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  • One thing I can say about you right now, is that you are going to die, and yes this is scary,

  • that is why today i am going to use scientific principles to help you understand and cope with the inevitable

  • ending of your life.

  • Grade 7 was the first i ever processed the concept of dying. I remember freezing in my tracks and thinking,

  • wait so, this is all just going to end? Mommy!

  • I eventually agreed with my own brain to suppres this fear and just go through the motions of life.

  • I put excessive energy into schoolwork, got pimples, started date girls, realizing I only wanted to to them

  • about the Lizzie McGuire movie, so I started dating guys, but it wasn't until my brilliant high school teachers

  • made me fall head over heals in love with science, that a healthy perspective on death began to emerge.

  • Your body is controlled by genes that code for proteins that lead to the formation of

  • neural impulses that make constantly search out for meaning in life.

  • This was first shown in a slightly violent study in the 1960. Participants visualized videos of victims

  • suffering electrical shocks. the participants watching the

  • videos would harshly judge the victims of the shocks as bad people.

  • Psychologists and bioligists began to posit that humans feel an inate impulse to create meaning.

  • In this case if you had to watch someone get electrically shocked, then they must have deserved it.

  • It is now understood that according to your biology, you and everyone else on the planet will constantly

  • be looking for meaning to life, and to death. So according to science at least you know you're not alone

  • in any attempt to explain your own death.

  • Now lets zoom out . Look at the night sky and you see the milky way galaxy full of an estimated

  • 100 billion stars. That is is just one galaxy, there this a billion other galaxies in our observable universe,

  • which is only expanded and getting bigger. How can we matter in such an expansive universe?

  • Well, put both of your firsts together like this. That is roughly the size of your brain.

  • An organ that has evolved over millions of years to have 86 billion neurons and even Glial cells to support it.

  • There are more cells in your brain than stars in the milky way galaxy.

  • You have an incredibly biological machine tucked wonderfully into your skull right now,

  • that is astonishingly capable of conceptualizing the very idea that our universe is huge, expanding and vast.

  • Science essential proves you are exceptionally smart. Before you die,

  • you have unique opportunity to live a complex and wonderful life. Like all other forms of life on earth,

  • you are made of atoms and atoms and molecules smashing into one another,

  • absorbing energy from your environment, but unique to you, in your amazing brain,

  • is the ability to contemplate your actions, make decisions, and care.

  • Now let's zoom in. As a science teacher I know you should all remember drawing

  • the electron diagrams of the first 20 elements of the periodic table.

  • This is part of most, worldwide, high school science curriculum's. If you don't remember doing that,

  • then on behalf of all science teachers everywhere... clap clap

  • Eyes on the board please? Thank you. Can we all pay more attention in class?

  • These diagrams were meant to show you that everything in our known universe is made up of

  • protons, electrons, and neutrons.

  • Yes we can get even smaller into the realm of quarks, Bosons or neutrinos,

  • in fact, the sun is constantly emitting neutrinos with 100 trillion of them passing through your body every second.

  • But let's stay on topic, we're talking today about death. We'll save neutrinos for another day.

  • These protons, neutrons and electrons are all governed by forces that help explain, well, everything.

  • How you evolved how you move, and yes, most importantly, how your phone works (hello?)

  • You can describe your whole life based on the positions , velocities, and orientations of all of these atoms in your body,

  • and this is called kinetic theory.

  • You can use the kinetic theory to explain how plants absorb energy from the sun through photosynthesis.

  • We eats plants or animals that have eaten plants, in order to gain that energy.

  • Our bodies use that energy to power the process of the special molecule a called ATP,

  • which powers every part of your life.

  • Muscle contraction, transporting molecules throughout the body, synthesizing DNA etc.

  • And yes, ATP is synthesized in the mitochondria, making the mitochondria the powerhouse of the cell.

  • Infact, to stay alive, you'll typically create and use your whole bodyweight inATP molecules in one day.

  • But, this also means that according to the kinetic, theory, regardless of your religion or spirituality,

  • dying means that life as we know it ends.

  • As your body loses the capability of creating ATP, and you start to physically fall apart.

  • And one study found that when given the option to essentially produce ATP forever and live for eternity,

  • overwhelming people said no, they want to eventually die. The fact that death is looming is what makes life so special.

  • And in a wonderful way, death is really the only thing that we all have in common.

  • In many ways, death is the meaning of life.

  • Also passionately learning about science offers the unique opportunity to grasp what science can't explain.

  • And knowing what science doesn't know can bring clarity. Takes these 3 examples of Shawn Caroll's

  • epic book, the big picture. 1 the universe is expanding, 2 humans and chimpanzees share a common anscestor,

  • 3 we should live happier and longer lives.

  • The first 2 statements are rooted in science. We use impericism, resoning and observation to explain them.

  • The last statement is not rooted in science. Science doesn't involve doing experiments

  • to decide if people should lead happier, longer lives. Science just observes the world and it doesn't

  • say whether something is right or wrong.

  • Another way of looking at this is through evolution. Evolution is an incredible process based on

  • millions of years of change, adaptation, and impulses. It just follows the laws of nature,

  • but can't explain how to live your life.

  • You have the power to change your life. You have the power to care about others,

  • and you have the power life love laugh, babe, and that is incredible.

  • After you do inevitably die, you live on in the memories of others for the time being.

  • And then, you'll be forgotten in the change and passing of life.

  • There are this any atoms in your body which insanely amazing but, these little guys will eventually stop being you.

  • And even though collectively they will no longer be you, it is comforting to know

  • that they will remain on earth after you have left.

  • Once gone, even if the whole human race vanishes, the universe will still be here doing its thing,

  • moving along according to the laws of nature. But sticking to right now,

  • according to science, we are all sharing this universe,

  • sharing the same laws of nature and sharing the same task of creating meaning to what is happening around us.

  • It is estimated that you have around 3 billion heat beats in a life time, so it is up to you to make them count.

  • So, some scientific reasons to not fear death is 1, we humans are meaning making machines,

  • we can choose to not make death a dreadful thing, and choose to live a meaningful life.

  • 2, you might feel insignificant, but there lies within you more neural cells than stars in our universe.

  • 3, eventually you will stop making ATP, but the fact that it ends, is what makes life so great.

  • 4, science can't explain everything, so it us to you to choose to live your life to your fullest.

  • And 5, eventually your atoms will atoms will stop being you, but you were made of will likely carry on for eternity.

  • Science is a brilliant way to view the complexity of your life and help inform how you live it, while here,

  • and thankfully, if you are still watching this, congratulations, you are alive,

  • but again if there's one thing I can say about you right now, it is that you, yes you are going to die.

  • I'm constantly on a quest to deal with my own fear of death and this book helped me with this video a lot,

  • its called the picture by Shawn Carroll it is amazing, check it out.

  • It talks about morality, consciousness, life, death, and all through the realm of science.

  • We'll leave the link to get the book below and make sure you subscribe for more science videos, peace.

One thing I can say about you right now, is that you are going to die, and yes this is scary,


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B1 中級

死を恐れてはいけない理由 (Why You Shouldn’t Fear Death)

  • 51 4
    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日