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  • And the last time you were here, you

  • were starting the "Endgame" movie right?

  • Is that what you--

  • you were starting that?

  • Yeah.

  • The little movie that could.

  • That movie-- man, oh, man.

  • This is what that movie made, if they haven't told you.

  • Because you should know this.

  • Was it more than a dollar?

  • It grossed nearly $2.8 billion.


  • So it did OK.

  • How did you do on that?

  • You had a little back end on that, or no?

  • You know, I don't even have a Disney+ Plus account comped.

  • I was just going to ask.

  • They should give you that for free at least.

  • I was going to use this opportunity to ask.

  • Yeah.

  • Look right into that camera.

  • Waiting for my Disney+ Plus--

  • For free.

  • --comped account.

  • I've got multiple pieces of art on you're streaming service--

  • including one of my first and best roles I've ever done,

  • which is a film called "Right on Track."

  • It was a Disney Channel original movie.


  • Oh, yes!

  • They know that.

  • Oh, there she is.

  • Wow.

  • Look at how blurry that photo is.

  • How old were you?

  • That's how know it's old.

  • How old were you?

  • I think I was 11.

  • All right.

  • So you were at Comic-Con recently,

  • and a really sweet proposal happened right in front of you.

  • Yeah.

  • It was really sweet.

  • It was my first time going to a "Con,"

  • as I've learned you call them.

  • And so I got to meet a lot of people, a lot of Captain Marvel

  • fans.

  • And in it, there was a proposal.

  • This man came in.

  • And the second he stood up next to me,

  • he turned to his boyfriend and said,

  • I love you more than Captain Marvel-- which

  • was shocking to hear.


  • How dare he!

  • It's, like, wait a second.

  • And then he proposed.

  • And I was shocked.

  • That was-- my shock, and I wasn't even proposed to.

  • And then as the series goes on, I'm

  • slowly trying to hide behind the man,

  • because then I felt like I was in the middle of something

  • I was not supposed to be in.

  • I was, like, I'm not supposed to be here.

  • And did they invite you to the wedding?

  • I didn't get that invite yet?

  • Oh.

  • Maybe I should use that also as--

  • use this opportunity now.

  • Yeah.

  • Look into that camera right there.

  • Please invite me.

  • I would love it.

  • Probably can't go, but I just want the invitation.

  • There's a picture of you and George Clooney on donkeys

  • that--

  • And that's all you need to know.

  • That's it.

  • I'm not going to ask any questions.

  • I'm just going to show it.

  • I think the proof is in the pudding right here.

  • Yeah.

  • Right there.

  • Your donkey is--

  • I'd also like everyone to know that George got to the donkeys

  • first and gave me the bigger one,

  • which I think is gentlemanly.

  • It really is.

  • Did you ever think, when you were growing up,

  • when you were auditioning, you would

  • be on a donkey with George Clooney?

  • Where is this?

  • Absolutely not.

  • It wasn't even in the realm of possibility.

  • It's in Madrid, which is even weirder.

  • Wow.

  • Had you been to Madrid before?

  • Uh-uh, no.

  • But they said, come ride a donkey with George Clooney?

  • Yes.

  • That was an email that I got.

  • And I said, yes, I will do that.

  • And suddenly I was transported to Madrid

  • where I was riding a donkey, a donkey named Pepe,

  • next to George Clooney.

  • What was his donkey's name?

  • I think it was, like, Papita I'm maybe making that up,

  • so that I sound like I was personable with these donkeys.

  • But it was something like that.

  • Are you going to bring in, like, the donkey wrangler

  • tomorrow to double check?

  • No.

  • But I have Papita here.

  • Oh!

  • Aw.

  • All right.

  • We're going to take a break.

  • More with Brie after this.

And the last time you were here, you


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A2 初級

ブリー・ラーソンはDisney+の無料購読を望んでいる (Brie Larson Wants a Free Subscription to Disney+)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日