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  • Hey how's it going bros.

  • My name is Pewdiepie !

  • As you can see,

  • i'm going somewhere,

  • I'm going to Italy, tomorrow.

  • uugh....

  • had a busy day

  • trying to get videos ready

  • in advance, for you guysss

  • God dammit

  • you don't deserve it

  • but I thought i would vlog

  • along the way

  • it's been a while since i did a vlog,

  • Smash that like button if you

  • *awkward sounds*

  • like vlogs!

  • Also, check out the giveaway

  • that i'm doing

  • $100 Amazon gift card,

  • ugh but

  • euugh

  • That's it, i'll see you

  • *dank music*

  • Heyyyy

  • I got some problems with the memory card,

  • but we're going to

  • pisa???

  • Marzia: Yes

  • we're going to pizza

  • for some pizza and

  • pizza??

  • can i squeez-a

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • your titsa

  • your tits-a

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • M: Wow..

  • got'em

  • Got'em

  • Okay we're going to pisa

  • It probably looks like shit

  • and sounds like shit

  • because my camera broke

  • Here's my camera bros

  • I were in em- keep forgetting where we

  • yes at this bar that's cool right this

  • call hmm am i doing it what am i doing

  • in Apple am i doing it now there's

  • bunnies in this garden that we don't

  • know why please love me

  • you think you'll like this okay pick

  • honey please please love me

  • okay

  • whatever I don't care whatever bunnies

  • it working it's working now Hey

  • and we're matching day - we're still in

  • Pisa but we're going - I'll get it

  • via Nigel let's go it's so trippy it

  • looks like it's moving I feel motion

  • sick just looking at it. This is amazing

  • It's more fun to look at the

  • tourists than the actual buildings

  • Wait look at this I'm old now aah oh my god I look

  • like my dad oh my god I'm so young what

  • about a girl damn damn

  • let's see Marzia old what no difference

  • Bobby eyes whoa those waves are huge

  • we're at the beach now I don't know why

  • or what we're doing I don't speak

  • Italian so I'm just following along trying

  • to understand what people are saying but

  • we're here now

  • yeah boy I'm taking you to the water

  • I think I'm JimBob like no one's

  • watching oh my god I'm falling

  • what'd ya say hey Marzia I made you a

  • playlist

  • Oh wow thank you. You're welcome

  • oh my god what am I doing here what's

  • happening

  • good ride you picked there. Are you jealous of my sweet ride? That's pretty

  • good can I come on board, is there room for

  • one more

  • no wow oh my god you think I'll die okay

  • yeah boy oh oh shit that was scary too

  • fast for me

  • No nooo noo

  • so we kind of we kind of snuck up on the

  • ceiling until we get caught got an

  • amazing view though

  • so apparently it's low season right now

  • this is not a lot of people apparently

  • I'm so sick of people, there's too many

  • people here, there's so many like student

  • groups as well and they see me and

  • it gets crazy

  • oh my god they got married down there

  • we should spit on them Marzia

  • welcome to the final day of Felix has

  • no idea what's going on vlogs we're in a

  • new city now and that's about all I know

  • having a great time actually really

  • liked the architecture architecture

  • looks cool

  • this Hill is crazy I wonder if I can sit

  • on the bag and then go down is it

  • safe

  • no terribly if I drop my bag here it

  • will kill someone alright now it's going

  • upwards instead of downwards god dammit this is so annoying

  • thank you Marzia for the help

  • appreciate it

  • okay so now we're at the dome very

  • pretty cool we now we seen I'm just kidding

  • it's very but very very pretty

  • do you like it pretty it's good right

  • you have a bug on your that's how I roll

  • can I get a liquorice I've been hooked on

  • these liquorice but they seriously turn my

  • saliva into like poop

  • I just got yelled at by Marzia my god

  • Marzia we're gonna be rich boy look

  • at all that money

  • no more Youtube no more Youtube for Pewdiepie

  • this is the final vlog guys and the

  • final vid do you ever feel like a plastic

  • bag sweeping through the wind wanting to start again

  • so here we are and it's so tiny it's so

  • small oh my god it smells so bad

  • smells like I I shit my pants I don't

  • want to go in there it's terrible I think I

  • changed my mind

  • so it's supposed to be like a hot spring

  • but it's more like a shit smelling spring

  • all right let's check out the

  • temperature all meal deal it's so hot

  • it's actually pretty hot it's actually pretty

  • nice I can get down with it

  • okay I don't really want to go because

  • it smells like shit but I will go anyway

  • Should I drink it? No? You dont think it's safe?

  • farting but no one knows now you tell them all

  • that was pretty nice did you like it

  • Marzia now excuse me while I join

  • the dark side was that cringy yes

  • okay thank you all right last day in

  • Italy is over we're traveling back home

  • tomorrow to see the pugs

  • I'm so happy to be home

  • it feels so good it was a nice trip but

  • nothing like good old sweet home now

  • we're going to get the pugs but yeah I

  • hope you enjoyed this vlog I feel so

  • ready to just get back to making videos

  • I don't know when this video goes up but

  • the time times are weird right now on

  • YouTube like there's a lot of issues

  • with a lot of things I

  • feel like it was good for me to get a

  • break from it but now coming back I'm

  • fucking ready leave a like everyone

  • smash that like button let's can we get

  • a couple hundred

Hey how's it going bros.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

今までに嗅いだ中で最悪のもの... (The worst thing Ive ever smelled...)

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日