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  • Welcome to the Voice of America's news words in Vietnam in 1975 just before the Vietnam War ended, when Tita gave away the three year old child she had with an American soldier reunion.

  • The girl, Lee My Small, was raised in the United States.

  • 44 years later, she began searching for her Vietnamese mother and found her.

  • In November, Small and dip held a re union in hoc Eamon City.

  • A re union is when people gather after a long separation.

  • It is a social event for people who have not seen each other for a long time.

Welcome to the Voice of America's news words in Vietnam in 1975 just before the Vietnam War ended, when Tita gave away the three year old child she had with an American soldier reunion.


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A2 初級

ニュースワード。再会 (News Words: Reunion)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日