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It's another busy day at the office is off tiptop trading.
And I said, No, John, not my heat.
I'd rather take the yuppie.
That's great.
Yeah, so we'll deliver 2000 bananas by Friday.
Let's have a beer soon.
Yeah, you're right.
Choose make.
But there are two people who are busy annoying each other.
So you did what you order the secondhand.
Wants to relax.
They're just oranges.
Plastic lemons.
Actually, Anna is struggling to work with Rachel.
Socrates, his favorite sales executive, who he's sent in to help out or hinder more.
Like, Look, I'm off for cappuccino.
Everything will be just fine.
How I know has Rachel gone out?
Yes, she's a bit of a man.
NATO Sure.
Most 8 May ones she eats men out.
Well know exactly.
I worked with her in my last job.
She was always listening in to other people's conversations, and she's always changing jobs.
That's why they call her Rachel Rabbit.
You know, Biggie is always jumping from one job to another Rachel Rapids.
That's funny.
So she isn't that good, then useless.
She only worked for Mr Socrates because her father threatened to sue the company after one of our plastic pineapples fell off a shelf and broke his toe.
But to keep that under your hat.
My hats.
I mean, keep it secret.
Oh, right, I see.
Well, now she's order Lot's off second hand oranges to send to our new customer in France, but they wanted imperial lemons.
I know.
I'm not sure what to do, so I'm going to have to speak to Paul about this.
Yes, it's a good idea to refer up sometimes.
Ask the boss for advice.
Say to him.
I'm concerned that Rachel has made a mistake that might affect the business.
You might also say she's not pulling her weight, meaning she's not doing the work she's supposed to do.
And you could say, I'm finding it very difficult to work with this person, Right?
I'll try.
There's pole now.
Paul, could I have a word, please?
Of course, Anna, Let's go in my office now.
How can I help?
Uh, well, it's Rachel.
Yes, amazing woman.
Mr Socrates.
I know, but I'm finding it difficult to work with her.
Oh, was that?
I'm a bit concerned that she's made a mistake.
It might affect our business.
Golly gosh.
Why is that?
Well, she's ordered secondhand oranges for our new client in Frantz.
That's marvelous, isn't it?
Well, I asked her not to.
They wanted lemons.
New imperial lemons.
Ah, not so marvelous.
Anything else?
Well, speaking personally, I don't think she's pulling her weight.
She doesn't seem to do any work and just keeps going out to buy cappuccinos.
Well, that's just not a horn.
Look, Anna, I will look into this straight away and see if I can sort this out.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Now I think a custard cream.
So Anna has expressed her concerns to pull the boss.
It's up to him to investigate.
As long as you have a fair reason to complain about a difficult member of stuff.
These are some of the phrases you could use.
I'm concerned that she's made a mistake that might affect the business.
She is not pulling her weight.
I'm finding it very difficult to work with her.
I wonder how Paul is going toe handle the situation.
Ah, There you are, Rachel.
Nice cappuccino.
Um, could could you step into my office for a moment?
I'd like a word.
Yeah, sure.
I wonder what that's all about.
Do you know?
I know.
No idea.
She's probably going to get a promotion and a pay rise on a custard cream.
Pool Chao.
What's a great guy?
He is such a great sense of humor.
It looks like reading some good work.
I'm not sure Paul has really sorted out your concerns.
But don't worry.
We're here to help you out.