字幕表 動画を再生する
This week we're talking about how you can afford living in Tokyo, stay tuned!
今日は物価の高い東京で 賢く暮らす方法を紹介します
(Singing) Money, Money, Money!
Money! There's no way around it, living in Tokyo is expensive!
東京での暮らしはどうしても お金がかかります
How do we afford living here? Do we just have tons and tons of money?
僕らはお金持ちだから 暮らせるの?
[Shakes head no]
実は僕らは東京には 住んでいません
The first thing is that we don't actually live in Tokyo.
家から東京は見えますが 隣の神奈川に住んでいます
We can see Tokyo from our house, but we live in Kanagawa, which is right next to Tokyo.
都心まで20分で行けるので とても近いです
We can get downtown in 20 minutes. It's super close.
川のこっち側だと 物価がかなり下がります
But the prices on this side of the river, compared to Tokyo, it drops quite a bit.
僕らみたいな大家族は とても助かります
And for a big family like us, that's an important issue.
駅から近くないので 家賃も下がります
And we don't live too close to the train station, so that really drops our costs of living.
もちろん駅から遠いと 不便なこともありますが
Living far away from the station has its perks as far as that but it's far away from the station!
But there's cheap bicycle parking at the station.
東京の近くに住んでる理由は 教会を建てるためです
The whole reason we live in Tokyo is because this is right by the church that we are planting,
It's right by the coffee shop. It's where we're working.
都心に近いと日本語学校も 選べます
It's close to downtown Tokyo which has lots of options for language schools.
そういう意味で ここはとても便利な場所です
Those kinds of things, so this is definitely a convenient place for us to live.
授業初日はどうだった? (2014年5月)
First day of class is done. What do you think?
いい授業だったけど すごい頭痛よ
It was a wonderful class but I have a splitting headache!
Ah! So much to learn!
家には駐車スペースも あります
Another way we save money is that we have a parking spot that comes with this house that we rent.
Which, that's usually a couple hundred bucks a month, just for a parking spot.
About a hundred (bucks)
And the car that we drive, for example... It's old.
トヨタ・ノア ですが もう17年目です
We drive a nice car, it's a Toyota Noah, but it's 17 years old!
安い中古を買いましたが とても良い車です
We bought it used. We didn't pay that much for it, but it's a good car.
非常に助かっています おかげで節約もできます
It's been really good to us, and we look for areas like those things to save money.
- どこに行くの? - 知らないよ
Where are we going? I don't know!
Let's see if somebody else knows.
Rina's house.
質のいい服を買いますが 大金をかけません
The clothes that we buy, we buy decent clothes, but we're not spending a fortune on our clothes.
And this one's 599.
すごいね! こっちは?
Oh my goodness, and what do we have here?
I got a Super Mario hat!
A Super Mario hat!
OK let's go checkout.
Let's see!
Oh, that's cool Dude!
Are you getting some pretty pictures, Sarah?
Good! Good good good! You look so pretty honey-child.
We found cheap supermarkets.
大体のものは 業務スーパーで買います
We go to Gyomu super for most everything.
オーケーマートも かなり安いです
Also OK supermarket has a lot of cheap prices.
ないものは 地元のライフやいなげやに行きます
Things that we can't get there we'll go to our local grocery stores like Life or Inageya.
ディスカウントストアより 高いですけどね
But they're definitely more expensive than the discount grocery stores.
Heading up to the second floor of savings.
Are you excited?
Yes! And cold!
1ヶ月に1回 アメリカの食材を買いに コストコに行きます
And every now and then, about once a month we do a trip to Costco to get those American items.
家族が大きいので まとめ買いします
The big bulk items — that works out well for our family.
安いスーパーは 本当に助かります
Shopping at those cheap places really helps.
And, one thing that I like to do is meal plan.
その週の食事に 必要な分だけ買います
Because if I know, ok, this week these are the things I'm going to make for these meals, I will buy just that.
そうしないと スーパーに行って
Instead of going into the grocery store and saying...
沢山買っても冷蔵庫や冷凍庫に 入れっぱなしになります
"Oh, those noodles look interesting, that meat looks interesting! " I just buy it, buy it, and it just stays in my fridge or freezer.
必要なものだけを買うと 食費もかなり減ります
If I know exactly what I'm going to use it for then I only buy those items and it really cuts down on our grocery bill.
最近のお気に入りは 「大草原の小さな家」です
A new family favorite is Little House on the Prairie!
娘たちは初めて見ますが 完全にはまりました
The girls have never seen it, and now they are totally into it, right? Love it? Very cool?
クレジットカードは ポイントが貯まるので使っています
We don't go into credit card debt. We use credit cards, because you get lots of points off of them.
衛生面において 現金を使わない時も便利です
And they are very convenient — especially now — you don't want to be touching money.
And so credit card really works nice.
でも月末までには 返済します
But we have always paid off our balance by the end of the month
カードの金利は非常に高いので 必ず期限までに返済します
So you don't get charged that interest, because the interest on a credit card is just a killer!
And also we get point cards for each store.
Or Rakuten points,
All these points,
貯まったポイントを使って 買い物ができると
And it's amazing, every now and then they'll be like "Would you like to use your points for your purchase?"
And I'll be like "Yes!"
So that saves money.
日本人はポイントカードが 大好きです
Japan's obsession with point cards is almost out of control.
友人のヨシほど ポイントカードを持ってる人はいません
But nobody has more point cards than anyone I've ever seen than our good friend Yoshi
いつでも使えるように 全てのカードを把握してます
Who keeps track of his point cards and always has them ready and available. It's impressive.
日本に住んでると カードで財布がパンパンになります
Here's what happens in Japan. You live here long enough, and you wallet just fills, just fills with all kinds of cards.
Yeah, these are the cards that I usually use...
時々使うカードは ここにしまってるよ
And I also have a stack of cards that I hardly ever use but sometimes I need.
- まだあるよ - すごい数だ!
Yeah- this is my other stack. Look at those cards!
So what are those Yoshi, they're credit cards, they're what else?
クレジットカードと 店のポイントカードだね
They're credit cards for every single store I go to, you know.
ヨシを真似して 僕も財布を整理しました
Like Yoshi, I've cleared out my wallet of the ones that I don't usually use
よく使うカードだけを 財布に戻します
And so these are the ones that I take with me in my wallet because I use them often enough to want them.
店に行ってもポイントカードを 家に忘れてくることもあります
But so many times I go to a store and I forgot the point card at home. Man!
今年の初めに行った スキー旅行も
Even when we do things like a ski trip that we did early this year,
有料道路の割引やレンタルの パッケージなど
You can get tollways cheaper, you can get packages for skis and rentals cheaper
詳しい人に聞いてみると 割引が沢山あります
There's all kinds of discount packages available, if you have somebody to help you look.
- あらら - 撮れた?
Whew hoo! Oh no!
多分ね スキーが 飛んでいくのが見えたよ
Oh my goodness! Did you get it?!
でもそこに 刺さってるからよかった
Oh yea, I think so. Dude, I saw that ski go flying over and I was like "Oh no!"
最近テントを買ったので キャンピングに行こうと思います
But it stuck right there.
ホテルに泊まるよりも 安いですからね
And we just bought a tent, so we're hoping to go camping!
私たちの場合 ホテルの部屋が2つ必要です
Camping is much cheaper than staying in a hotel.
とても楽しみです いい動画も作れそうですね
Especially for us since we usually have to get two hotel rooms.
すごいね! ゆっくりでいいよ
It should be an adventure, let me tell you what. Hopefully it should make for some good videos.
一番重要なのは 収入よりも支出を少なくすることです
Good job! One step after another.
会計士の父親が 若い頃から僕に言い聞かせてくれました
The big thing when you're talking about finances is that you don't end up spending more than you make.
お金が払えないものは 買いません
And that's something that my Dad whose an accountant — he drilled into me at a young age and I'm so thankful for that.
毎月払うような 分割払いもできるだけ避けます
Because if I don't have the money for it, I don't buy it.
お金があるなら買うし ないなら貯めてから買います
And I don't like buying on payments, you know, pay for one year every month or pay for two years every month.
スタジオ機材も持っていますが 買うのに20年かかりました
I prefer if I have the money, than just go ahead and buy it. If I don't have the money, then start saving up towards it.
お金が貯まったら買いますが 分割払いはしません
I have a lot of nice studio gear, but that gear has taken us almost 20 years to buy.
子供達は公立学校に 通っています
We buy as we go, I never bought on payments or installments or anything like that.
私立やインターと比べて かなり安くなります
Oh! The other big thing is that we send our kids to public school!
So the costs are way less than if it's a private school or an international school.
どこか遠出するときは ピクニックにします
Or something like that. That's a huge benefit.
When we do day trips or something we try to pack a picnic lunch.
Because it's much cheaper than eating out at a restaurant.
お菓子や水も自分たちで 持っていきます
And it saves time too.
So we always try to take snacks and pack water bottles because
We might as well, we all have water bottles and take them with us,
外食する時は すごく高いところには行きません
and instead of having to buy at vending machines then we just have it with us in the car.
And when we do eat out, we usually eat out a places that are affordable — they're not super expensive.
誕生日や記念日など 特別なお祝いは別です
Because it's summer vacation!
以前紹介しましたが もう少し特別な所に行きます
And then for special occasions like anniversaries or birthdays or different things
そうすると もっと特別感があります
You've seen on a lot of these videos, we go out and do something a little nicer, a little more fun.
And that makes those events special, doesn't it?
優先順位を立てて 妥協できるところは削って
Yes it does.
貯金につなげると 東京に住むことができます
So you can afford living in Tokyo if you know what your priorities are
And you're willing to save money in areas that aren't as important to you.
7,144 — the grand total!
日本で貯金をする秘訣を 知っている方はコメントにどうぞ!
Once again thanks for watching, liking and subscribing.
ぜひ聞かせてください またお会いしましょう!
If there's a way that you save money in Japan that we haven't mentioned, write it down below.
- オーケー - 卵焼き作ってくる
We'd like to hear it. We'll see you next time. Bye!
OK I'm going to make eggs...