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  • Hi.

  • My name is Qari.

  • Everyone Ron Paul here, here to answer some Ellen's most burning questions.

  • My favorite wouldn't call, but I did get my big but not huge.

  • So I would definitely signed my legs because they're not very long.

  • I have to say my smile.

  • Give a look.

  • You do 13.

  • Definitely my smile.

  • I have a nice white teeth.

  • I care about my feet a lot.

  • So we're calling on it.

  • Everybody, The eyes for sure.

  • I would have to be my eyes.

  • I'm very blessed.

  • Have amazing.

  • Oh, I think of another way.

  • But the naughtiest food is I love a good luck trusted doughnut.

  • A cinnamon scroll like that just really gets me naughtiest.

  • Food for me is definitely like a nice of vegan Putin with, like, vegan cheese and like covered in Peking gravy.

  • A banana dime.

  • Not because it looks like MCGURTY picked up lies.

  • I don't really have never just said small.

  • I've honestly been using this since high school, so it's like I want to go find the Big Dipper.

  • So you like, go side.

  • You look like a stars and you're both like stargazing.

  • You just make your move but obviously I'm taking now, so I'm never going to use a pick up line.

  • Hopefully a brick making 100 k Francesco Haraga Probably Orlando Bloom because I've always had this, like weird obsession with him Come holiday because he's a right.

  • So I know you're taking Butthead.

  • Leonardo DiCaprio When film tight Honey Oh my God, he's right.

  • So over with this mine a secret silent and nobody knows I have a very artistic control and pick.

  • I see I have to go in the West End.

  • What I about 10 I signature leader says.

  • I go to party tricks to just, like, flip around, you know, for my body everywhere.

  • Insane animal noises.

  • He's going over.

  • She problems.

  • Citizenship.

  • The strangest thing that I am afraid off is dark.

  • It's not that strange, but I mean, I'm such a baby in, you know it's exit.

  • I don't play.

  • I don't even like butter Flash ladybugs.

  • Definitely ladybugs, because when I was in elementary school, one flew into my mouth and it traumatized me, and I literally remember it like it was yesterday.

  • I'm afraid of square group, terrified, that little just like I'm predictable Little bowls of letter skeevy.

  • Hear me out when I was younger.

  • These this sort of stuff like night time.

  • I know that at the end there will be a one stop that reveals to be someone else.

  • That was pretty scary.

  • I guilty you to pleasure.

  • Eight more vision speeches They make up to Tullio his hair tutorial videos and things like that.

  • Definitely travel Blog's.

  • They just make you want to travel into the world that I love them.

  • I could watch him all day.

  • What's your chiropractic?

  • You watch before bed.

  • People just get cracked.

  • I always watch.

  • We'd staff about guys in the words and like abroad, digging holes on creating like mansions out with muds and like filling it up reward.

  • And it's just weird, like I don't know what happens to my brain at 20 clock in the morning animal that described me best in my head, I guess.

  • Now be naughty.

  • Possible.

  • Let's go or a live I'm 1/2 baby cheetah because I'm a fast I catch my prey and that's it.

  • Like I get what I want because you know, like when a rodeo pass and rides a bull, the bull was like Yeah, that's how I would describe be three things We're doing this last day Kiss touch on the ask questions about them.

  • We really invested in, kiss him stockings, socials and then maybe spell him because a guy that smells good is just like, you know, he takes care of themselves to the little go to the toilet to check.

  • I have lipstick on my teeth.

  • Look at what training is his wearing constantly smiled, But when I'm going first, I I'm just like, Hi, wow, crazy place.

  • I've had sex the car on the way to the airport.

  • Nothing, just nothing.

  • The first used to be a waterfall in Costa Rica.

  • That was definitely craziest.

  • But now it's kind of on national television.

  • That's probably the craziest place that ever had sex on TV.

  • So sorry, mama.

  • You know, ice cream Bob Ellen, let me tell you, those were some serious burning questions.

  • My heart is racing.

  • I'm literally like, if you want to see more, make sure you subscribe.



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B1 中級

Netflixの「扱いに困った」スターたちがエレンの「燃える質問」に挑む (Netflix’s 'Too Hot to Handle' Stars Take On Ellen’s ‘Burning Questions’)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日