字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント One of the most common questions I am told is, Felix How do you remain so humble? And I gotta say Being the most successful Youtuber of all time Having the most views of all time Being this attractive (sure pewds), being this charismatic being this all-around wonderful being that everyone just loves, it's not easy to remain this humble BUT WHAT I DO is I look at other humble people And I appreciate their humbleness And that inspires me to become even more humble. I'm actually not just humble. I'm way more humble than I think you could even understand. So let's explore some other humble people that we can find inspiration from, together. (?subreddit ?review) Calming music with beautiful intro title??) The agony of being too beautiful to stay faithful. ouhh (in pain) Uh(in pain) . This one hits close to home. I... I am extremely attractive. (laughs) And It's just a pain. It's not just a pain, it is an Agony. One woman's !!VERY!! brave confession Incredible Absolutely, this this I feel this one. Alright, let's click on the next video. Oh! Oops.. How is- what is this doing here? Oh that times magazine hundred most influential people Felix Kjellberg article written by none other than Trey Parker himself I can't believe THIS... just popped up there. Don't wanna brag but my neckbeard is looking Ok today huuuh... This is so typical of so many youtubers Their ego has just blown out of proportion that they don't realize when they're not being humble Absolutely, disgusting behavior from jacksFilms. And I expect nothing less from him to be honest. I get it! I'm not a celebrity I just have over two billion views online and get approached by people every time I go out in public. Yeah, that's right. Stop calling me a celebrity I can't barely leave the door without the swarm of paparazzi and fans meeting me left and right Please step aside I am just a mere human trying to walk along you Stop calling me a celebrity because I am NOT. Never changed on easy on. The new pope is a humble man Very much like me which is- which probably explains why I like him so much. I understand this one humble beings get attracted to other humble character That's this simple science fact, if you're not humble, then you probably can't understand this - You're not known to be a humble man, but I wonder... - I think I am actually humble I think I'm much more humble than you would understand ??? I love this clip. He's so awesome That's an example of a humble man. No one likes someone that brags constantly Son: Oooh! NO WAY. NO WAY! MOM MOM! MOM! Mom: Yeah? Son: I'm a 443 subscribers! Mom: WHO GIVES A SHIT? Son: Ow ??? Ow ooOwWWw ?????? See no one likes you ki- little kid. No one cares about how many subscribers you have Stop bragging about your 450 subscribers. Did I mention that I have 62 million, by the way? Oh, what is this? The most handsome faces of 2017. Oh, I forgot this tab open. Oh, sorry guys, I was Doing some research on humble people and this showed up. Not my intention. I'm on a walk and cis guys keep checking me out. UUUUUGH All these boys just keep looking at me AAAHHH Just don't you just hate when that happens, especially cis guys? Absolute worst Is it just me or does this paid off 2016 Ranger Rover make my new haircut look good? A very nice combination of being humble about your haircut and your new vehicle at once. Very inspiring self Oh, it keeps going. I've been doing this thing lately where I tip people obscenely and give money to all the homeless people I see. Literal saint here guys. What a humble character. Love is when your seven-year-old knocks your Woman of the Year Award off the shelf. Did I mention that I was Woman of the Year... Award, by the way? Smashes it and you scoop him up and tell him it's fine because the work you did to get that award is still out there in the world, and I don't need a big bronze eagle with my name on it People already know Especially thanks to tweets like this one When I have a drawer full of letters from readers whose lives have changed instead he's more distraught than I am, poor sausage I'm so glad they gave woman of the year to such a humble character That doesn't like to brag... or at least humble brag. A homeless woman asked me to buy her water So I did. Two of the best brands WOW ??? Literal saint! The best brands of water for a homeless person Don't you think you that's a little too far? Don't you think that's spending money a bit too carelessly? When I exited !WHOLE FOODS! DiD I mENtiOnEd I sHOp fOod At Whole Foods? I asked her to choose which bottle Which- which bottle of water do you wha-ha-ha? I did this action to remind MYSELF That no matter what situation we are in we always have a choice ? ? ? Humbleness is a beautiful thing ? ? ? Incredible ? ? ? Now that's was this is all about. The second thing I wanted to address in this video is the comments of me being a rich kid I'm gonna go ahead and address you guys right now. That is not the case !SHUTUP! That is not the case with this channel You know, you guys might be on the wrong channel if you think then that I'm a rich kid of some sort I'm just trying to address that guys. I just had worked very hard for what I've got on my channel and I take that with pride and joy, and the last thing is *curb your richkid* Extremely humble characters. I just love how YouTube especially just breeds humble character It's- it's a community just filled with people that don't wanna show off too much It's not like it just rewards the whole channel by putting money in the title. Which creates a- eeh- wonderful ecosystem of just humble characters such as me I am so happy I gave up a scholarship to get my masters to become a youtuber ha hah ah??? Is this me? ??? Yeah, I don't know if you guys knew this but I used to study Industrial Academy and Management It was required It would have given me a high-paid job and I didn't- I'm so glad I decided to go with what I love. I never felt more ALIIIIVE I'M SO HAMBLEEEEE!!!! It's not every day that you have a dragonfly land on your finger when you're washing your car You must know I donate a lot of money to these environmental groups By the way, did I tell you ARJYGUYFJHINRDC? A classic example of how to be humble. This completely unrelated thing happened So this gives me a chance to be humble about what I am so great. I see a reoccurring pattern here ?? Sure, they catcall me Sure, they tell me I'm pretty. Sure my outfits are great Sure, they tell me that my art can save the world But does any of it mean anything? Do they see the struggles and victories of an artist, a thinker, behind closed doors? IS ANYONE SERIOUS anymore? I think the same thing all the time. Yes, I have an extremely attractive persona and face But is anyone really serious? I have also extremely amount of intellects collected in here. Does anyone even see that? *applause* ? ? ? ? ? ? Number one rule of being humble is that giving to the homeless. Only counts if you're filming it. Otherwise Who's gonna know about it? Even with 140 IQ Did I mention that my IQ is 140? I still can't install a printer Even with 105 m... thousand IQ I'm still just a dummy like you guys Even though I am incredibly smart. I am still just a dummy dumb AVG protected you from several threats recently AVG - the most HUMBLE! ? Antivirus software of all time- he heh he ??? *just regular humble jake paul's song* This is the national anthem for humble characters. Such as myself and JP My favorite part of the event Hey, you have an interview in 10 minutes Me: Sorry, I'll be signing stuff and taking photos until I have met everyone *the same JP's song again* we always have a choise *thankfully* *bye guys* *brofist*