字幕表 動画を再生する
What's up. wahmennnnn luver and respecter, Pewwdiepie, here.
やぁ みんな!
I have found thee most despicable,
女性を愛し… 女性を尊敬する男、
hurtful man on the interwebs. This- tis man has...has...
俺は見つけてしまった… 最も卑劣で、
guess how much respect he has for wahmenn?
That's right. Zero! No respect! Nada! (In Swedish) Inget skit!
“害悪” な 男を!
And its hurts to ~swatch~
このネット上で、 な…
I don't even want to show it to you...
そんな男が、 どれだけ…
'Cause it's hurtful. I feel like it's my duty. It's my duty to show you this man, 'cause DAMN it!
We need to get him banned. FUCK his right to speak.
This man needs to be destroyed!! I believe in freedom of speech, BUT whenever people have an opinion opposed to mine
“ゼロ” だ!
I think they should be blocked and deleted and put in prison!?!!!
NO リスペクト!
Janusz Korwin-Mikke joins us now.
“NO” だ!
Felix: Janis Corbin Mick. Look at this man. He might look cute. He might look a little chipper.
He might look like your uncle. But this man, no, his opinions...
見てるだけで 痛々しいぜ…
*hisses in pain*
[ 噛んじゃった ] 見てるだけで 痛々しいぜ…
His opinions....
お前らには 絶対 見せたくない!
Piers Morgan: Now live from Warsaw in Poland, (morning!) welcome to you, sir.
… イタイから。
Can you explain to people in Britain, please,
これは “任務” なんだ…
why you believe women should be paid less than men because "they're weaker, smaller, and less intelligent"?
この男を、 お前らに晒すことが…
I- I am sorry, you are lying. I never said that the women should earn less.
I love his accent so much. It's goddamn beautiful. It makes this whole thing 10 times better.
“表現の自由” が なんだ…
I only said that because they are shorter, they are
weaker, they are less intelligent. They are less aggressive and so on and so on. They earn less.
“表現の自由” には賛成だが、
By the way, shorter men earn less than the tall men.
もし 俺と意見の合わない ヤツが現れたら、 そのときは…
The blonde earn more than the brunettes. There are differences and the difference - it should not be equalized
妥当なのは、 凍結されて アカ消しに遭って…
That's all.
“ブタ箱” 行きだ。
Wahmen: Can you- sorry can I just interrupt- can you give me an example, sir, sorry? Mikke: Are you saying women are not shorter than men?
( P: Janusz Korwin-Mikke氏が… )
Are you saying women are not shorter than men? What a crazy world we live in!
Janusz Korwin-Mikke め!
Jak się masz? (Polish: What's up?) my wife
my wife Wahmen: Okay, can you just give me an example of where a short man earns less than a tall man?
え、 「カワイイ」?
Newscaster: Okay, can you just give me an example of where a short man earns less than a tall man?
「小ぎれいじゃない」…? 「私の叔父さんに似てる」?
Well, I'm not defending this un-respecting women man, but there was studies on it.
でも この男は、
I don't know if New York Times is a good source.
But they did show that short men make less than tall men and it also showed *intense music*
コイツの “意見” は…
I think it also showed that bald men made less money than people with hair, but I'm not defending this man.
まぁ 聞いてみろ…!
Okay? I'm merely
( P: ポーランドのワルシャワから中継です )
giving some context.
( S: こんにちは!) ( P: ポーランドのワルシャワから中継です )
*intense stutters* It is checked, it is proved, and women earn less
( P: この番組へようこそ! では “解説” を… )
because they are and so on and so. Piers: And do you believe- Do you believe-
( P: イギリスの人に向けて お願いします )
Mikke: I didn't say that it should earn. I'm a free marketer. Piers: Let me ask you though: do you personally
( P: なぜ あなたは 「女の賃金は男より 安くあるべきだ、 なぜなら…」 )
do you- let me ask you- let me ask you- let me ask you, do you personally believe
( P: 「女は 弱くて 小さくて、 知能が低いからだ」 と? )
that women are less... Felix: What is that face he's doing? He looks so disgusted. Look at him now!
… ww
Piers: Hey, let me ask you. Do you personally believe that women are...
…… w
*pewds giggle*
…… ww
Felix: What is that? Piers: Do you understand that when you say that, you're basically
何て? w
telling the world - Mikke: And please, sir. If you please- Piers: let me finish. Let me finish. Let me finish.
( J: 私… )
Do you understand that when you say that on international women's day, what you're really doing is
( J: スミマセン、 アナタ 嘘ツイテマス、 私ハ 決シテ 「女性=低賃金」 トハ… )
Showing the world that you are just a horrendous
…… w
sexist pig?
イイねぇ、 彼のアクセント! こんなのズルいわぁ…
これで 10倍は面白くなってる。
Damn, that's right, Piers, get that disrespecting whamen man! Makes me angry.
( J: 私ハ コウ言ッタノデス、 「女性タチハ…」 )
Excuse me, why you are not interested that the women are shorter or weaker than men, and so of course they are
( J: 「小柄ダッタリ…」 )
less intelligent, several points on IQ scale. They-
( J: 「弱カッタリ、 知能ガ 低カッタリ、 活動的デナイ等ノ理由デ…」 )
Women, of course, they are less intelligent!
( J: 「給与ガ 安イ」 ト!)
Disgusting, how could you say such a disgust...
( J: チナミニ、 小柄ナ 男性モ… )
Not that sort of it but but please don't mix up things. Wahmen: Okay -
( J: 大柄ナ 男性ヨリ 低賃金ダシ… )
Piers: But if we need women ok. Let me ask me a question.. yeah if women are less...
( J: 髪色ガ 明ルイ人 ハ 暗イ人 ヨリ 高収入 デス )
Mikke: Please don't, please don't
( J: コウイッタ “違イ” ハ… )
Piers: shush shush Mikke: Please don't
( J: “均一化” サレルベキデナイ… ソウイウコトデス )
Piers: when when you say women are look Mikke: No! I'm sorry-
( S: すみません、 いいですか…? もっと こう、 具体的な例を… )
Felix: Please don't- at least he's saying please. Piers is just like "Shush, shush. I have to speak. You are
( J: 「女性ハ 男性ヨリ 高身長ダ」 ト? )
disrespecting women" God bless you Piers
「女は男より背が低くない ですってェ…?」
Be quiet. You are disrespecting wahmen and I need you to be quiet
Piers: Intelligent than men.. Mikke: I'm sorry, I was talking to you...
「ねぇ、 大丈夫ですかァ…」
How can you say that women are less intelligent and male when you yourself sound
So unbelievably stupid?
( S: では、 背が低い男性が 背の高い男性より 稼ぎが良い という事例を教えてください )
この “男尊女卑男” を擁護する ワケじゃないぜ、 でもさぁ…
Get em Piers. You are so dumb. Oh
そういう研究は あるんだ。
*sings* Hello darkness my old friend. I've come to talk with you again.
New York Timesが 参考に なるかは 知らんけど…
I don't - I have not understood you.
「身長の低い男性は 身長の高い男性より 収入が低い」 … という記事を出してる
Because you're too stupid! Felix: Oh!
それから… こうも書いてたかな?
double critical damage. Piers: How can you say that women are less intelligent than men when you are saying such
「ハゲ頭の男性は、 」
incredibly stupid things? Mikke: Why?
「比較的 稼ぎが悪い…」
Y-yeah, how can you say that when you yourself say such stupid things?
「毛のある人より」 と。
Mikke: Well, first of all
いいか、 俺は ただ…
Just love he talks. It's so beautiful. It really rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?
“背景” を述べてるんだ。
first of all
( J: コレハ 確認サレ、 証明サレテイマス… )
( J: 「女性ノ方ガ 収入ガ 低イノニハ コウイウ 理由ガ アル」 ト イウ… )
( P: ならば問います、 あなたは… )
It is you are saying a stupid you it is
( J: 「安月給 デアル “ベキ” 」 トハ 言ッテマセン! 私ノ 主張ハ… )
Scientifically proved that you say that what is scientists?
( P: 質問してもいいですか… )
Determined you say it is stupid thing. Not. Well, it only shows so that that you are idiot
( J: 自由市場主義デアリ… )
Boom, strike back! Mikke: And don't believe in science. Felix: BOOM
( P: あなたに問いますが… )
And please don't, don't mix up, don't mix things up, the women are less intelligent than men
( J: 人々ノ 給与ハ 全員… )
I like this little text that shows up here - says: "Women should be paid less than men"
( P: はい、 質問… 質問させて!)
You are lying. I never said that the women should earn less
( P: あなたの主張は こうですか… )
No, that's it doesn't matter what he says. That's that's the fact
( P: 「女性の給与は低く…」 )
Piers: Wahmen, would you like to speak to this gentleman who thinks that women are made to be less intelligent?
見ろよ… コイツの顔! w
See what Piers is doing her? He's giving the whaman a platform to speak. He's not just, uh
…… w
taking every word for himself, he realises
Let my lady would you like to open your mouth and have opinion as well because you can because I respect you as a woman
( P: では、 質問します… )
My name is Piers Morgan. Whaman: I feel like I've kind of been
rendered speechless. Piers: Sorry, the lady is about to speak, if that's all right with you. We have quite a short lady, uh
( P: あなたの主張としては… )
who I think might take exception to almost everything you've just said, so
Well, I find it absolutely fascinating. Can I just establish your
…… w
credentials? You-you're a member of the European parliament. That's right?
なんだ この顔… ww
Hell yeah...
( P: あなた、 分かってますか? その主張が意味することは… )
I mean, no!
( J: アノ… スミマセンガ… )
And what I don't understand, while I would agree that in cases that women are physically weaker than men,
( P: 質問の途中です! 途中ですから!)
I don't understand how you can possibly justify a pay gap on the fact that women are
…… w ( P: 質問の途中です! 途中ですから!)
shorter than men, because whatever your argument, that is just complete rubbish. Piers: How tall you? Whaman: Five foot four. Piers: Right. There we go.
( P: この “国際女性デー” という日に、 そういう発言をするということは… )
Got him! That's my man Piers. "How tall are you?" Five foot four. Point proven.
( P: 自分で言っているようなものですよ、 「______________」 と。 )
Got em! Can't argue with statistics when you got one example.
( P: 自分で言っているようなものですよ、 「ブッ飛んだ_________」 と。 )
Quite rubbish. I'm sorry, you're still believing in stereotypes, but
( P: 自分で言っているようなものですよ、 「ブッ飛んだ性差別主義の___」 と。 )
What? You are believing in
( P: 自分で言っているようなものですよ、 「ブッ飛んだ性差別主義のブタだ」 と。 )
- Forget it. - It's like a joke man. You've got some front wheel along to talk about stereotypes.
(; ゚∀゚)< オ──────ゥ!!
What is happening?
その通りだぜ、 Piersさん…
I have no idea, but it's extremely entertaining.
この “男尊女卑男” め!
Think your special brand of
あ゙ぁ゙~ ハラ立つ!
celebration of-of women is-is struggling a bit given your extraordinary private life, with
( J: オ言葉デスガ… )
eight children by four different women.
( J: 「女性ハ 男性ヨリ 低身長デ 弱々シイ」 トイウ “主張” ニハ 興味ヲ 示サナイノデスカ? )
Oh shit
( J: 当然ナガラ、 女性ハ… )
Piers did some digging on this man. Apparently he has
( J: IQテストノ 何項目カニオイテ、 男性ヨリ 低イ点数ト ナッテイマス )
eight children with four different wamen.
「女は 当然 知能が低いですゥ~」 って?
- I'm obviously... - I'm talking about science ... - Obviously I'm a stupid
- Obviously I'm the stupid... Obviously I'm the stupid one here - But please, stop - Let me
コイツめ、 よくも そんなことを…!!
- Stop - No you stop talking
( J: ソレニ関シテハ 否定シマセンガ、 )
Stop, please stop
( J: デモ、 早合点 シナイデ クダサイ… )
( P: しかし 女性が、 その… ) ( J: コレハ アクマデ “可能性” ノ 話 デアリ、 )
( P: ちょ、 ちょっと質問しても… ) ( J: コレハ アクマデ “可能性” ノ 話 デアリ、 )
Oh man, I love this so much.
( P: ちょ、 ちょっと質問しても… ) ( J: 実際、 女性ハ 賢イノデス )
-Stupidity, I don't know if you're aware of this because you're an incredibly stupid man,
( J: 実際、 女性ハ 賢イノデス )
is linked to
( P: 仮に 女性の方が 頭が悪いとしても… )
intelligence, do you see-do you see how it works?
( J: オ願イデス、 勘違イ シナイデ… ) ( P: 仮に 女性の方が 頭が悪いとしても… )
it is one of the most interesting interviews
( J: オ願イデス、 勘違イ シナイデ… ) ( P: まだです! 私が話してるんです!)
I think I've ever
( J: オ願イデスカラ、 私ノ 発言ヲ… ) ( P: まだです! 私が話してるんです!)
Witnessed actually, and I do feel like I sat on the sidelines while two men-
( J: オ願イデスカラ、 私ノ 発言ヲ… ) ((( P: 黙ってくれ!)))
Because you're a whaman!
( J: 絶対ニ 勘違イ ダケハ… ) ((( P: 静かに! シーッ!)))
They sit on the sidelines. I'm j-I mean no
( J: 違イマス! 私ハ… ) ( P: あなたが言ったことは、 女性を… )
You think it's over? Oh, it's merely just begun.
( P: あなたが言ったことは、 女性を… )
- sorry - yeah go on
( J: 違ウンダ!) ( P: あなたが言ったことは、 女性を… )
But please
「お願いです、 違うんですゥ…」
Let me say something. I never said that women should earn less
少なくとも 彼は “お願い” を してるのに、 Piersのヤツ…
I'm only explaining to this idiot feminist
「 ( ゚Д゚)< 黙れェ!!! 」
Because they say: "Oh, women are earning less. Why?" So I'm explaining why.
「 ( ゚Д゚)< 俺様が “証明” する…!! 」
- right
「 ( ゚Д゚)< お前の “女性蔑視” を!!!! 」
If you are
お大事にな、 Piersさんよォ…
- If you are weaker... - Do you have a final - You have to earn less
「 (#゚Д゚)< 黙れェ──────!!! 」
- Do you have... - Not, not that... - We got that..
「 (#゚Д゚)< この “男尊女卑男” !! 」
- Excuse me
「 (#゚Д゚)< お前にゃ喋らせねェ───!!! 」
a shorter man
( J: オ言葉デスガ… ) ( P: 男性より頭が悪いと言うなら… )
( P: 男性より頭が悪いと言うなら… )
a shorter man
( J: スミマセンガ、 私ガ 話シテイタノニ… )
How tall are you?
( P: なら、 あなたは… ) ( J: スミマセンガ、 私ガ 話シテイタノニ… )
Oh, in english I don't know, but one metre eighty-nine.
( P: なぜ 「女性は頭が悪い」 と言い切るのですか? )
That sounded like English to me.
( J: ハイ…? ) ( P: なぜ 「女性は頭が悪い」 と言い切るのですか? )
Right, 'bout six foot, okay.
( P: 私にとっては、 あなたの方が “________” なんですが。 )
It's quite extraordinary to have a guy that tall who's so
( P: 私にとっては、 あなたの方が “信じがたい___” なんですが。 )
unbelievably dim. And uh, do you have a final message for the women of the world on
( P: 私にとっては、 あなたの方が “信じがたい大バカ” なんですが。 )
International women's day that you can talk to them directly? What would you like to say?
(; ゚Д゚)< ア゙──────ゥ !!
My nama jeff
イイぜェ、 Piers…!!
Now, the first time I watched this, my initial reaction was "holy shit this guy's insane"
"What the fuck is he saying? How can he say these things? It's-it's
…… クズ以下だ!
He is definitely sexist" But second time I watched it,
ハロー、 “暗闇” 君よ~♪
interpreting all his stumbling and mumbling, I understand what he's trying to say. He-like he said many times,
he's not saying women should earn less. He's saying they are
( J: イヤ… 理解デキマセンネ )
because of these reasons. And like I said
…… w ( J: イヤ… 理解デキマセンネ )
I don't know if there's a statistic that show that women in general are
( J: イヤ… 理解デキマセンネ )
less intelligent than men, and if there is, I would say "what's the fucking point"?
( P: でしょうね… バカですから。 )
I feel like I'm sort of in another corner in this discussion.
(; ゚∀゚)< オォ──────────ゥ!!!!
He's basically saying there is a gender gap because these reasons. Piers Morgan is saying there is a gender gap and you're
まさかの ダブル ・ クリティカル…!!
disgusting. I'm saying there is no gender gap. It's been it's been debunked several times now
( P: なぜ あなたは、 「女性の方が 男性より 頭が悪い」 と言い切れるのですか… )
I'm probably not the right person to talk about this
( P: あなた自身が こんなにも 愚かなことを言っているのに? )
But the gender gap is something that a lot of people you probably heard about that women earn less than men. -Today the typical
( J: “ナゼ” …? )
woman who works full-time earns
( P: そう! ご自分の方が よっぽど バカな発言をしてるのに ですよ? )
79 cents for every Dollar that a typical man makes
( J: マズ、 最初ニ… )
This is definitely not a statement made so that people can pat themselves on the back, gosh
( J: フェイ イェイ イェイ アン アッ… インッ アッ アィ…… )
it's so hard being a woman, and it's not a it's not a
( J: 説明シマショウ。 )
statement that men make to further themselves in different areas, say,
…… w
politics. What they did with the gender gap is that they took old men and old women and did a median on it and said
この喋り方、 スキだなぁ…
Oh okay
Women earn this amount less than men in general. What they don't take in account is
Well pretty much anything at all, like women working less hours
舌 めっちゃ巻くよな?
Women choosing less high paying jobs, and so on and so forth. Now if you take these factors into account,
「まず 初めにィ…」
basically the Gender Gap comes out to pretty much nothing because men and women are paid generally
「 ベベベベベイ ベベイ ベベイ ベベイ ベ… 」 w
equal because it is governed by the law. You can't pay someone less money because of their gender.
( J: フェイ イェイ イェイ アン アッ… インッ アッ アィ…… )
It's illegal.
( J: 説明シマショウ。 )
it's been illegal for forty-five years.
( J: 私ヲ 「バカ」 ト 言ウナラ、 アナタハ… )
If women were paid less than men then why doesn't all
( J: スナワチ、 )
companies just hire women. You would have to pay them less for the same job
( J: 科学的ニ 証明サレタ 事象ニ… )
But this statement lives on because politicians like wants to further themself people want to feel better by saying it.
( J: 科学者ガ 決メタ “定義” ニ 対シテ 「バカ」 ト 言ッテイルノト 同ジデス )
"Ah! Women!"
( J: ツマリ、 )
People want to pass themselves on the back,
( J: アナタハ 大衆ニ 晒シタノデス… 自分ガ コンナニ “__” デアル ト )
when really you're doing more harm than good by making statements like this.
( J: アナタハ 大衆ニ 晒シタノデス… 自分ガ コンナニ “あほ” デアル ト )
Now basically what the man was saying was there's more than one pay gap: if you're shorter you get paid less, if you are less intelligent,
(; ゚Д゚)< ブ────── ン !!!
you're more likely to get paid less, if you are fat you
you are likely to get paid less. All these different things all these different privileges they all come down
( J: ソレハ “反科学主義” デスヨ、 ネ? )
To less, less pay.
(; ゚Д゚)< ブ───── ン !!! ( J: ソレハ “反科学主義” デスヨ、 ネ? )
But here's so desperately wants to show that he's a good man that he's irrational
( J: オ願イデスカラ… )
He won't even like listen to what he said he said several times
( J: 私ノ 話ヲ… 混同シナイデ クダサイ )
I don't think women should get paid less by those I never said that women should earn less
( J: 「女性ノ方ガ 知能ガ低イ」 ト イウノハ… )
He said what like what three times would you completely ignored because Piers so desperately wants to show
ここに 小さいテロップが 出てるんだが…
I'm standing up for women it's so easy. It's so easy to just be like oh
[ 「女は男より低収入が妥当」 と発言 ]
You're just you're disrespecting women you're a disgusting sexist pig
( J: アナタ 嘘ツイテマス、 私ハ 「女=低賃金」 トハ 言ッテマセン )
Who's tough you're in the parliament get this man out of the parliament?
Let's dismiss everything else this man believes him because he's sexist and disgusting what was the point of this video absolutely nothing?
そ… そんなの関係ねーよ!
I should probably I feel like I should probably drop this whole meme with Whamon for a while before
ここでは… これが “真実” だ!
Wall Street makes another montage of all the stuff together let me talk final closing thought on this video
( P: Susanna、 この “紳士” に 言いたいことは? )
if you're female watching this I want you to know that you are not what the media or
( P: まだ 「女の方が 頭が悪い」 とか言ってるけど… )
politicians or
( J: ソモソモ “知能” トハ… ) ( P: まだ 「女の方が 頭が悪い」 とか言ってるけど… )
People on Twitter trying to tell you or even what I am trying to say you're not weak
( P: まだ 「女の方が 頭が悪い」 とか言ってるけど… )
You are not less privileged. You are strong. I think it's such an unhealthy way of looking at things
Piersの “動き” に 注目だ…
What happened to- I'm a woman hear me roar?
いま、 彼は…
It's become. I'm a woman agh
““女性”” に、
I earn less than men.... heh ughr hehe
発言の “舞台” を与えた!