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  • Chile is extending the state of emergency to cities in the north and south.

  • Rioting continued in spite of a curfew imposed for a second consecutive night, protesters clashing with police and many areas off the capital, Santiago.

  • Eight people known to have been killed since the unrest began on Friday.

  • It's free, Cole reports soldiers on the streets of Santiago for the first time since the end of the military dictatorship, the curfew to end unrest has been extended for a second night.

  • I am convinced that democracy not only has the right, but has the obligation to defend itself, using all the instruments that democracy provides on the rule of law to combat those who want to destroy.

  • Getting the protests began after a rising ticket prices for the Capitals metro a decision which has been reversed.

  • But anger has widened amid the huge inequality between the rich and poor.

  • Parts of Sandy Argos transport system have been destroyed, but on Sunday residents helped with the cleanup would have been nice if everyone had come out and banged on pots and pro tested other ways.

  • But this not even during the time we have the conflict with Pinochet do we touch the Metro?

  • Because we knew the Metro was for us.

  • And look at this now.

  • Sad.

  • This is sad for all of us that were here helping to clean up.

  • Several people have died, and there's been mass arrests as looting and riots have spread across the country.

  • Despite the return of the troops, the curfew and a state of emergency, Chileans continue to express their anger.

Chile is extending the state of emergency to cities in the north and south.


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B2 中上級

チリの抗議行動。不安が続くサンティアゴでの衝突 - BBC ニュース (Chile protests: Clashes in Santiago as unrest continues - BBC News)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日