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  • Ok, Time for the final act Of the night

  • She's come all the way from West Lothian in Scotland

  • She's the woman from a tiny village With the big, big voice

  • I think you know who I am talking about

  • Its Susan Boyle

  • What's your name darling ?

  • Susan Boyle

  • What's the dream ?

  • I'm trying to be a professional singer

  • I dreamed my life would be...

  • No one is laughing now

  • Its three yeses

  • Your through

  • All my life I have always striven To prove to myself

  • So I can be accepted And prove I'm not a worthless person

  • That people think I am That I do have something to offer

  • This one little woman From a tiny village in Scotland

  • Has got the whole world talking about her

  • I don't really think she's got a clue As to the impact she's made

  • YouTube is fairly new to me

  • The whole world is watching Susan Boyle perform tonight

  • I wouldn't want to be standing Where she is right now

  • Being on Britain's Got Talent Is a chance to turn things around

  • And fulfil the dream

  • I just want that chance to perform In front of the Queen

  • Here she is Please welcome Susan Boyle

  • Cheering and Applause

  • Midnight

  • Not a sound on the pavement

  • Has the moon lost her memory ?

  • She is smiling alone

  • In the lamplight

  • The withered leaves collect at my feet

  • And the wind begins to moan

  • Every street lamp

  • Seems to beat

  • A fatalistic warning

  • Someone mutters

  • And a street lamp gutters

  • And soon it will be morning

  • Daylight

  • I must wait for the sunrise

  • I must think of a new life

  • And I mustn't give in

  • When the dawn comes

  • Tonight will be a memory too

  • And a new day will begin

  • ( MUSIC)

  • Touch Me

  • It's so easy to leave me

  • All alone with the memory

  • Of my days in the sun

  • If you touch me

  • You'll understand

  • What happiness is

  • Look

  • A new day

  • Has begun...


  • The most important thing is Your enjoying every minute of it

  • I loved every second And I'd do it again

  • Good lets see if the judges Enjoyed it as well ?

  • Piers, over to you

  • Susan I think you look Absolutely beautiful tonight ( Thank You )

  • More importantly I think you Sung beautifully as well

  • And the great thing about you That we've all realised is

  • When the world is going Through a pretty tough time

  • And is looking for a little Hope and inspiration

  • Along came Susan Boyle To provide it

  • And on behalf of the whole world Because they are all watching you tonight

  • Thank you Susan APPLAUSE

  • Amanda

  • Susan your turning into Eva Peron

  • I am just so relieved it went So fantastically well for you

  • I was biting all my Acrylic nails off

  • You nailed that performance And i am so proud of you

  • And I am proud you represented Britain So brilliantly because Piers is right The world is watching you ( Thank You )

  • Simon

  • Susan you are one special lady I have to say, You really are

  • And I just want to aplogise for the way We treated you before you sang the first time

  • You made me and everyone else Look very stupid and I'm very happy for you

  • I know nothing, I know nothing I'm from Barcelona LAUGHTER

  • Thank you very much Indeed judges

  • Susan great comments You must be over the moon

  • Very happy to be here And thank you all for your support

  • Ladies and Gentlemen lets hear it One more time for Susan Boyle Cheering and Applause

  • The winner of the first semi final And going through to the final is... Susan Boyle


  • Congratulations Susan Susan , Susan, over here Cheering and Applause

  • You won the public vote tonight How does that make you feel right now ?

  • Absolutely marvellous

  • This one is for you Piers Piersy, baby

  • We will see you again for the final on Saturday One more time, Susan Boyle Everybody

Ok, Time for the final act Of the night


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B1 中級

スーザン・ボイル セミファイナル クローズドキャプション - メモリー・ブリテンズ・ゴット・タレント (HQ) (Susan Boyle Semi Final Closed Captions - Memory Britains Got Talent (HQ))

  • 382 21
    Precious Annie Liao に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日