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  • *Background* Waaa~~ ?? WHAT'S UP fellow Memers!

  • That's right! I'm changing name.

  • You're not no longer bros . ?

  • MEMESTERS everybody.


  • Meme Family. Meme Army. Meme Special People.

  • Meme no gender binary group of association.

  • That appreciate memes.

  • That's what we are everybody.

  • Hope you guys can enjoy this new title that I've given you.

  • Our signature move is going to be the Bro-Fist. *Laughs*

  • ? FIRST ? MEME everybody!

  • Oh my God! It's been so long since I've done this!

  • I'm like, "How do I fricken do this guys?" *Laughs*


  • *Laughs*

  • *Vacuum sound*

  • Yobama has entered the hemisphere...

  • We knew that once aliens attack,

  • it would not be pleasant.

  • But finally, we have evidence.

  • Yobama exists.

  • Open your goddamn eyes for once and for all.

  • We don't know who struck first: Yobama, or them?

  • *Laughs*

  • But we know that we are the ones that scorched the sky.

  • I know what you're thinking, "My God. I'm actually kind of aroused."

  • Don't look into his eyes for too long.

  • You could lose your virginity.


  • Just when you thought Obama was gone, YOBAMA enters the battle field.

  • YOBAMA is your Mama.

  • *Music* This is how it all came to be.

  • Yobama, president. That's what we thought.

  • That's what we thought, Yobama was president.

  • AND THEN... *Cymbals crash* the sky got scorched into Yobama.

  • Oh God... I'm looking at him.

  • Oh God, I'm looking at him.

  • Oh God I can't take my eyes off--guys PLEASE.


  • *Thanos' snap*

  • *Bass boosted dance music*

  • How am I jumping if I don't have legs?!

  • Why is this meme still going if I reviewed it? ? ?

  • This and more, on the next episode of: Meme Review.

  • *Music*

  • *Laughs*

  • So what does Obama and Yoda have in common really, honestly?

  • If you think about it...

  • I know it sounds like I'm joking and that this is just a meme.

  • But think about it, they're both green. They've both been the president. They both take part of the Star Wars franchise.

  • And they both name contains Obama.

  • Yoda --> Obama. Do I need to lay out anymore straight up facts and logic for you fellas?

  • Have you not been studying critical thinking?

  • *Laughs*

  • I see how it is. I bet you're one of those people that believe that Yobama isn't real.

  • Cringe.

  • EeeeEeeeEeee-WEE-um-wumb-a-wehhhhhhh

  • EeeeeeeEEEeeeeeeeEeEeee

  • WEE-uh wumb-a-weeeehhhh



  • I'm starting to understand the meme that is kind of slightly racist undertones.

  • PLUS 2 POINTS. ? ?

  • ? ? ? PLUS 2 POOOIIINTS!

  • That was a joke. That was a joke everybody. That was a joke.

  • 100% joke.

  • Joke. It's a joke. It was a joke. It was a joke.

  • I don't even think it's racist. That was a joke. It's a farce--

  • Goddammit!

  • Stop it Vox media!

  • It was a joke!

  • Yobama's values... I haven't done a background check.

  • And just to be clear, his values and ideas does not necessarily align with mine.

  • I'm just merely reviewing him.

  • This is just me giving a critical standpoint on this person.

  • And it's not intended to go any further than that.

  • So please do not get radicalized by Yobama.

  • Palpatine: Master Yoda. You survived.

  • Yobama: I hear, a new apprentice you have, Emperor.

  • Yobama: Or, should I call you... Darth Sidious?

  • Man, it's-- *laughs*

  • There's no info about this meme, like who made this meme?

  • You know what, I don't want to know. I don't want to know.

  • Will Smith: Aw that's hot! Felix: That is hot. Will Smith: That's hot.

  • Felix: That is hot.

  • *Music*

  • *Bass boosted music*

  • OHH!!! My God! Oh my fricken gosh!

  • *Voice cracking* That's so cool!

  • Twenty eighteen is just crazy.

  • We had not just Obunga, but now we have Yobama.

  • What's next? Bro...bro...brobo?

  • Boma...brobama?

  • Oh my God, imagine like, Brobama.

  • Like a really buff version of Obama.

  • Like an ultimate bro. Like a really big Chadbama.

  • Chadbama could be good.

  • That could be--

  • What about a whole roster of Obama?

  • Like a--250 of them. And then you can catch them.

  • And make all your Obamas fight each other.

  • That would be pretty cool.

  • Obamamon.

  • *Music*

  • Ok.

  • So this is how it all went down, huh?

  • I see.

  • Here he is.

  • That's Obama meeting up with--oh!

  • *Music*

  • Goddamn, these edits are so good.

  • Stop using copyrighted music, memesters!

  • My fellow memester, I cannot benefit revenue out of your work if you put--

  • I'll just link it anyway.

  • Cuz it was so great.

  • *Music* Oh sh*t. Oh sh*t! I'm sorry, excuse me. Oh shoot!

  • Yobama is in Smash!

  • Oh my God, Ugandan Knuckles! Haven't seen him in years!

  • Honestly, looking back. In retrospect, it should've been obvious that Obama is Yobama.

  • The evidence was pretty clear, I mean he basically spelled it out for us.

  • Oh my God, he's right fricken there!

  • I mean, how could we have missed that?

  • He was right there!

  • Clear mainstream media bias.

  • That favors Yobama and trying to hide the lies about yo Mama.

  • I'm gonnna give the Yobama meme a...

  • *Birds chirping* *Will Smith's phone dings*

  • Will Smith: Yahh!

  • *Laughs*

  • Guys, I don't know if you knew this, but the YouTube Rewind 2018 was really bad.

  • I don't know if anyone said this before, but it was not good.

  • When you browse by hot, now that's hot.

  • Good meme. Really good meme. At least we can have some good memes out of this.

  • Now Will Smith, who's a YouTuber, a fellow YouTuber, has become a meme.

  • What if Will Smith hosts meme review?

  • Oh wow, things that will never happen.

  • It was pretty clear that this moment with Will Smith in the YouTube Rewind was going to become a meme just for,

  • I feel like they even knew themselves, Rewind, that it was going to become a meme.

  • *a different ad for this game? wow amazeballs*

  • >sub pewds, unsub t series.

  • >pew you look like ur gonna cry r u ok

  • >also do your hair thats ugly

  • >sub DJ_Wolff lol jk i have bad contentacitoes

*Background* Waaa~~ ?? WHAT'S UP fellow Memers!


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

♪ Yobama ♪[MEME REVIEW]?#45 (???Yobama ??? [MEME REVIEW] ? ?#45)

  • 3 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日