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  • Iraqi security forces clash with demonstrators in Baghdad as anti government demonstrations continue Gunfire was heard as forces attempted to clear a protest near the all Shuhada Bridge.

  • Lebanese students demonstrate near the Ministry of Education in an effort to keep up pressure on politicians forming the new government.

  • In Thailand, gunmen killed at least 15 village defense volunteers in what is said to be the deadliest attack on government forces in 15 years, and air quality levels in New Delhi have improved moved since Indian officials declared a health emergency last weekend.

Iraqi security forces clash with demonstrators in Baghdad as anti government demonstrations continue Gunfire was heard as forces attempted to clear a protest near the all Shuhada Bridge.


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B1 中級

VOA60:2019年11月6日 (VOA60: November 6, 2019)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日