. I personally use softbank which covers
見ての通り、テーブルもソーシャルディスタンスで 間引いてある
99% of Japan's population. So get your mobile sim card today by clicking on the link in the description below and stay connected
ドリンク休憩を取りながら スポンサーの宣伝をさせてくれ
Alright breaks over time to put the mask back on and show you the rest of Tokyo Disneyland.
Mobal Japan Sim
One thing that gave me a piece of mind is the regular cleaning and sanitation
こんな時期に 、オラと家族の生活を 支えてくれて本当に感謝してるそ
Hand sanitizers were basically everywhere like at the entrance of the attractions as well as the exit of the attraction
今、日本への旅行が できていない人ばかりだと思うけど
All shops and restaurants. Also I saw staff cleaning trash bins very thoroughly throughout the day
どこに行ってもSIMカードは 本当に便利なんだ
Which I've never seen before plus the cleaning staff took extra measures to clean the benches and attractions regularly
日本に旅行できるようになったら Mobal Simで繋がろう
These days Disney encourages guests to make cashless transactions when purchasing foods and goods to minimize contact additionally
They now use a tray for any interactions with guests and have a clear shield between the guest and cast also
Mobal Japan Simを使えば 乗り換え情報も簡単に調べられし
I don't recall having to use a pin code when using my credit card so I could avoid touching a keypad that
Probably been touched by thousands of customers just before me
日本で楽しんでる様子をSNSに リアルタイムでアップできるぞ
So let's talk about overall service. The park itself is running at about 80 percent capacity
オラがMobal Japan Simをおすすめする理由は
Not all but some wagon services are closed as well as some small shops and attractions
①世界中どこでも送料無料で 家まで送ってもらえるんだ
Like Goofy's paint and playhouse. So you really need to check beforehand if you're really looking forward to an attraction
②来日後、メジャーな空港や都市でピックアップ することもできる
And because you're limiting the amount of guests at the park the ride lines are super short
You've been getting them one of the most popular rides for about five to ten minutes standby weight
Mobal Japan Sim はオラが日本で普段使ってる プロバイダー、ソフトバンクなんだ
For example a monster Inc only had a 10 minute wait space mountain also only had a 10 minute wait
Haunted mansion was 13 minutes while buzz lightyear's astro blasters. Only had a 5 minute wait
概要欄のリンクをクリックして Mobal Japan Simを予約!
It was kind of eerie being able to walk straight to the front of the line with barely any weight
Since basically there were no lines at the attractions fast fast was closed for the day
マスクをつけて、東京ディズニーランドの 残りを案内すっぞ
I was actually able to ride a space mountain and buzz lightyear back to back in less than 30
Minutes another thing. I should mention is new attractions like beauty and the beast which was scheduled to open April 15th of this year had been postponed
However, you can still kind of see the castle and the buildings from outside with potted plants acting as a barrier for that area
アトラクションの入 口と出口
Also a majority of the shows and parades have been canceled
So for example the parade today
それから、ゴミ箱を丁寧に掃除している場面を 頻繁に目にしたぞ
The only thing that's actually going on is the one in the morning and the one in the evening at six o'clock
And for the parades that were canceled guess you'll need to keep the social distance followed by markers on the ground
So overall given the current situation. I personally felt a bit safer walking around took to Disneyland when compared to walking around in Tokyo
今、ディズニーはフードやグッズ購入時、 キャッシュレスを推奨してる
Eating at its restaurants and maybe even riding the subway, but that's just me. What do you guys think?
Let me know in the comments. Also, do you think opening amusement parks like Disneyland would work in your country?
ゲストとキャストの間には クリアシールドが設置してる
Alright, so as I take a drink break I'm gonna close it out right here
後、クレジットカードを使った時に ピンコードを使っていない
So if you guys like this video help me out and hit that like button a quick shout out to newton
何千人もの人が使ったキーパッドに 触る必要がないから安心だ
Thanks for helping me film this video
And if you guys want to see more of these videos Japan guys or anything related to Tokyo or anything like that
Hit that subscribe button and the bell button and I'll catch you guys in the next one
全部じゃねぇけど、 ワゴンサービスはしまってる店があった