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  • United States has become the first country in the world to record more than 2000 Corona virus deaths in a single day.

  • According to numbers compiled by Johns Hopkins University, 2108 people died in the last 24 hour period.

  • US.

  • Has the highest number of cases in the world now.

  • It's just past half a 1,000,000.

  • It is also recorded the second highest number of deaths over 18,700.

  • That's just behind Italy.

  • New York state alone now has more confirmed cases than any single country in the world.

  • When our North America correspondent David Willis has mawr on what's been a very difficult 24 hours for the United States, the United States has seen the deadliest day of Corona virus attacks on deaths.

  • If you like that, any country has seen so farm or than 2000 people died off the virus today, and that brings the total of deaths here.

  • Two of nearly 19,000 half a 1,000,000 Americans have been infected by the Corona virus, and the United States is on track to surpass Italy's total of the most number of deaths worldwide.

  • Now, more than half off those deaths occurred in New York state.

  • But there is a glimmer of hope there because the governor revealed today that the curve appears to be flattening, as they say the number of hospitalizations there has stabilized and that that's a statistic that Donald Trump has seized on in his bid to get this country back in business as quickly as possible.

  • He announced today that he's assembled a task force to advise him on that, and the Trump administration is not downplaying suggestions that this country could be back in action to some extent anyway, by the first of May, David Willis.

United States has become the first country in the world to record more than 2000 Corona virus deaths in a single day.


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コロナウイルス。米国の死者数、1日で2,000人を突破 - BBC ニュース (Coronavirus: US death toll passes 2,000 in a single day - BBC News)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日