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  • World premiering, introducing for the first time, Pew News!


  • **Fake laser gun sounds**

    “Pew News”!!

  • The most legitimate news source on the Internet.


  • *More fake laser gun noises*

    ネット上で最も 信用できるニュースソース!

  • [News Theme]


  • Pew News, the place where we talk about things that happen on the internet. Topics that are of interest.

    Pew Newsでは ネット上で起きている 様々な出来事を紹介します

  • News number one: J.K. Rowling is under the, the fire lately.


  • J.K. Rowling responds to gay Dumbledore controversy.


  • J.K. Rowling the wonderful author who didn't take a second before calling me out publicly for being a fascist.

    J.K. Rowlingがただいま炎上中です

  • Thank you. Thank you J.K.

    「J.K. Rowlingが “ダンブルドアの 同性愛者問題” への批判に反論」

  • *Kiss*

    J.K. Rowlingは素晴らしい小説家です

  • Basically, what happened was that J.K. Rowling,

    よく確かめもせず 俺の事を 「ファシストだ」と触れ回ったお方!

  • The queen of afterthought, after writing seven books,

    本当にありがたいよ J.K

  • She... she thought it would be nice that if Dumbledore, without any hint in any of the seven books

    (* ´з`)<チュッ❤

  • That Dumbledore, one of the main characters was a homosexual.

    J.K. Rowlingに何が起こったかというと…

  • A nice little afterthought, you know of course and you know why?

    “後付け”の天才である彼女は 7冊本を書き終わった後…

  • Because they're no different. That's why that's how genius I am.

    いい事を思いついたんだ ダンブルドアが…

  • Because,

    本には全くそんなこと 書かれてないけど

  • They're no different from normal people. That's why I don't even have to write it in.

    ダンブルドアはホモだ ということにしようって

  • I will however, take all the glory for being — *chuckle*


  • for being so forward thinking, you are welcome. So now that the new movies are coming out with Dumbledore's past or,


  • his previous character as young. It was exposed that none of that will be shown.


  • *Laughs*

    “そう 私は天才なのよ”

  • Dumbledore, will in fact not be displaying

    “同性愛者だろうが 普通の人と 何も変わらないのよ”

  • Uh, that he is into boys.


  • And J.K. Rowling sort of responded to, uh, people's criticism about this, people weren't too happy.

    “けど皆さん 私を褒め称えなさい”

  • Kind of calling her out for her

    “私はとっても先進的な考えの 持ち主なのだから!”

  • Hypocrisy that hey, I thought you said that he was a homosexual character, then why isn't he all the sudden and J.K. responded with?

    ダンブルドアの過去についての 映画が出るんだ

  • "I'm gonna mute you," that's how you know someone responds well to criticism when theyshe won't even listen to it .


  • *Laughs*

    彼が同性愛者である 表現は全く無かった

  • J.K. Rowling, which of course also so progressively thought, yes, Hermione was actually black .


  • As clearly evidence all over her seven books displayed like here... and here

    ダンブルドアが男に興味がある なんて表現は全く無い

  • Here's the tragic case of me actually agreeing with Polygon

    J.K. Rowlingがこれに答えたんだ…

  • "Fantastic Beasts sequel needs to show Dumbledore's sexuality, not just hint at it." You have created a world with werewolves,


  • wizards and all kinds of shit.

    彼女の偽善者っぷりに みんな怒ってた

  • I don't watch Harry Potter, or read the books, but I know there's, you got magic in it, but a man

    「ダンブルドアは同性愛者だと 明言していたのに」

  • publicly


  • Displaying that he- his sexuality. That's too far.That cannot exist in this world


  • Thank you very much!


  • It's like she wants the cake and eat it too, and people call her out on it, and she's a crybaby.


  • J.K Rowling is a lost billionaire woman who can't face criticism.


  • Nothing new here.


  • *Laser sounds*

    “先進的な考えの持ち主”である J.K. Rowlingは こうも言いました

  • The next news: Logan Paul went skydiving and his main parachute didn't open! ah!


  • *Somebody touched my spaghetti!*

    ちゃんと7冊の中にも その証拠があるでしょう~?

  • Oh my god!


  • I think that's the wrong emoji that they used, they should have used the that emoji, or perhaps....

    [ ハーマイオニーの“白い顔”が… ] こことか

  • Many of you asked what my opinion was about Logan Paul returning to YouTube, and it's pretty simple:

    俺がPolygonの記事に 賛同するなんて超レアだ

  • he should be able to return, there shouldn't be any problems with it,

    「ファンタスティックビーストの続編は ダンブルドアの性的指向を明らかにすべきだ」

  • and I personally, I don't have any problems with it. I for one loved seeing slow-mo shots of Logan Paul with a serious face.

    アンタが作った世界じゃ 狼男とか…

  • Maybe petting his dog or uh,


  • maybe just wrapping his fingers together. That's that's what I subscribe for Logan Paul, and I'm glad that he is back


  • doing what he's doing best.

    俺はハリーポッターの 映画も本も見てないけど

  • Yes, touch the stone!

    けど 魔法っぽいのが 存在してることは知ってる

  • Oohhhh!

    でも誰かの性的指向を 明らかにすることは…

  • Awhh!


  • Can I just say, I love his haircut! It's just perfect, it just made me completely forget about everything


  • I need a new haircu-. I need a new... that's better. I guess the thing about this video is that Logan Paul's


  • Initial video, that started all the drama, It was made.. to make himself look better in the eye of suicide.

    美味しいケーキを食べようとしたら 批判されて それに文句たれてるって感じだ

  • That's what he did,

    “かつての億万長者” J.K Rowlingは まともに批判とも向き合えない、と

  • He just did it so.


  • Miserably that it just completely collapsed, and at the end of the day this video was doing the same thing,


  • He's trying to make himself look better in the eye of suicide


  • There's really no difference, but the general thing to learn here that it's okay to do that,

    「Logan Paulがスカイダイビング! パラシュートが開かなかった!」

  • It's okay to benefit from suicide as long as you're doing it in the right way.

    ( ´Д`)<ア~!

  • One important note that I got from the video was that he met up with this

    ( ´Д`)<ヤッバ~イ!

  • gent that survived from jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, which is

    顔文字 違くない?

  • Obviously doesn't happen and he was met with instant regret, and he uses that to speak out against suicide,

    “あっち”の絵文字のほうが 合ってると思うけど…

  • And it's a great story.

    Logan Paulの復帰について みんな俺の意見を聞いてくるけど

  • And it's great that he's getting featured. Basically when I was during my media storm


  • Everyone told me to do this exact same thing,


  • Everyone told me you need to meet with people, you need to travel around the world to


  • Interact and show people that you've learned, you need to appear on interviews,

    彼の復帰について 文句を言うつもりはない

  • and I just,

    俺も 真剣な顔したLogan Paulの スロモシーン見たいし

  • personally, felt that that was very disingenuous, It seemed like I'm obviously just doing it to repay my


  • image or to repair my image.

    ただ手を重ね合わせてる シーンも見たいよね!

  • I'm not doing it out of pure good intention

    このためにLogan Paulに登録してるんだ!

  • Which sort of spoils it completely for me, and I just thought that would that's just disingenuous,

    復帰して 彼にしかできない 事をしてくれて嬉しいよ!

  • I don't want to do that, I would rather just show people that I've changed through my videos and time.

    イイね 石を触ろう!

  • He also did an interview with ABC with.. Michael.


  • "Michael I'm 22 years old. I'm gonna be honest with you Michael. Michael


  • I've gotten to meet.." (Felix) Michael "So he's 100 yards away from the park and I-

    コイツの髪型 超イイよな!

  • It just it doesn't make any sense and


  • I- I believe it happened for a reason."

    事件のことなんて 忘れちゃいそう!

  • So apparently because it was just one hundred yards from the parking lot


  • And and Logan Paul found a dead body it happened for a reason. There's a divine- Logan Paul is on a divine path of


  • Redemption. This all happened for a reason.


  • Who would have thought it would have happened? No one

    Logan Paulの 炎上した例の動画は

  • ""(Interviewer) For parents out there because where you're the father thirteen year old twin girl

    “自殺”という問題を通して ヤツを良くみせるための動画だった

  • It's very hard to know everything that your kids watch, and there are a lot of parents


  • (Logan)"Alot of parents" (Felix) Who are not gonna pay for your Merch anymore

    あまりにも情けないやり方だった せいで 失敗に終わったが

  • *evil laugh*

    今回の動画は それと同じ事をしてるんだ

  • "Every parent, I meet whose kids are under the age of like 12, I go hey

    自殺という問題を通して 自分を良くみせるための動画

  • You you let your kids watch my stuff?


  • That's right parents. Don't worry about everything that happened.

    勘違いするな これは別に悪い事じゃない

  • It wasn't Logan Paul's fault

    自殺問題を扱って利益を得るのは 良いんだ 正しいやり方ならな

  • It was your fault. Okay. You should not have let your kids watch his videos

    ひとつ この動画で良いと思ったのは

  • What are you stupid parents come on, man? What are you doing, parents?

    ゴールデンゲートブリッジから 飛び降りて 生き延びた人と話す場面

  • Obviously it's not Logan Paul's fault

    飛び降りた瞬間 ものすごく後悔したそうで

  • When you put out content like that do you realize the age of your audience? It's odd because Michael, I'm 22 years old

    自殺問題解決に向けて 自分の経験を話してる

  • It's not like I'm making


  • Content necessarily for kids. *mhm* You 100% are making content for kids Logan. You know your demographic

    彼の出演はすごく 良い事だと思う

  • *crazily screaming kids of Logan*


  • Every youtuber ever knows their demographics, that that's how you are successful, it's in your analytics.

    みんな 俺にこれと同じことを するよう言ってきた

  • And it's also, you meet them. I.... I know people say well

    「色んな人に会え」 「世界中訪れて 話を聞け」

  • Only the young ones show up at events like this and stuff like that

    「お前が“学んだ”という事をみせるんだ」 「インタビューにも出ろ」

  • But no, when I did my meetups ever older people there too. They were not there's all kids in fact there were more

    でも俺は そういうのは すごく不誠実だと思った

  • young teens and uh,

    明らかに ただ自分の悪いイメージを 払拭しようとしてるだけに見える

  • Young adults than kids you're lying. You're just lying. I try not to live my life thinking about money

    本当にその問題について考えてる からじゃなく 自分のためだ



  • *thud*

    俺は そんなの不誠実だと思うし

  • *inhale*


  • *inhale*

    俺が“変わった”という事は 日々の動画を通して示していきたい

  • I'm sorry, what? Can you repeat that, please? I try not to live my life thinking about money


  • *Pewds tries his new language called Brawn.*


  • Your whole channel is built about money, Logan.

    ( Michael 俺は22歳だ )

  • It's the only thing that draws in these little kids to look up to you.

    ( 正直に言うよ Michael )

  • Oh look at all these flashy cars you have, the mansion. Your whole brand is built around it, Logan.

    ( Michael 俺は… )

  • Are you kidding me? The twenty seventeen year review video. Where do I begin? I guess I could start with this


  • *dramatic intense hype music*

    ( 彼は駐車場から90メートルくらい のところにいたんだ )

  • At Twenty two years old I bought my first house for six point five million dollars, but it wasn't quite satisfied

    ( ありえないだろ だから… )

  • So I had a koi pond put in

    ( 何か理由があって 起こった事だと思うんだ… )

  • *intense music again*

    えっと つまり…

  • Painted the walls of the guest house

    駐車場からたった 90メートルのところだったから…

  • *intense music again* (idk why I am doin it)

    Logan Paulが遺体を見つけたのは

  • Bought a giant truck known as the Yeti


  • *intense music again*

    Logan Paulは神の御導きによって あの遺体を発見したのです

  • Bought a school bus and then turned it into a cool bus


  • *just music*

    あんなことが起こるなんて 誰も思わなかったもんね!

  • Installed a home theater system

    ( 私も13歳の双子姉妹の親ですが… )

  • Blah Blah Blah

    ( あの子達の見ているもの 全てを知るのは難しいです )

  • More material objects guys the point is I bought a lot of things including this Rolex

    ( そういう親御さんが沢山います )

  • I try not to live my life thinking about money

    ( 親御さん… )

  • *Pinocchio magic sound*

    …は もうグッズも 買ってくれないな~

  • Like I said


  • Logan Paul should just keep making videos and be honest.

    ( 俺はいつも 12歳くらいの子供 がいる親御さんに合うと 聞くんだ )

  • That's that would be my advice and as long as he's not I'm gonna call him out on it.

    ( え?俺の動画見せてるの?って )

  • Now which brings back to this headline, Logan Paul went skydiving and his main parachute didn't open

    そうだぞ 親御さん方! 彼は間違ってない!

  • he posted on Twitter that uh he had to cut away his main parachute because it didn't open and uh

    あれはLogan Paulのせいじゃない

  • He had to use the blue reserve parachute.


  • Remember the guy that jumped off the bridge and survived? Well now, Logan Paul.

    自分の子供に ヤツの動画なんか見せるからだ!

  • Has someone that he can relate to it.

    お前ら馬鹿か~? 何してんだよ~!

  • Normally, I would think better of people but


  • Seeing Logan Paul's behavior, and I think I'm someone that can understand this sort of mentality

    Logan Paulは悪くないよ~!

  • Where you're just dishonest, I really truly think that he just jumped with the second parachute

    ( 動画を作ってるなら 視聴者の年齢層は分かるでしょう? )

  • I would not accuse people of this shit. Just out of superstition, but seeing all these

    ( それはおかしいよ Michael 俺は22歳だ )

  • Track record of dishonesty

    ( 俺は必ずしも子供向けに 動画を作ってるわけじゃない… )

  • And doing literally anything to redeem your brand. I'm gonna call it out. It seems too perfect for me to see him

    ( ( ´_ゝ`)フゥン )

  • Talk to a guy that jumped off the bridge and survived

    お前の動画は100% 子供向けだろ Logan

  • And then this is gonna be his first vlog, right this is gonna be his comeback vlog

    自分の視聴者層くらい 知ってるはずだ

  • I haven't seen it hasn't come out yet

    どんなYouTuberでも自分の 視聴者層は理解してる

  • But I'm pretty sure this is gonna be his vlog and now he gets a chance to feel like yes


  • You know, I survived a jump. Now I feel now I feel the same way, and if you think I'm crazy

    自分のアナリティクスに 書いてあるしな

  • People are already saying it, maybe now you'll stop seeing suicide as a joke first you have this video, and then thiis very

    それに 実際に会ってるだろ

  • specific..thing happens in

    「イベントなんか参加するのは 若い層だけ」っていう人もいるけど

  • relation to it.. Obviously Logan knows his next vlog is gonna have to be important


  • It's gonna have to have some sort of message. You can't just keep making videos and move on

    俺もイベントでファンに会ったが もちろん大人も多くいた

  • I'm not buying it I'm not buying it. I know people will think I'm crazy like I've put on a tinfoil hat or something. I'm not buying it


  • I'm not buying it for a second stop being dishonest Logan. That's all you have to do

    実際 子供よりも 10代 20代が多かった

  • *Fake laser gun sounds*


  • Next news Pew News that's right we have more

    ( 金の事なんて考えずに 生きようとしてるんだ )

  • Susan Wojcicki tweeted CEO of YouTube

    `;:゙;`;・(゚ε゚ )ブ─────ッwww

  • I think that's their position at least

    何だって? もう一回言ってくんない?ww

  • That she's been listening closely to your thoughts and ideas for the past year

    ( 金の事なんて考えずに 生きようとしてるんだ )

  • So wanted to share my priorities for creators in 2018. It's a long blog post going through basically

    ( ( ´_ゝ`)フゥン )

  • Uh

    ( ^Д^)<ハ???

  • Acknowledging the issues I would say

    お前のチャンネルは 金の話しかしてねーだろ Logan

  • She sort of spices on some some good bits here and there, like like not everything is bad

    金こそがお前のファン達の 目を引いてるものだ

  • Hey, they have super chat now and in 2017

    「わぁ!なんて素敵な車!」 「なんて素敵な豪邸!」

  • The number of creators making six figures grew by 40% so it's not all bad

    お前の売りは “金”だ!

  • But she did recognize the de-monetization in this message.


  • She says but even as our platform continues to do well around the world too many of you.

    ( 2017年を振り返る動画… 何から始めよう? )

  • Unfortunately had to learn about the new word in 2017 de-monetization.

    ( まずはコレかな! )

  • It's nice to have it acknowledged at least it would be nicer to see

    ( 俺は22歳にして 650万ドルの家を購入した )

  • What is going to be done, I think I think a real good course of action would be to

    ( ( ´_ゝ`)フゥン )

  • Stop letting people have this guessing game with YouTube. You're gonna have to start filling people in on what is going on

    ( でも満足できなくて 鯉の池を作った )

  • And why for example a video gets de-monetized. Whenever my video gets de-monitized I have to play this guessing game of

    ( ( ´_ゝ`)フゥン )

  • What caused it, what was it in this 10-minute video that that wasn't allowed was it because I said "Dorian" at that

    ( ゲストハウスの壁に絵を )

  • Point was that too much you never know

    ( ( ´_ゝ`)フゥン )

  • It's so, I wish they'd just say: "Hey this doesn't fit into our Community Guidelines". I can go okay

    ( Yetiっていうデッカイ車を買った )

  • I'll cut that out, not a problem

    ( ( ´_ゝ`)フゥン )

  • and then I can move on with my day and instead of having to spend hours of

    ( “スクール”バスを買って “クール”バスに変えた )

  • Reuploading reuploading spending so much time and I think this is a problem with most creators when a when a clip gets

    ( ( ´_ゝ`)フゥン )

  • Claimed by another company they take all the revenue of the video

    ( 家に映画館を作った )

  • So let's say I use audio from someone that I didn't know was copyrighted or something like that

    ( とか まぁいろいろ )

  • it's hard to tell I know it's stupid you shouldn't do it, but

    ( つまり 色んなもんを 買ったってワケ )

  • Sometimes it just happens, and they claim the video

    ( このロレックスもな☆ )

  • They get all the revenue and plus that if they don't even have to say why they claimed it, or what is claimed

    ( ( ´_ゝ`)フゥン )

  • There's still so many issues with the system

    ( 金の事なんて考えずに 生きようとしてるんだ )

  • And they're making it harder for creators to earn their revenue that they deserve


  • Uh!

    Logan Paulは動画を作り続けて 良いと思うが

  • You have really creative people really making.


  • Uh!


  • Amazing stuff that don't get the revenue just to give an example you have this really creative meme

    変わらないようなら 俺は批判する

  • Uh!


  • Video that I re-uploaded because I wanted to react to it. It's a really great video probably took shit ton of edit to put in

    「Logan Paulがスカイダイビング! パラシュートが開かなかった!」

  • and it's to display the memes of.


  • Uh!

    「メインのパラシュートが開かなくて 外さなきゃいけなかった」

  • 2017 if I showed this bit in my video the company that owns this video can claim my

    「代わりに青い予備の パラシュートを使った」

  • Video and take all the revenue for this entire video just because I showed it, that's enough to justify the claim

    橋から飛び降りて 生き延びた人の話覚えてるか?

  • There's so many issues, and I think that's what needs to be addressed stop letting youtubers have this guessing issue

    これでLogan Paulもその人の 気持ちが分かったね!

  • I do think they are gonna make an effort, and I'm glad this is talked about from Susan direct

    普段なら 俺はむやみに 人を疑ったりしないが

  • I hope that Susan makes more statements like this

    今までのLogan Paulの行動を見て…

  • I think it's great and it gives some transparency and and generally a direct reply to the community

    俺は なぜヤツが嘘をつくのか その心理が理解できる人間の1人として

  • Uh

    コイツはただ予備のパラシュート のみで飛んだだけだと思うぞ…w

  • *Fake laser gun sounds*

    普段なら ただの予想だけで 人を責めたりしないんだが

  • *Clap*


  • What are your thoughts on some of the stuff

    自分のイメージ回復のためなら なんでもやる姿勢を見ると

  • That we discussed here today, let me know. Also make sure that you check out the new merch now it comes in hoodie


  • That's right. Leave a like if you enjoyed and as always Squad Fam out.


  • *Nasty Giggle* Every parent I meet whose kids are under the age of like 12 I go hey

    橋から飛び降りて生き延びた 人と話をした直後に…

  • You you let your kids watch my stuff?

    これはヤツの“復帰ビログ”なんだろ 復帰して最初のビログだ

  • *Pinocchio magic music*


  • Oh-oh look my nose :c


World premiering, introducing for the first time, Pew News!



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