字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Today... today is just one of those fucking days, man. 今日は…そう、嫌な日だったぜ *drinks to forget* なんていうか… Its just... umm 俺疲れてるんだ マジで I'm tired. I'm really tired. 「ワォ、大変だな?」 WOW, what a problem. Heh 「そんなに悩んでるのは 世界中でお前だけなんだろうな(笑)」 I'm sure your the only one in the entire world, poodiepie うるさい 分かってるよ No, I know, I, I, Trust me, I know 最近ホントに愚痴っぽい動画ばっかり― And I know these rant videos have been just uh, 作りすぎだよな A little bit too far in between, alright ごめん こんなつもりじゃないんだよ and I'm sorry. I don't mean to make this a habit, 「疲れてる」ってのは違うな 「悩んでる」んだ どっちかっていうと Tired is not the right word. I'm struggling, I'm fuckin struggling is what I'm trying to say. 重い悩みを抱えてるんだよ I'm having A DEEP FUCKING ISSUE 説明させてくれ… 言っとくがこの動画は愚痴だらけになるぞ Let me try to explain this in the... this so fuckin ranty this video is just going to be so ranty. 昨年 *drinks more alcohol* 2016年 Last year, 10月 2016 人生最悪の月 October 冗談じゃなく 最悪だった Th.. uhh worst month of my life. ストレスでおかしくなっちまってた I'm pretty sure at least. ほんと狂ってた I, I, I think I went Insane. 動画ではそう見えなかっただろうけど I think I went crazy 今みたいにね It probably didn't show on camera, すごく混乱して― umm 変になった Like it is right now. やる事が多すぎてさ I lost my mind そういうの得意なはずなのに I went crazy でも… 'cuz I had too much stuff to do, マジで キャパオーバーだった and usually I'm pretty good at taking it それで壁にぶつかった but then umm... 相当激しくぶつかった It just went overboard, 「ハイハイ 辛いでちゅね~」ってか? and I then, I literally, I think i hit the wall, でも聞いてくれ 今年もそうなんだ 本当に忙しい I hit the wall pretty hard. それで、また限界になりそうだって気付いた また壁にぶちあたって― and I "oh boo hoo it's hard, it's hard for you" I get it. またぐちゃぐちゃになるのが怖い But this year I'm just really conscious about getting too much. Errmm. Work on me. 俺が1日かけて動画を作るだろ And i'm pretty sure I - em - I'm getting close to that limit again. and I'm ahhh I'm scared that I'm going to hit the wall again. でもみんな文句を言う Where I'm just going to fuckin lose my mind again. まるで俺だけが突っ走ってるみたいだ And ahhhh, you know e- i- e- you work all day on a video, いつもなら次の事を考えてるから そんなに気にならない and the people just fucking hate it, and uhh 「2日前に作った動画?知るかよ」って I just can't help feeling a little bit personal invested alright. でも今は 俺だけとり残されてるような気分だ 良い感じの動画が出来て、みんなとシェアしたいのに― Usually i'm pretty far ahead with content so i really don't give a shit it's like: みんなの反応は「バイオ7マダー??」 "Oh yeah that video i made that two days ago, I don't give a shit" んで俺は「クソ野郎、俺はお前らを楽しませようと この動画をめちゃくちゃ頑張って作ったのに!」 But now it's like I'm- I'm behind so I feel so.. like I have all this build up of this video and i want to share it 最近俺は、できるだけ良い動画を作ろうとして苦しんでる この動画は違うけどな but all I get is like "Where's Resident Evil 7, Pewdiepie?" でも最近バイオ7が出てから それが本当に難しい おかしくなるくらい頑張ってる and I'm like: "Motherfucker, I made this for you! this video, I put all this time and effort into it, 最近マジでYouTuber全員バイオ7実況してるだろ んで俺は― 'Cuz my strategy has lately been to just make videos that ar- are as good as they can be, ignore this one 100% 「ヤバい、このままじゃおいてかれる!」 But uhh, now that Resident Evil comes out it's like it's fucking hard to keep up like I'm struggling like crazy 2年前なら 10分程度の実況をすれば十分だった And all these- eh- like apparently every Youtuber on the planet is playing Resident Evil 7 right now and it's just like: でも今は「1時間は無いとダメだ さもないと Tobyの実況を見に行っちゃうぞ」 "Fuck man, how am I going to keep up?" 必死で追いつかなきゃって頑張ってるけど、でも― like two years ago you could upload like 10 minute parts and you'll be fine, 俺にはこれが限界なんだ 俺だって人間なんだって分かって欲しい Now it's like, "oh you got to upload at least an hour otherwise I'm gonna go watch Toby Turner play this shit" たまにはミスもする 頑張ることしかできない Fuu- like it's always like I'm trying to step everything up and I'm just, 変な動画だよな…いつもならちゃんと話す順番とか 大体まとめてあるけど (hand gestures stepping it up) でもコレはただブツブツ言ってるだけで 時間を無駄に… For me, this is as much as I can give and I need you guys to just realize that I'm ju- I'm a person alright? でもまぁ、俺も悩んでるんだって分かって欲しくて 本当に頑張ってるんだよ I make mistakes, I can only do so much. いつでも 早く動画を作らないとって思ってるんだ It's a fucking weird ass video, e- e- I usually have some kinda coherent.. line of what I'm gonna say だって他にも仕事があるし、テレビに出たり、 出張もしないといけない but this is just fucking ba- rambling I'm just waste... *laughs at pain* 「忙しいですね」だって?違う 俺は動画を作りたいんだ それだけなんだ Basically, I just wanted to let you guys know that uhm.. struggling, I'm really struggling right now 「ねぇ Pewdiepie、ランチに行かない?」 uhm.. I gotta work ahead, that's always something in my mind, I always got to work ahead because there's.. 「ありがとう でも忙しいんだ」 I have all these other obligations that I gotta do I got TV appearances that I'm locked in to do I gotta travel and shit 「なぁ Pewdiepie、一緒に旅行に行こう 俺が払うよ」 「そりゃどうも でも動画を作らなきゃ」 and oh I know, "so hard for you" but no I just want to make videos, that's all I really care about it's like 「なぁ Pewdiepie、あー…フ○ラしていいか?」 「あーいや、うん いいよ…」 "Hey, Poodiepie, you wanna go for lunch later?" みんな言うよな 「Pewdiepie、たまには休憩しなよ」って 誤解しないで Aww no, thank you though I, I don't have time それは嬉しいんだ でも俺は… もし休暇をとりたいなら とるさ "Hey Poodiepie, you want to go on holiday with me, I'll pay for it." That's great but I, I gotta make videos でも違うんだ 休暇なんかとりたくない ただ分かって欲しい もし俺がクソみたいな動画をあげても― "Hey Poodiepie, uhh can i suck your dick?" Oh yeah, no, actually you can please do... 努力はしたんだって分かってくれ …あぁ何か分かったぞ *wtf* 説明しようか… 俺は最近自虐ネタをよく言うよな 俺が言い始めたんだけど and I know everyone's gonna be like "Oh Pewdiepie, why don't you just take a break relax" Don't get me wrong Brosも他の視聴者もノってくれて嬉しいよ でもたまにやりすぎることがある I appreciate that but at the same time if I want to go on holiday, I'll just do it. たまには優しくしてくれよ 俺にだって “かんじょー” はあるんだ… I don't want to go on holiday I just need you guys to understand that if-make a piece of shit video この動画、「頭おかしい有名人が騒いでるぞ」とか 言われるんじゃないか 俺は大丈夫だぞ ただ疲れてるだけだ this is the explanation I make self-deprecating jokes on this channel now I think I started doing that and you 今だってこの動画を撮りながら 他の動画をレンダリングしてるんだぜ 時間ないからな bros and my audience are playing along with that but sometimes it gets a little much, okay 問題なのはやる事が多すぎることなんだ お手玉を落とさないように クソ頑張ってる sometimes I need you guys to just be kind of nice about it alright because I have feelers damn it 俺の動画がイマイチだったって 文句を言いに来るやつがいる i feel like this video is some kind of "weird celebrity freak out" like I'm fine it says I'm feeling very tired alright たとえ俺がどんだけその動画のために努力してもな ツライぞ ひとりぼっちな気分だ I'm literally rendering a video while I'm recording this one to save time like I'm so short on time それでも俺は努力してるのにみんなは 「そんなに辛いのになんで動画を作り続けるの? 別に義務じゃないのに」 the problem is I have too many things to do right now and I'm trying really fucking hard to juggle everything 俺がやりたいからだ 何よりも動画を気にしてる 何でかって? 知るか! when I see you guys just come about your shit because video wasn't good enough even though もう月曜日に動画はあげないよ 前はあげてたけど 今は忙しすぎて無理みたいだ I spent a shitload of time trying to make it as good as possible it hurts alright I feel personally invested 月曜日に動画をあげないって でかい決断をしなきゃならない im trying my fucking hardest it's like everyone's like oh I is even more uploading videos he doesn't even have to バイオ7はあと一週間かそこらで終わるから 別にいいんだ well I care alright I care and was like why do you can't I don't know I don't know why I give a shit すでに忙しいのに 実況動画を撮るのはさらに時間が要るからな I'm not gonna upload on mondays anymore but I used to do that before right now I have too much shit to do あと、俺がつらてしかたないときに みんなが支えてくれるだろ I think im gonna have to make the decision that I'm not uploading on mondays anymore 本当に感謝してるよ 本当につらい時はコメントを読んでるんだ 素晴らしい事だよ I know resident evil it will probably just last like a week and a half or whatever it's not a big deal 俺はネガティブなことばっか考えてるわけじゃないからな I'm already short on time and then to do these episodes it's even more time I do want to say that そんなことないからな 愚痴っぽい動画になってゴメン the support that I am getting uhh when you kind of feel like shit and you have too much to do and you 俺はYouTubeで愚痴ってるやつらが嫌いなんだけど 俺も作っちゃってる どうすりゃいいか分からなくて stress that I really appreciate that like those when I read a comment when I really need it a it means alot この動画では本音を話したかったんだ 台本とかそんなの無しでな YouTubeは今― and then don't don't think I'm just focusing on all the bad stuff 10分動画をおすすめしてるみたいだ わかりやすい みんな俺のチャンネルが死にかけてるとか言うけど 全然そんなことない I'm not I do want to apologize for this video for being extremely ranty むしろ10分動画を作り始めてから伸び続けてる 今YouTubeでは動画時間が命だからな I fucking hate when people make rants on youtube and here I am making one I just didn't know how else to make this one 長めの動画を作らないといけないんだ でも俺は時間なんかより質を気にしてるんだ I just wanted to speak from my heart and without a script or anything like that youtube is really promoting もし長い動画を作るとみんな、 「見ろよ、また10分動画だ 金の亡者だな」 10 minute videos it's so obvious like a lot of people are joking like his channel is dying but it's like my channel is doing でもそんなんじゃない 10分でも、良い10分にしようと努力してる better than he's ever done because I started doing like 10 minute videos because watch time is is king on ただの「30秒」とか「10分」ってラベルの動画じゃなくて youtube now so you have to make longer videos but I really feel strongly about keep making good content 俺は文句を言おうと思ってこの動画を作ったんじゃない ただ正直に今の気持ちを話したかったんだ even though it's longer I know a lot we were like oh looking only makes 10 minute videos that we only cares 「いつも文句言ってるヤツ」みたいに思われたくない about money but it's like I'm still really trying to make it a good ten minutes not like fucking titled cards for でもたくさんの人が言ってるのを見る 30 seconds 10 minutes you know 「Pewdiepieってば あんなに稼いでるのに 何を文句言う事があるの?」 こういうのホントに嫌い and I don't mean to complain I'm just more speaking honestly how I feel and I hate it I hate for it to be そういう人を見ると悲しくなるよ みんな何よりもお金が大事だって考えてて― considered complaining I don't want to be just the guy that keeps complaining or whatever お金さえあればどんな問題も解決するって 言ってるように見えるんだ but it's also like a lot of people have お金ばかり重視してない人だっているんだぞ お金っていうのはただ「生きやすく」してくれるだけだ the approach of like "Oh poodiepie I makes so much money why does he complain?" I hate seeing that it's あとは知らん 俺は別に5台のランボルギーニなんて欲しくない almost sad seeing that because they make me think so it like the majority of people value money more than 嬉しいことに みんなクソメディアのせいで anything it makes me think that people think that just because you have money all your fuckin problems are solved 俺の気持ちを言う事すら許されないくらい クソ豪華な生活をしてると思ってる クソ腹立つな maybe some people don't care that much about money you know it's as long as the i can afford to live あ、あと俺髪型変えようと思ってるんだ どんな髪型が良いかコメントしてね "comfortably" I don't give a shit about rest like I'm not I don't want to buy 5 Lambos I don't give a shit トップコメントは固定されて、俺はそれに従うよ あと俺の他のブログも見てね and it so just because people it's commonly known thanks to fucking media by the way thanks a fucking lot ここのやつ…俺マジで疲れてる 分かる? that I make a great living like I'm not allowed to express my feelings it's fucking annoying as shit i need to get a haircut leave a comment down below what haircut I should get top comment will get pinned and i'll pick it thank you also be sure to check out my other blogs *Everyone say robbie rotten haircut plz* Why do birds suddenly appear, ev'ry time you are near? Just like me, they long to be close to you. Why do stars fall down from the sky, ev'ry time you walk by? Just like me, they long to be close to you. On the day that you were born the angels got together. And decided to create a dream come true. So, they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold, And star-light in your eyes of blue. That is why all the girls in town follow you all around. Just like me, they long to be close to you... On the day that you were born the angels got together. And decided to create a dream come true. So, they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold, And star-light in your eyes of blue. That is why all the girls in town follow you all around. Just like me, they long to be close to you... Just like me, they long to be close to you... right here. im so tired genuinely tired can you tell, like
A2 初級 日本語 PewDiePie 動画 でる バイオ みんな 頑張っ ブーホークライモア (BOO HOO CRY MORE) 10 0 林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語