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  • Do you feel like you just can't get happy?

  • Are you finding you're pulling away from friends?

  • Do you sometimes sit in your room in the dark, not even realizing how many hours have passed?

  • Depression can affect anyone, especially teens.

  • About 20 percent of all teens experience depression before they reach adulthood, that's a worrying statistic.

  • When singer Willow Smith, Will Smith's daughter, came out and said she suffered with depression ...

  • ... the comments at the bottom of many articles were attacking her, saying: "What have you got to be depressed about?"

  • A lot of people don't understand that mental illnesses don't discriminate between age or circumstance.

  • Often, depression is even more difficult to recognize in young people than adults.

  • Because as a teen, you experience so many changes at this stage in your life.

  • But the longer you feel this way, the more likely it's going to disrupt your life and turn into a long-term problem.

  • So Psych2Go shares with you five ways to recognize depression.

  • One, continuous low mood or sadness.

  • Do you often feel very sad and low for a prolonged period of time?

  • If you're feeling this way, things that normally lift your mood won't bring the same joy and happiness.

  • You may feel low or cry for no specific reason.

  • It's a good time to reach out and talk to someone.

  • Two: being irritable or intolerant of others.

  • Irritability can be missed as a symptom of depression as you're often stereotyped as moody and irritable already.

  • It's also a very common symptom of depression.

  • Often, you'll have a very short temper and snap at people you love for no apparent reason.

  • If you notice a change in your mood, it might be best to discuss it with someone--a parent, a school counselor, doctor or a friend.

  • Even if you think you're just having a rough time at school, it might not be depression.

  • But talking it out helps to get the whole picture.

  • Three, showing feelings of helplessness.

  • If you're suffering with depression, you'll feel out of depth, like you aren't in control of your life, you can feel completely helpless and confused.

  • While these feelings are normal as you go through changes in your body and growing up, be aware if the symptom persists for longer than a few weeks.

  • Feelings of unhappiness, worry, guilt, being fearful, helpless, hopeless, or lonely could all be signifying that something more serious is wrong.

  • Four, increasing social isolation.

  • Do you want to just be left alone?

  • When you're not feeling like yourself and your mood is low, it can lead to social isolation.

  • It can be hard being around people because you feel like you have to act like you normally would.

  • This emotional strain can cause you to give up socializing altogether.

  • If you notice you're starting to withdraw from people, talk to someone.

  • Even if you feel you're just having difficulties with friends.

  • It may not always be a sign of depression, but dealing with it now can help stop it turning into something more.

  • Five, little to no enjoyment of things you once liked.

  • Have you lost interest in being involved in after-school clubs, music practice or sports?

  • Do you feel like you don't want to go and/or contemplating dropping out?

  • You might not even watch your favorite TV shows with as much interest.

  • Not enjoying things you once liked could be a sign you're depressed.

  • Have you struggled with depression?

  • What do you do to help?

  • Psych2Go would love to know.

  • Be sure to leave a comment below.

  • Thanks for watching!

Do you feel like you just can't get happy?


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B1 中級

10代のうつ病の5つの兆候 (5 Signs of Teenage Depression)

  • 9624 411
    Minjane に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日