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  • Theo, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is appealing for $2.7 billion in aid for refugees from South Sudan.

  • In the United States, President Donald Trump is defending his decision to withdraw U.

  • S troops from Syria.

  • He wrote on Twitter that it is time for others to finally fight.

  • Flights were canceled at London's Gatwick airport after reports of a drone aircraft.

  • Officials said the incident was an attempt to interfere with air traffic, and three space travelers have returned safely to Earth after spending almost 200 days on the international space station.

Theo, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is appealing for $2.7 billion in aid for refugees from South Sudan.


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VOA60です。2018年12月20日 (VOA60: December 20, 2018)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日