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  • We are back with the Jonas Brothers.

  • Oh, my telomeres.

  • Last year in their documentary, Happiness Begins,

  • we saw that they worked very hard on their relationship

  • and how to listen to each other.

  • So I want to see how well they can

  • hear each other in our game called "Say Whaaaat?"


  • This is basically like the game of telephone we played as kids,

  • but you'll be wearing noise-canceling headphones

  • so you'll have to read each other's lips.

  • You can only ask to hear the sentence twice.

  • I'll read the sentence, and then you'll pass it down the line.

  • The last person will come and tell us what they heard.

  • Everyone put on your headphones, please.

  • No explanation of why I'm here.

  • You're the fifth Jonas.

  • You're the fifth Jonas brother.

  • Yeah, OK.

  • Everyone knows that.

  • All right.

  • There's no reason.

  • We don't care.


  • Good look.

  • Can you hear me?

  • Joe Jonas knows which brother will

  • make their wife a mother because they are really good lover.

  • Repeat it.

  • Nope.


  • All right.

  • Do you think all the Jonas Brothers are married,

  • and which one is your favorite?

  • OK, I think I have it.


  • Do you think all the Jonas Brothers--

  • Wait, wait.

  • You gotta-- and slow.


  • Do you think all the Jonas Brothers are married,

  • or do you think they have girlfriends?



  • Do you think the Jonas Brothers are married,

  • or do you think they are gay?


  • Oh my God.

  • All right.

  • Here?

  • There?

  • We take them off, right?

  • OK, take them off.

  • Oh.

  • All right.

  • All right.

  • What did you hear, Joe?

  • Do you think the Jonas Brothers are married,

  • or do you think they're gay?


  • You got it?

  • You got it right?

  • No!

  • I swore that's what you said.

  • Oh my God.

  • That's what he said.

  • No, that's--

  • That's what I said.

  • That's not what he said.

  • What?

  • Is it close?

  • No.

  • No.

  • It was Joe Jonas knows which brother

  • will make their wife a mother because they are really

  • good lover.


  • Nick is--

  • You weren't even close!

  • Nick was so far off.

  • Nick was pretty far off, but he didn't say anything close

  • to gay.

  • He said, "Or did they have girlfriends?"

  • That's what he said.

  • OK, but it's-- yeah.


  • Go to break.

  • All right.

  • That's it.

  • We'll be back.

  • OK.

We are back with the Jonas Brothers.


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A2 初級

ジョナス兄弟が「Say Whaaat? (Jonas Brothers Play ‘Say Whaaat?')

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日