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  • Next battle for team J-Ax is the most awaited. The first contestant is 25 years old

  • She comes from Sicily but all the world is talking about her for the first time on the ring

  • Ladies and Gentlemen make some noise for Sister Cristina

  • Her rival's voice is still echoing in the Studio since her Blind Audition Ladies and Gentlemen 23-years-old, from Salerno Luna Palumbo

  • Let the Battle begin

  • With a song by Cindy Lauper

  • Ladies and Gentlemen Sister Cristina Scuccia and Luna Palumbo

  • Wow

  • Awesome! Cool!

  • Sister! Sister! Sister!

  • It's a great battle amongst two unique voices

  • Amazing! Talking about girls having fun, those girls over there had a lot of fun

  • Your fellow sisters, Sister Cristina!

  • Luna come here! Awesome guys! What a performance! J-Ax...

  • No, please do not talk to me for the next three hours. Let the others talk

  • I have to pull myself together

  • Piero, this performace was so rock'n'roll, wasn't it?

  • To me it was like a Buñuel's movie, maybe not everyone knows who Buñuel was

  • He directed some surrealist movies

  • where all the rules were overturned.

  • How do you feel? You rocked the house!

  • Listen, do not ask me how I feel, as... as usual I am confused

  • Super excited, thrilled

  • Thank you

  • Raffaella may I ask you, how did you like that?

  • To tell you the truth, Luna has totally enchanted me

  • Sister Cristina, you nailed it, you have such an energy You do belong to the stage

  • All the things I tell to my team, you do on your own

  • and I am sure J-Ax will chose you otherwise he will go to hell

  • Noemi, what about you?

  • Top! The coolest thing! It made me think of the movie Sister Act.

  • Music makes the people come together and to make it happen here at The Voice is amazing

  • I do am a believer and I think that having brought God in here

  • it is extraordinary, because nowadays we do miss the spiritual dimension.

  • Thank you! It's been wonderful.

  • Thanks to J-Ax for creating this duo. They really rocked our house.

  • I cannot imagine what's going on in your head the decision you have to make is hard indeed.

  • One of these two girls will leave your team

  • Ok then, first I'd like to thank them for giving me such an emotion.

  • I am making some free satire here, I mean nobody asked me but, since I joined The Voice

  • I have been shooting wisecracks on everything even on the '80s.

  • but this was a song from the early 80's, the best part, when hope was still high.

  • And it is about some girls who wanted to have fun the same way as boys had.

  • To me this song is a spiritual song.

  • Luna you have been amazing. You have superpowers.

  • I mean, while you sing, your hair grows. Like you are a Curly Super Sayan from Dragon Ball.

  • You are just the way you are. As per Sister Cristina, I am afraid that people will ask for her holy-antidoping tests.

  • After this performance she unlocked next level like in a video game, she is now Mother Superior.

  • Putting wisecracks aside, I noticed this

  • which is extremely uncommon. When Sister Cristina sings she gives joy, and this is her gift.

  • I know it from watching my fellow coaches and the audience. It happens with immediate effect.

  • I am utterly sorry, but I have to make a choice.

  • I'll go ahead with Sister Cristina.

  • Sister Cristina wins this amazing battle and goes to the Knockout round with her coach J-Ax.

  • The relationship between the Devil and the Holy Water continues. Congratulations! Ladies and Gentelemen, Sister Cristina.

  • Sister! Sister! Sister!

Next battle for team J-Ax is the most awaited. The first contestant is 25 years old


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A2 初級

声のIT|セリエ2|バトル1|Suor Cristina Scuccia対Luna Palumbo (The Voice IT | Serie 2 | Battle 1 | Suor Cristina Scuccia Vs Luna Palumbo)

  • 233 8
    章許票 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日