字幕表 動画を再生する
Between figuring out a career, a relationship, or what a 401(k) is, adulting can be hard.
キャリア、恋愛関係、または 401(k)が何であるかを理解するなど、大人になることは難しいこともあるでしょう。
Call me four out of five dentists, because I agree.
5 人の歯科医のうち 4 人を呼んでみろよ。オレは同意だ。
So in order to become better adults, we're turning to a form of television that got us through childhood, cartoons.
And we've got three very different current animated series to recommend.
3 つのかなり異なる現行のアニメシリーズのおすすめがあります。
First one, Tuca & Bertie, starring Tiffany Haddish and Ali Wong as that pair of best friends in their 30s we've all met.
1 つ目は、Tuca&Bertie です。ティファニー・ハディッシュとアリ・ウォンが主人公で、30 代の親友のペアとして出演しました。
One adventurous and carefree, one career-focused and anxiety-prone, both birds.
Oh, man, we've been through so much.
This was a Netflix original, and the first season is still available to stream over there.
これは元は Netflix のオリジナルで、ファーストシーズンはそこでまだ配信されています。
But for season 2, the show's moving to Cartoon Network's Adult Swim in 2021.
しかしシーズン 2 は、2021 年に Cartoon NetworkのAdult Swim に移行します。
- You know this never would've happened if we'd just stayed roommates. - Tuca.
-もしルームメイトでいたなら、こんなことは起こらなかったでしょ。 ートゥカ。
These feathered friends lean on their odd couple dynamic to support each other's adulting.
Tuca helps Bertie be more outspoken at work.
Bertie helps Tuca face her past trauma.
Can a mother over-love her daughter?
Yes, she can, and I'm the proof.
Plus, it's written from a woman's perspective, which is too often underrepresented in animation.
It's kind of like an avian Broad City.
Couldn't you have picked something simpler for this competition?
If you recognize the art style or the fusion of real world issues with funny animals, that's because the show's creator is Lisa Hanawalt.
She was a producer and the lead production designer for BoJack Horseman.
彼女は BoJack Horseman のプロデューサーであり、リードプロダクションデザイナーでもありました。
I specifically didn't ask.
Our next pick also has a BoJack connection.
次にピックアップしたものも、BoJack に関連しています。
But while BoJack is a fount of wisdom on what not to do as an adult, this show may actually help you.
しかし、BoJack は大人がしてはいけないことについての知恵の源泉ですが、このショーは実際に役立つかもしれません。
It's called Undone, and it comes from BoJack creator, Raphael Bob-Waksberg, and writer-producer, Kate Purdy.
それは Undone といい、BoJack のクリエイターであるラファエル・ボブ・ワックスバーグとライターでプロデューサーのケイト・パーディによるものです。
Of course.
The only one of my family who believes in me is the dead one.
For now.
Primarily a drama, with a bit of comedy, just like life, it's a trip.
28-year-old Alma gets into a car accident when she suddenly sees the spirit of her dead father.
28 歳のアルマは、突然亡くなった父の魂を見て、交通事故に遭います。
That sends her on a time-bending journey through mental illness, family relationships, mortality,
all the things you didn't expect IMDb to make you think about today.
あなたが IMDb に期待していなかった、今日について考えさせられる事のすべてです。
It's all about your emotions.
You need to feel them without letting them become you.
And the naturalistic animation style is achieved by rotoscoping.
That's where animators draw directly on top of live action footage of the show's stars, including Rosa Salazar and Bob Odenkirk.
ここでは、アニメータが、Rosa Salazar や Bob Odenkirk など、番組の出演者の実写映像の上に直接描画します。
The first season is streaming now on Prime Video, and a second one's on the way.
シーズン 1 は Prime Video でストリーミングされており、シーズン 2 は制作途中です。
I don't know what's gonna happen, but right now, this is good.
Now let's round out your Watchlist with an unfiltered new series on HBO Max, Close Enough.
最後に、HBO Max のフィルターなしの新しいシリーズである Close Enough であなたのウォッチリストを締めくくりましょう。
This one throws us into the adulting deep end.
There's a married couple, their five-year-old, and their two divorced best friends all sharing a house in East LA.
一組の夫婦とその 5 歳の子供、そして彼らの離婚した親友 2 人が、西ロサンゼルスでハウスシェアをしています。
Why you breathing so hard?
This series wrestles with the challenge of growing up versus growing old
and provides useful tips on dealing with giant spiders and stripping clowns.
It was created by J.G. Quintel and definitely shares the surrealist style of his previous breakout series, Regular Show.
それは J.G. クインテルによって作られました。そして、彼の前のブレイクアウトシリーズであるレギュラー・ショーのシュールなスタイルが間違いなく使われています。
Close Enough was originally slated to air on TBS back in 2017.
Close Enough は当初、2017 年に TBS で放映される予定でした。
But much like our attempts at adulting, it's taken three years and a new home before it could really get going.
しかし、私たちが大人になろうとする試みのように、それが実際に行われるようになるまでには、3 年と別の場所が必要でした。
It's kicking in!
It's kicking in!
So now you've got three radically different shows to add to the top of your Watchlist.
これで、ウォッチリストの一番上に追加する、かなり異なる 3 つの番組が決まりましたね。
Because surely, the first step to becoming a real adult is bingeing a bunch of cartoons.
And please, use a coaster.
Thanks for letting me pretend like I have enough free time to go to a concert.