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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • I guess I can't stand it when people don't have time for other people and their that selfish.

  • I don't like having to trouble on the really busy everyday commuting really bothers me because the underground is really packed.

  • I'm not keen on the tube.

  • It's always so crowded.

  • Haven't come into work every day when you get off me just a little bit.

  • Moody test most about one of those people.

  • There's not enough love in this city.

  • The price of things really gets to me like you can't get a coffee for under £5 a lot of time.

  • I really don't like arraign.

  • London has a lot of wet weather, and it's gray a lot of the time.

I guess I can't stand it when people don't have time for other people and their that selfish.


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A2 初級

リアルの人はどうやって嫌なことを話すの? (How do real people talk about things they don't like?)

  • 19 2
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日