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Woah! Where are you?
Where are you, Jack?
AH! Jesus!
Oh, you scared me!
Jack: Put the gun down!
Fine! Okay. okay.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (I'm sorry)
Jack: Oh god, my tracking is all off.
Jack: AH FUCK!
Jack: Stop it!
Ah! Stop, okay stop. Stop.
Oh, sorry I wasn't sh-
I wasn't shooting at anything.
Jack: Oh hohoho!
(Jack continues laughing)
What is wrong with you?!
Hey Jack why don't you come over here?
Jack: what? ahhh its so warm
Jack: It's so-
I can see the light
We're even
Now review it, ok, ok no more goofing around we got a gamer mission to handle no rising up gamers
It's bread time. We're only for the bread
Come here. hi.
That was weird. I actually expected to feel you-awhh
AWWW we're friends now
You're much smaller in the game than you're irl
Yeah i know im very big in real life
Yeah, ok now we need to do my one high five
AY- oh no
Jesus dude he looked right at you
Sorry Samuel is he dead?
I think we should stop wasting ammo. Okay, good idea. Thank you
Maybe we should go in here. Oh, I got it
After you sir, all right. Oh look bring them video game lobby. Oh, oh
Okay, I'll take the ammo
How do I put it off? where do i put the ammo?
Hey jack
Jesus Christ
Where'd my gamer ammo go?
aH dude you don't have your gamer ammo?
I don't know man
Oppa gangnam style
There's a feel like cleaning amnesia again, bro, oh I hear people gamer you gotta join me
No, no over here to the left of where you came out left stop it already away
Here okay reach and clear. All right get the other side of me
Okay breaching clear I guess
Okay, oh she said there's other people I hear my gameeee
Do something okay wait wait
Okay. Am I definitely a.m. It looks like you're sniffing your own hand after touching your balls. Maybe I am
Peek-a-boo peek-a-boo
Can you actually drop your gun, I'm just gonna take my duck and go okay
There's a green boy
Shoot the green boy
Came over just as you died. Yeah, he punched me. How am I going to do? What are you gonna do? Okay
Hasta La Vista! Zombie lady!
Okay, don't shoot, okay
Okay, okay got me dude Oh try and be more of a gamer next okay, we got a green one coming
He's dead. Nice looking nice stupid then I'm such a gamer
Nice yeah zombies. Yeah, you're a cool hat though
He's so Swedish really cool head. Okay. I shot this guy he's dead now
Don't ya this is serious gaming so make love to the zombies love
Take the series never kill myself, huh? Never joke about that kill it, okay
There's a timer counting down. I think we have to fend off waves of enemies Oh No
Take Adam nice I
Forgot how to reload for a second. Oh
Okay, weirdo we're fine we're fine epic we have 30 seconds everything this is
Okay, oh that's a victory royale right there
I do cooperate. What did cool gamers say these days? Yes, okay
Behind you behind you. Yeah
Look at these headshots you see in this bro. Oh
God watch out. Do you feel like a gamer?
Huh, No!
Flashlight brothers
Hey, no!
Does this creepy I don't like this, right?
Okay, I don't think I want to find any in the bathroom
Hey J Oh
Shootin some b-ball
It's really hard
Yes, yeah
VR is the future. Oh, there's a me. Watch this shoot him. I let you up
Nice oh
You waste the three shots where there should have only taken you one no to four or five of them coming
Oh does one were you high okay, I'm gonna back it up a sec
Can't see because I don't have the punch languages Oh creepy
Okay, you got that yeah, I just do a job for you, okay
So what I waste the machine good
I know how do you feel. You don't want to hit a woman's that is true. These zombies ain't gonna know what hit them
Hey zombies, what hey what you got, huh?
Ain't afraid ooh
That's Michael, Caine
Naomi okay now we can probably pull this lever. Okay, one minute go now. I'm a comic
Okay, don't touch lights
oh Jesus Christ!
Okay, well there's a timer on this so we might have to run now in a second oh
Okay, I'm running
Oh no my leg, why do you have legs?
Should we go in here? There's a lot of dudes in the armory. Your mom's in the armory.
Geez you're lucky I saved your ass after what you said about maybe I kill them both now you didn't yeah dead
Does it go down here? Oh
You crazy
You should get this good
Nice. Oh
Oh hell yeah
Auto shop. Oh
What's Up!
Yeah, you just got sore oh
Hey, how you doing? Hey, how would you know if we don't make it out of here me you smell like burgers
No! No!
What was that I don't know what you are. Oh god, I'm outta ammo. Oh no good
Hoo, hoo!
God damn there is so many fking nibbers.
Good let us know where each other is. Oh
What's up Felix, I'm trying to run but there's some mini she she's on your ass though Oh God
Gosh ding ding
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