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  • All right, Audrey, are you ready to play a game, too?

  • All right, follow me, come here.

  • Because you know what?

  • Earlier one of your neighbors won a car.

  • And guess what?

  • We have a car right here that's got your name on it.

  • But you have to play a game, OK?

  • OK.

  • And right now, Honey Nut Cheerios and I

  • are feeling really good about this,

  • and we think you have a great shot.

  • Are you ready?

  • This is the game.

  • These are the keys to the car.

  • You are going to have to guess what hand the keys are in.

  • OK?

  • So the first one is-- put your hands out--

  • the first one is if I come down here, all you got to do

  • is guess what hand are the keys in.

  • What hand?

  • This hand or this hand?

  • This one?

  • Oh, I made the keys disappear.

  • Hold on, hold on, if the keys reappear behind your ear--

  • right here, can you feel?

  • If you have a key inside your ears, you win the car.

  • Can you feel it?

  • Are the keys there?

  • No?

  • All right, wait a minute.

  • I think there's keys to a car right here.

  • And Audrey, guess what?

  • You just want a brand new car.

  • Here you go.

  • Yay!

  • You want to get in your new car?

  • There you go.

  • Audrey, congratulations.

  • You just won your first car.

  • Go ahead and push the pedal.

  • See ya!

All right, Audrey, are you ready to play a game, too?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ジョン・ドレンボス、愛らしい4歳児を車で驚かせた! (Jon Dorenbos Surprises Adorable 4-Year-Old with a Car!)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日