字幕表 動画を再生する
Well, the White House is the people's house.
Michelle and I and the girls, we understand that we're here for a limited time, and we're here because we have this incredible privilege of serving the American people and looking after them and what they are concerned about.
I think everybody, the first night they spend in the White House, are a little overwhelmed.
Ah, you know, the White House is such an icon in American life and around the globe, and the notion that you'd be sleeping in a bed inside of it, is a little bit intimidating.
And, at least when you've got a couple kids, you pretty much get into a routine because you know that you're going to have to figure out how to wake them up, and make sure they get to school on that first day.
2 人の子供がいる場合は、少なくとも日常生活に入ることになります。最初の日に彼らを目覚めさせる方法を考え、ちゃんと学校に行けるようにする必要があるとわかっていますから。
So, the transition was smooth, but that first night you kind of wake up with a start a little bit and say to yourself, "My goodness, what am I doing here?".
Every day, although you consider it the place you live, I think you're very mindful that this is a place of history; that this is a place that belongs to the people and to the country.
毎日・・・その場所を自分が住むところだと考えていてもここは歴史のある場所だということをかなり意識すると思います。 これは人々と国に属している場所であることを。
As much as you want to feel comfortable in that place, you also want to feel a little bit of reverence for the fact that down these halls Lincoln has walked, and in these rooms FDR has made decisions that had impacts around the world.
その場所で快適に過ごしたいと思うのと同じくらい、リンカーンがこれらの廊下を歩いていたという事実や、これらの部屋で FDR が世界中に影響を与えた決定を下したという事実に対する、少しの敬意は感じたいでしょう。
While you're here, you're maybe part of the first family, but once your term's up you're going to be a citizen once again.
And that, I think, it both humbling, but extremely gratifying because it reminds us that this is a democracy,
And those who come into this office are here temporarily and someday soon there's going to be somebody else who takes up that mantle and you just make sure that during the time that you're here you're doing the best you can to serve the people who've sent you.