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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • do we know who they're trying to reach?

  • Because if it's young people than I think that my wasted quite a bit of money, the words are going way too fast for more Gar.

  • Just like random words in order for no reason does look like it's kind of made, Unlike I'm evils, your first video in school, you know, when you start learn, has he hears film classes that you actually just spoke?

  • Slide share.

  • It's like when you go on your phone, it makes the automatic slideshow come one.

  • What is that?

  • You could you write?

  • What's that?

  • It's a bit fast, to be honest about us, like 10 seconds long room.

  • Yeah, my music.

  • No music spirit.

  • It's all they're only telling us.

  • What would the parties aren't doing?

  • They're not telling me what they're gonna do.

  • That one, I think, is definitely a waste of money then, because they could have just a za photo.

  • I don't know why they needed to see a video because it was so engaging to watch without the music.

  • I feel like this Greens YouTube intro elsewhere.

  • I just looks like a kid's doing it in school where they don't know.

  • So I mean, I'm not clued up on it.

  • What's the 50 1,000,000,000 remain?

  • Bonus.

  • I don't know what the Romaine bonuses and invest 50 50 wards.

  • We were way.

  • If if I covered up where it says Liberal Democrat sponsor purified them paid by then I would not know who that's for.

  • If you want me to vote for someone off something based off like an Aggie put out it is tell me who you are.

  • I just watched that three times.

  • We have no idea what most of it was saying.

do we know who they're trying to reach?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

若い有権者がFacebookの政治広告に反応 - BBCニュース (Young voters react to Facebook political ads - BBC News)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日