字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi, my name is Stefan, and I'm a Monetization Strategist here at YouTube.
YouTube で収益化戦略家をやっているステファンと申します。
The question I often hear from creators is, "When can I start making money on YouTube?"
クリエイターからよく聞く質問です。"いつから YouTube でお金を稼げるようになりますか?"
So, I'm going to explain the basics of what you need to know to start earning money with your YouTube channel.
そこで今回は、YouTube チャンネルで稼ぎ始めるために必要な基本的なことを解説します。
[Making money on YouTube]
[YouTube でお金を稼ぐ]
Before you can earn money on your channel, you need an audience.
Now, to build an audience, you need to make consistent videos that viewers really like watching.
And, like anything on YouTube, it's important that your videos follow YouTube's Community Guidelines.
また、YouTube上のあらゆるものと同様に、動画は YouTube のコミュニティ・ガイドラインに従うことが重要です。
After that's all working for you, you can apply to join the YouTube Partner Program, or YPP, which lets creators monetize their videos on YouTube.
それがうまくいくと、クリエイターが YouTube で動画を収益化できる「YouTube Partner Program」(YPP)への参加を申請することができます。
To qualify for YPP, you need to be in good standing with YouTube and have 4,000 valid public watch hours in the previous 12 months and at least 1,000 subscribers.
YPP に参加するためには、YouTube との良好な関係を維持し、過去12ヶ月間に 4,000 時間の有効なパブリックウォッチ時間を持ち、1,000 人以上の購読者がいることが必要です。
Now, we've set these thresholds because we want creators to be good citizens on the platform.
And these requirements ensure our teams have enough information to really review your channel.
Note that you can only apply to YPP after you cross the watch hour and subscriber thresholds.
YPP への応募は、視聴時間と登録者のしきい値を超えてからとなりますので、ご注意ください。
We'll keep you updated on your progress towards hitting these thresholds in the Monetization tab in YouTube Studio.
YouTube Studio の収益化タブで、これらの閾値を達成するための進捗を随時お知らせします。
You can also choose to be notified with an e-mail once you're eligible to apply.
Once your channel does hit these thresholds, you'll need to sign the Partner Program terms and sign up for a Google AdSense account.
あなたのチャンネルがこれらのしきい値に到達したら、パートナープログラムの条件に署名し、Google AdSense のアカウントにサインアップする必要があります。
After all of these steps are completed, then your channel will be reviewed against our policies.
And if everything looks good, you can start earning money from ads and from YouTube Premium subscribers watching your content.
そして、すべてがうまくいけば、広告や YouTube Premium の登録者があなたのコンテンツを視聴することで収入を得ることができるようになるのです。
Also, once you're approved for the YouTube Partner Program, there are other revenue streams besides ads that you can tap into.
また、YouTube パートナープログラムに承認されると、広告以外の収益源も開拓できるようになります。
Things like channel memberships or Super Chat.
As long as you meet their criteria and they're available in your country.
So, that's the program in a nutshell.
Now, I'm gonna walk you through some of the most common questions we get.
The first is around channel reviews.
Say you think your channel qualifies for YPP but it hasn't been reviewed yet.
あなたのチャンネルは YPP の資格があると思いますが、まだ審査を受けていないとします。
Well, we usually get back to you in about a month once you hit the review thresholds.
But you can find more about your status on the Monetization page in YouTube Studio.
しかし、YouTube Studio の収益化ページで、あなたの状態についてもっと知ることができます。
Until then, keep making great content and focusing on building your audience.
Another question that comes up, "What if your channel isn't approved?"
If you're not approved for YPP, it's likely because your channel doesn't meet the YouTube Partner Program policies and Community Guidelines.
YPP が承認されない場合、あなたのチャンネルが YouTube パートナープログラムのポリシーとコミュニティガイドラインを満たしていないことが原因である可能性があります。
In which case, you can re-apply again in 30 days, as long as you still meet the watch hour and subscriber thresholds.
Before you re-apply, we suggest you read through these policies⏤there're some links in the video description.
And go to the Monetization page in your account and review your videos with our YouTube Partner Program policies and Community Guidelines in mind.
そして、アカウントの収益化ページで、YouTube パートナープログラムのポリシーとコミュニティガイドラインを念頭に置いて、動画を確認してください。
The next step is to edit or delete any videos that violate these policies.
Once you're successfully in the program, creators often ask, "Do I have to meet this threshold every year?"
The short answer is, no.
However, you do need to stay active with uploads and community posts.
If you're inactive on your channel for 6 months and fall below the threshold, we may remove your channel from the Partner Program.
Stay tuned to this channel and the Creator Academy for more insights, including how to get the most out of ads and other monetization features.
Thanks, and bye for now.