字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Where has he been? ( 彼は一体どこに? ) When will he return? ( いつ戻る? ) The prophecy foretells of the coming of a dark age... (oh boy). ( 預言者は告げる… 暗黒時代が来る と ) An age when he will be missing, but the prophecy foretells one more thing.... ( 彼の存在しない暗黒時代が… ) Look now closely. ( だが預言者はこうも告げた ) Closely into your own heart. ( よく聞け… ) Into your own mind. ( 自らの心に耳を傾けるのだ ) Into your own soul. ( 自らの頭に ) And there he is. (BACK FROM JAPAN AYY) ( 自らの魂に ) There, he has always been. ( 彼はそこにいる… ) Waiting. ( ずっと そこにいた ) Forever. ( 待っている ) With you. ( 永遠に ) Inside you. (um) ( 君と ) A part of you. (errrm) ( 君の中で ) Always. ( 君の一部として ) *amazing entrance by papa pewds* ( 常に… ) *laughs in Swedish* アアァァアアアァ(゜∀。)ァァアァァアア!!!!!!! I'm back 戻ったぞォォ… Oh. ( おや ) He was just in the closet the whole time. (we can now officially say he came out of the closet) ( 彼はずっと棚の中にいたんだね ) Hello everyone, it's me! やぁみんな!俺だぜ! Thank you for welcoming me back. 寂しかっただろ I've been away a couple of days. (A WHOLE DAMN WEEK) 久しぶりだな It's been, it's been good, had a good time... いい休暇だったよ YAY LWIAY ♫ ( Sub Redditに投稿しろ ) ♫ That's right, we're going to look at more memes together. (relationship goals) ♫ ( 俺が見てやるぞ 次の… ) ♫ Probably they're all going to be outdated because uh ♫ ( LWIAYで! ) ♫ It's been a WEEK (that was such a painful week.) 早速みんなの投稿を見るぞ! Memes uh, if any memes in this year surpasses one week lifetime, that would be great ネタが古くなってるかもな… That would just be great (okay connoisseur) 一週間あいたし We gonna go through the GREEN SCREEN COMPEtiTION 一週間も寿命がもつネタ があるといいな Let's ?? begin ?????????? “グリーンスクリーン大会” への投稿を見ようか! Somebody toucha ma sPaGhEtT *ear rape* 始めるぞ! Well, what did I say (laughs) ( 誰かが 俺の… ) Should I just go back? ( SPAGETTを────────!!!!!! ) I'll go back, I need another time. 言ったとおりだろ!ww Hi, I'm Renata Bliss and I'm your freestyle dance teacher 帰ろっかな? *poods at the club yes daddy* ちょ…もうちょい帰ってるわ Come on ( Renata Blissです あなたのダンスコーチよ ) *pewds making weird noises* なんだよw Guys ( ェ゛ェ゛エ゛エ゛エ゛エ゛エ゛) I think there's a dead body dere! ( みんな…! ) It'll be over soon ( そこに死体があるぞ! ) You don't wanna mess with ME! (come at me bro) ( すぐに終わる ) Oh classic fighting great ( 俺を怒らせるな! ) *epic fight ensues* アクションシーンか いいね Wow ワオ!ww *KnOcKoUt* すげぇな! (pewds laughs) ワォ! DAMN that was amazing 全然編集に見えなかった! Wow すっげぇなぁ! I could barely tell it was edited ( やぁ 初めまして 友達にならない? ) Damn, so good waaw ( 俺には6000万人の仲間がいるんだ! ) (woman yelling) (axe chopping) 素晴らしいね 最高ww Hello, nice to meet you, wanna be friends? お… I have an army of 60 million subscribers な…うわっ! (stab stab) ( これは喊声さ ) AGHHHHHHHHHGHHHHHHHHHH ( 俺を怒らせるな! ) Beautiful, it's just great. ( 俺には6000万人の仲間がいるんだ! ) Hey, oh my GOD ( 俺の筋肉を見ろ! ) That's a battlecry は!?ww You don't wanna mess with me ( 速いぜ ) I have an army of 60 million subscribers ? あ~!これフルで欲しいwww Look at my muscles ? めっちゃイイ!! Frah frah fraaah やべぇ! What 作ってくれてありがとうな… So famous Matt Jones… 登録者が一人増えたぜ Oh I want a full version! (same bro) ( こっち来いよ ) That was so good ( ケツから出る… ) OH MY GOD. ( こっち行くぞ ) Someone spent hours on this, God damn. God bless you. Matt Jones, you earn this sub. God damn (let us have a moment of silence for our one, our only Matt Jones.) ( デカイぞ ) Fol- follow me ア────(*´Д`) (´Д`*)────ッ!! Alright it's coming out of my ass ( 赤ちゃんだよ ) I run this way to (pants) ( 大好き❤ ) Oh it's a big one. ( あなた いい母親になるよ… ) *death scream* ( Jacksepticeyeって名前にする ) *this is the new pr0n* 素晴らしい It's a baebae ( 自転車が盗まれたんだ… ) I love it so much. ( 誰かが 俺の――!!!! ) You're gonna be such a great mother. ( すごく落ち込んだよ ) I'm gonna call him Jacksepticeye. (i ship it) ( 超ショック!超悲しい! ) Beautiful ( でも自転車を無くして悲しい僕よりも 自転車を持てた人は嬉しいはず ) *good old "bike" meme* ( 世界の平均幸福度が上がった! ) Somebody toucha ( だから いいさ ) I don't know, I don't know what to say Greg もう なんと言ったらいいのか…ww *how pewds gained success* [ 他人のコンテンツ ] [ 自分の視聴者 ] Hey come on, come on [ イスネタ ] Have I told you about this chair btw? オイ 何だよ! Have I- I don't know if I introduced you my chair _| _/ __ そういえばイスの事言ったっけ? It's 399 and it can... まだイスの話してないよな? Do a lot of things, it can do a lot of things, okay? 399ドルなんだ そして… Woah …色々できるんだよ What made you decide to join the paratroopers? うわ… I wanna fight you and steal all of your subscribers ( なぜ空挺兵になろうと? ) JESUS ( 戦って登録者を奪うためです ) It's an easy company (; ゚∀゚)<すっげぇ!w It's time to stop ( もうやめろ ) I'm just like where am I (paratrooper pewds) I will fight you 俺はどこだ?w ( 戦ってやる ) Heyy おお~ww HAAAAAAAHHHHH [ 笑ったら 負け ] I'm proud to serve each and every one of you ( 道 オシエテ 道 オシエテ…) do you kno da wei (repeats) ああイイね 最高 Great great yes great. ( 誰カ 道 シッテル? ) Does anybody here kno da wei. ( オイ お前ら! ) Hey guys I found DA WEI, follow me! ( 道知ってるぜ!ついて来い! ) This man knows DA WEI, show me DA WEI. ( コイツ 道 シッテル ) That's right, in ya go. (what am i watching) ( 道 オシエロ ) Imposta, you do not know da wei ( さぁ…中にどうぞ! ) Oh yeah, you think you so good huh ( コイツ 道 シラネーナ ) Yeah? You think you're tough? but CAN YOU DO THIS AAARGH (_| _/ __) ( 自分がすげぇと思ってんだろ? ) Wait, I'm running low on batteries ( エェ?自分が強いって? ) *ear rape warning* ( だが こうできるかァァアア!!?!? ) Pewds: SPAGHETTTTTTTT Jack: JESUS CHRIST OH NO ( ヤバイ 電池が… ) OH NO ( SPAGETT─────!!!!!!!! ) Aww poor Jack, did I scare you? あれェ Jack… 怖がらせたか? Did I scare you little Jackie boy? 怖がらせちゃったかなァ Jackieちゃん? Jackie boy got scared Jackieちゃん 怖かったねェ~ By a video game ただのゲームなのに oooo it's so scared (´^ω^)<あら~~~怖いねェ~~w I would never get scared by a video game because I'm a real man 俺はゲームなんかで 怖がったりしねぇけどな~ My testosterone levels ‾ ; your testosterone levels _ 俺の“男子力”はこのへんで… Hello, nice to meet you, wanna be friends? お前ののはこのへん Hell no ( やぁ!初めまして! 友達にならない? ) Aww come on Piques ( 嫌だね! ) Oh yeah? but CAN YOU DO THIS? つれないな Piques… *vine gunshot sound* ( だが こうできるか!? ) *more generic vine effects* ♫ ( 金 持ってけ ) ♫ THREE NINETY NAINE ( 399ドル!☆ ) CAN YOU JUST BUY MY CHAIR PLEASE いいから俺のイス買えよ! IT'S 399 (#´Д`)<399ドルゥゥゥ~! Oh you think you're so good huh ( 自分がすげぇと思ってんだろ? ) You think you're so good now huh ( 自分はすごくて強いと エェ? ) You think you're tough? ( 自分は特別だと思ってんだろ? ) Huh? You think you're something ( だが こうできるかァァアア!!?!? ) BUT CAN YOU DO DIS ♫ Drop It ♫ ( だが こうできるかァァアア!!?!? ) *LIT MIXTAPE* ( ゚∀゚)<YES! YES! ( うつ病の人は高評価! ) THREE NINETY NINE AND YOUR DEPRESSION WILL BE CURED 399ドルでお前らのうつ病が治る! OF COURSE. すごいだろ! YES I am using. ああ 俺はイスを売るために 精神病を利用するぜ mental illness to sell my chair なんだ What なんだよ? What, that's not 文句あっかァ?! That's not okay?! 映画編集したやつ 大好き I love the movie edits よめたぞ…ww *pewds laughing* ( MEME ?? REVIEW ?? ) I know where this is going ( MEME ?? REVIEW ?? ) (echo) MEME ?? REVIEW ?? ( MEME ?? REVIEW ?? ) (echo) MEME ?? REVIEW ?? カワイイね MEME ?? REVIEW ?? 激カワ! Cute, that was cute, very cute すげぇな 11,000高評価? "I hope Julia is very happy with her choice..." [Brazilian meme] ( 俺を怒らせるな… ) Holy cow this one got 11,000 uploads? ( ぶちのめすぞ ) You don't wanna mess with me [ お前はYouTubeのトップに相応しくない ] Cuz imma fight you そんなことねーよ! [ お前はYouTubeのトップに相応しくない ] What that's not true! そんなことねーよ! [ JacksFilmsのほうが面白い! ] I have an army of 60M subscribers [ JacksFilmsのほうが面白い! ] Woah ( 俺には6000万人の仲間がいるんだ! ) They say that I'm faster than lightning itself [ お前のファンは英語も まともに書けない! ] There's a dead body right there ( だが こうできるかァァアア!!?!? ) Oh yeah, this was great (; ゚∀゚)<うわ!! Dude: Alexa, what do you do? ( 俺は光より速く走れるのだ ) I go through funny pictures, and go haha 俺 強ぇ~… ( そこに死体があるぞ ) That you guys make, you guys make pictures ( そこに死体があるぞ ) Irrelevent dude: Awesome これ すげぇんだよな Irrelevent dude: Alexa, play rock music ( Alexa 君は何ができるの? ) これ すげぇんだよな ♪ HEJ MONIKA HEY PÅ DIG MONIKA ♪ (had it on repeat for 4 hours, just now spelling lyrics correctly.) ( みんなが投稿した 面白い画像を見て笑うだけだ ) Dude: Alexa stop ( すごい! ) WhAt ( Alexa ロック流して ) Girl: Alexa, what time is it? ♫ HEJ MONIKA HEY PÅ DIG MONIKA ♫ It's time for BONUS MEME✨ (papa bless) ( Alexa 止めて ) Dude: It uses far-field technology, so it can hear you from anywhere in the room は!? Irrelevent dude: So it can just hear you anywhere? ( Alexa 今何時? ) Dude: Yes, well everyone can hear you anyway (ok uh that a lil creepy ;-;) ( ボーナスミームの時間だよ~! ) ABSOLUTE MADLAD!!! ( 大声じゃなくていいんだよ ) ( ボーナスミームの時間だよ~! ) Girl: Alexa, add wrapping paper to the shopping list ( どこにいたって 僕らの声は ちゃんと聞こえるんだ ) 399, that's a great price! (I'm PISSING) ( どこでも? ) Girl: Alexa, how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon? ( そう みんなにも聞こえるけどね ) 18 MIN- ( スッゲェかっこいい~!!! ) No, no no OKAY ( Alexa 買い物カゴに サランラップを追加して ) That was the green screen submissions (holololol) ( 399ドル お買い得だぜ! ) Good job *laughs* ( Alexa スプーン何本ある? ) Give yourself a round of applause ?? ( 18だ N… ) We're back with the daily uploads (good bc if you didnt upload soon, i was going to fart out my heart. And pop my right lung.) おっと!ダメだぞ!w I had a great time when I was away, but I'm very happy to be back :) よぉーし! Keep making videos グリーンスクリーン大会の 投稿は以上! Did you miss me (yes ??) …グッジョブ!w Leave a like, and if you didn't, leave a like みんなに拍手を! Also, be sure to leave a like (i just made 3 different accounts and liked, and now im wasting my time writing this CC that no one will read. Rip.) また毎日投稿してくぜ Can we get this video on trending? (COME ON SQUAD FAM) 休暇も楽しかったけど また動画作りに戻ってこれて嬉しいよ And that's it for me for now 寂しかったか? See you tomorrow with a new video (OH YES DADDY) そうでない人も みんな高評価しろ And as always あと…高評価しろ I'm going to go back 急上昇にのるかな? Where I sleep ;) 今日はこのへんで! Have a great one, have a great time everybody 明日の動画でまた会おう And remember それじゃ… Leave a like 俺は帰る If you're depressed (Felix, you have cured my depression.) 俺の寝床にな Thank you みんな元気でな *i wanna sleep in that closet* あと 忘れずに… *evolution of le pewds* 高評価しろ ? うつ病の人もな (why are you still here lolol bye im gonna read some smut) ドウモ ?
B1 中級 日本語 PewDiePie ww すげぇ 投稿 うつ病 しろ PEWDIEPIE: THE RETURN - LWIAY #0023 (PEWDIEPIE: THE RETURN - LWIAY #0023) 2 0 林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語