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  • -Thank you for coming back. Welcome back to the show.

  • -Oh. Thank you for having me. -Welcome back to New York.

  • I want to talk about "Megatron" that just came out on Friday.

  • Went straight to number one on iTunes.

  • Does that excite you still

  • when your songs come out and they go to number one,

  • or are you just so used to it? -Yes, it always excites me.

  • No matter how many songs you put out,

  • it always feel good to know that people still care enough

  • to go and check for it and still support you.

  • -Does this mean maybe there might be a new album or no?

  • -Well, there's definitely a new album. Yes, of course.

  • -Oh, there is? -Mm-hmm.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -I don't know anything! I don't know anything!

  • -You're the first to find out. Of course, there's a new album.

  • I just don't know --

  • I'm not putting out the date yet, but there is one.

  • -All right. Now, is there a title to it?

  • -Yes. -[ Gasps ]

  • You know what you're gonna call it?

  • -Yes. -How long before the record

  • comes out do you know you're gonna call it?

  • -Some-- It varies. Like, with the last album,

  • I knew for so long, maybe like over a year,

  • that I was gonna call it "Queen."

  • And it was just because my fans would always type "Queen"

  • on Instagram or Twitter under my stuff.

  • So I was like, "Oh, my God. That's a great idea.

  • I'll just call it that."

  • But with this one, you know --

  • I'm lying. I don't have a name yet.

  • [ Laughter ] -You know what?

  • Last time I saw you was at the Met Ball.

  • We ran into each other. I don't know if you remember this.

  • And speaking of everyone calling you "Queen."

  • We're on a long red carpet, and it's a beautiful gala.

  • And everyone dresses up and looks gorgeous.

  • Obviously, you looked so much more gorgeous than I did.

  • But I'm talking to you, and you're so fun. We're talking.

  • And then it's all in order of who gets their picture taken.

  • So they're like, "Nicki, you're next."

  • And you were like, "Okay, bye, Jimmy."

  • And then you walked out, and you just started, like --

  • You became -- Everyone's going, "Queen, Queen, Queen!"

  • And there was like 100 cameras around you.

  • And I was like -- And you became like this --

  • And you were doing these poses. And I go --

  • You looked gor-- But it was so professional.

  • I was like, "Wow. I don't have those moves."

  • -Yes, you do. It's inside of you.

  • -No. It's not. Look at this. That is how you --

  • -Cute. Cute.

  • -Like two seconds before, we were joking around,

  • and then you went out and you're like,

  • "I'll show you how to do it." And I was like, "Oh, my God."

  • They're like, "Jimmy, you're next."

  • And they go, "Please, keep walking.

  • Get out of Nicki's way."

  • And I go, "Oh, okay. Interesting."

  • -You can do that pose. Let me see you try it.

  • -I can't do this. -Yes, you can.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -Can you hold that up and -- -Yeah. Of course.

  • -I just want to see -- So, you come out and you go,

  • "Yeah, I'll talk to you later."

  • So, everyone just yell "Queen" at me.

  • -Queen! -Queen! Queen!

  • -Yes! Give me another one! Work it!

  • ♪♪

  • -Come on. -You did a great job.

  • Yes, you can. You did a great job.

  • -It was just -- It was great.

  • You looked gorgeous at the thing.

  • But then I listened to you, and I go --

  • I don't know. It's a megastar.

  • It must be out of the realm of reality, like,

  • when you go to these things and everyone's yelling your name,

  • and you're releasing number-one things.

  • And I go -- I always want to know --

  • Do you remember the first gig you ever got paid money for?

  • -I remember being super-excited

  • to make $700 at my first show I think.

  • I remember going -- It was a small, little club,

  • and there was probably like only 200 people.

  • But it didn't dawn on me, though,

  • that I would go and they would actually know the music.

  • So when they were rapping the words back,

  • I remember making eye contact with people rapping the music

  • from my mix tape, and it just, like, freaked me out.

  • Like, I paused on stage like,

  • "Wait a minute. How do you know...?"

  • I didn't understand the concept of you're listening to music

  • and then you learn it. Like, it was just so weird.

-Thank you for coming back. Welcome back to the show.


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A2 初級

ニッキー・ミナージュが「メガトロン」と最新アルバムのタイトル、そして女王のようなポーズについて語った。 (Nicki Minaj Talks "Megatron," Her Latest Album Title and Posing Like a Queen)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日